Self haircut?


Well-Known Member
I had some breakage awhile back that I decided to grow out.. It has but I want to take about 2 inches off at the nape to even my hair. I am in between stylists right now because of damage done by a coloring treatment done wrong. I was wondering do any of you cut your own hair? If so, how? Or should I just find a stylist to take the two inches off at my nape?
I don't have any info. on cuts, but I do have info. on trims. I hope this helps. I plan to trim my own hair from now on, which is why I've been bookmarking these pages. Remember to use very sharp scissors. :)

SouthernGirl's fotki has trimming instructions at the bottom of her "My Journals" page. Check out her profile for her password.
I have cut my hair anywhere from 1-3 inches and I just put it into a ponytail and cut the end of it off.This ususally creates a blunt cut.
thanks.. but do you put it in a low, mid, or high ponytail.. and do you have any pics of the ponytail that you use?