

Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies :)

I have a dilemma I wanted wisdom on. Since joining this board last February (thanks to brazenxvirtue & blackcardinal :D ) my hair has grown about two and a half inches (slow but steady, at least) and my hair's health has been a vast improvement.

My breakage is a lot less than it used to be, but whenever I self-relax, it feels like I go back in progress cuz the breakage is a lot. I'm relaxing every 6 to 8 weeks (which is frequent yes, but considering when my hair was a lot more unhealthy and i was relaxing every 4 weeks, it's a big step). I'm wondering if it could be the type of relaxer I'm using (CON self-relaxer) or if i'm over-processing my hair, because my hair is really brittle after relaxing and it usually takes a couple of days of extra TLC (Humectress, Keraphix/or Aphogee, Profectiv Breakfree deep condition) to get it back to normal. Any advice? :perplexed
Hmmm... describe the steps that you take when you do the relaxer. Maybe it is the application.

I don't have any experience with con relaxer... sorry.
I mix according to the instructions and apply only to the new growth, which is pretty easy to distinguish cuz it's hella nappy. I can usually apply to the new growth in 10-15 minutes depending on how much there is then I spend the remaining time (usually 20 mins total) smoothing with my fingers.
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No, I've always used no-lye b/c that's the only thing I ever saw in stores growing up. So seeing the lye ones scared me because it just sounds better when something is no-an ingrediant than when it has it. But maybe it is the no lye relaxer.

**searches forum for lye vs. no-lye**
maybe you can try getting someone else to put it on for you, it oesnt have to be at a shop. This is from someone who is too scared to even think about putting her own relaxer :D
Sounds to me like some overprocessing is going on, 15 min to apply and 20 min smoothing that's 35 min. tops, You need to check the hair to see if its done relaxing at about 20 min to prevent overprocessing. Maybe you should strand test a small section to see how long it actually takes to straighten the hair that way you know exactly how long it takes to completely straighten your hair, starting w/ the most resistant area first.Also coat the previous relaxed hair w/ cond. or something to help w/ preventing overlapping. ? what type of relaxer are you using mild, regular or super?
Maybe it's the Creme Of Nature I noticed my hair has broken alot with that relaxer also. My whole left side in the crown area had broken off which is now growing back. The salon I went to for 2 years was using this relaxer and I had no idea what they were using she used to go in the back and come back with something in a black container.Once she told me Optimum and then I peeked and saw it was Creme of Nature.
I heard so not so good things about the no lye formula for some. I heard positives about the CON lye formula. I read the maximum for relaxing with CON is 30 minutes.
Last time I had my mommy do it (mom becomes mommy when i want her to do my hair :)) and it still had breakage. Next time I'll try a different brand. I'd try lye but I can never find any lye relaxers