Self Relaxer Question


New Member
I had a friend to apply a Phyto Index 1 relaxer last night...just a touch up. (My first time not relying on a professional.) Anyway, I followed the necessary steps after the treatment. I neutralized my hair, which I had to do 3 times before I saw a white lather. Two of those 3 times, I lost what I thought were nice chunks of hair. When I put the chunks together, it looked to be a bit larger than a silver dollar in my palm. I figured it was due to the fact that I really didn't comb through my hair for a few days before I got the relaxer. But for those of you who self-relax, is it common to lose so much hair while neutralizing? I know a lot of you do a protein reconstructor before you neutralize, which I didn't do because I was scared it would mess up everything. Is this why you do this step? Just wondering. I've never done an at-home relaxer before (I needed one really bad). Now, after I conditioned, I lost very few hairs. (But I still lost more than I thought I should have...about 10 hairs WITHOUT white bulbs on them to indicate shedding.)

Is this to be expected?
Well shedding, yes if you have a low manipulation regimen. I rarely comb my hair so when I do manipulate it, I have lots of shedding. As far as the ten strands of hair without the bulbs, where they shorter broken off hairs?
I do the protein conditioner (Affirm 5 in 1) right after rinsing the relaxer out because that is the 2nd step of the process. I also did a retouch once after not combing my hair a few days before and I thought I was going bald after retouching. Also, every now and then I have a few strands of hair come out.
Oh and some ladies do a protein treatment 2wks or so before doing a retouch, for strength. If I'm not mistaken, Sistaslick has something on self relaxing before and after tips, which are really good.I don't know how to add the thread here but look in the search tool under self-relaxing tips or maybe PM sistaslick and she can direct you in the right direction of that thread. HTH (Hope this helps).
Thanks you ladies so much.

The ten strands were long, but I didn't see the white bulbs at the ends. (I really believe my friend overlapped the relaxer as well.)

I just wanted to know if I was experiencing a setback, because if so, I want to correct it before it becomes too bad.

I have come too far (all thanks to this board!).