Self-relaxers: Did some of u go to beauty school to learn how to relax your NG?


Well-Known Member
Those of you who self relax your own hair. Did you go to a beauty school to learn how to do your own touch ups?

I'm thinking about going to a local beauty school to learn how to do my own touch up. My issue is the application technique and I want to learn and practice it somewhere else before doing it on my head. :look:

Any tips and advice? Am I the only Hair styling challenged person in this board? :sad:
I am natural but when I did self-relax I would just cover the already relaxed parts of my hair with conditioner so that i would not over process.

No beauty school.
lol just be careful not to pick up the habits that made us stop going to salons and become self relaxers in the first place.

I learned by watching my mom do mine and now I do mine and when I go home I do my mom's
are you just going to school to learn how to relax. it takes away before you get to that part. i went to school and it is always good to learn and try different things, but do you plan on making a career out of it? beauty schools cost a lot of money and time. there is a sticky on how to self relax here. do you part your hair in sections and work on each section at a time? do you base your scalp and hairline? do you use plastic hair clips for each section? do you use a hair timer? do you use a comb to part your section? you should use an application brush too. someone suggested applying conditioner to the previous relaxed hair to avoid over processing. there are a lot of things that school won't teach you that you can learn from here. i say do a lot of research, get some cholestoral conditioner, a manniquin, tools needed to relax and practices with the timer. this is how they are going to teach you because you can't practice (using chemicals) on a human until you reach the clinic floor or reach 200 hours.
You're not the only style-challenged person by far and going to a beauty school isn't a bad idea. The relaxing kit comes with directions for no-lye and many ladies on here have posted their techniques. The best way to learn anything is to try and try again with plenty of research.
I've been self-relaxing for years and have made many mistakes. The information on this forum will teach how to self-relax successfully, avoiding most of the mistakes I made. If you do a seach, I'm sure you will pull up many threads on the subject.

The best tip that I learned here is to coat the previously-relaxed ends with oil or conditioner to prevent overprocessing when the relaxer is rinsed out. I used to read the instructions that came with boxed relaxer kits and never read that. I also never saw a stylist do that.

My self-relaxing technique gets better with practice, no beauty school required.
Nope, I just read and re-read all of the self-relaxing threads here on LHCF for about a year and a half.

My self-relaxing results are way better than the salon!
Nope I am style challenged as well. I currently have no desire to relax my own head. Its just some things I'm not trying to learn :look:

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