Self-relaxed for 1st time!! I love my hair!!


New Member
Thank you ladies, I never thought I could ever self relax without a disaster, used Phyto II I was 11.5weeks post , and my hair came out great!! Everyone is complementing me, it even looks better than if I went to the hairdresser and spent all that money.
I used Aveda Treatment as a reconstructor and used the sample Phyto Plant Marrow to nourish the hair, and there's no breakage!! I used my Maxiglide for the first time, and I'll be uploading my pics tomorrow!

Thanks LHCF for helping me with the many threads on this topic. I'm at least 3 inches longer than I was earlier in the summer, and I cant wait till my 1yr anniversary next July!!

Congrats!! I am really thinking about going back to doing my own relaxers again but not really sure. :)
Nice job, i'm going to try self relaxing again in about two weeks. I haven't self relaxed in about 3 years. After reading so much information on the board I think that I can relax my hair the correct way.
*bumping for pics:D *

Hey girl~ I can't wait to see your pics because your one of my hair inspirations!!
you had such tremendous progress in so little time! You grow girl! How was phyto the second time around??? I noticed that some people like it in the early stages and then kinda don't like after.
Finally have pics uploaded!

Nothing spectacular in regards to growth, I think I'm really close or just about inching towards shoulder length. My next target goal is APL, hoping for that by May, or at least by summer :D I'm hoping the new coabo of Nioxin pills and MTG will get it growing! I'm happy cause when I look at my pics from July, I do see a major difference! Phyto rocks! Only reason I self relaxed is cause I knew the likelihood of me messing up with Phyto was minimal compared to others. Day 2, no breakage, so I'm excited :)
In addition to phyto, I used

I used Aveda's Intensive Treatment with heating cap for 30mins
then used a collabo of the following below with heating cap for 20mins
Polly gave me samples when I ordered Phyto of many stuff including Phyto plant marrow, I love this stuff!! Its for dry hair, I figured I needed to nourish my hair after the relaxer
Silicon mix
Generic Humectress

So this is where I stand 5months after I started my hair journey on LHCF, and my finale for 2005. I thank you guys for everything, this place has been a blessing to me in many ways, from $5 I've made $16000+ in profit and counting thru 12daily and discovered many moneymaking avenues on the web, I've discovered how to take care of my hair, and most importantly great sisterly love and support. Goodluck ladies with 2006, I look forward to sharing even more along the way :)
Its nice to hear you had a good self relaxing experience. Your hair looks so healthy. You are definitely on the right track:) .
Thanks ladies
Y'all are definitely inspiring, the more I look at your own pics and progress, the more I'm motivated. First its shoulder and then after than armpit length!
DahomeyAhosi said:
Congrats Naija. Self-relaxing is so freeing.

Girl your hair gets me going everytime i see your pics, I dont know if I'll ever get to that but definitely an inspiration to see.