Seems like my growth has stagnated..

I'm with you Val. This is hard. Plus, I'm a slow grower to boot (only grow about 4-5 in a year). I have been wearing my hair up off my shoulders all summer when I do both wash n gos and when it's straight by just pinning it up with clips. As soon as the weather gets cool I plan on bunning all winter. I will probably only scrape APL next July but at least it is growing. I noticed that when I stopped looking for growth (a watched pot never boils, right?!) I seemed to notice more growth. I noticed that when I'm not on the hair boards as much, I don't even really think about growth :look:
thanks Nonie. I should dust more often... I haven't since May and I know I need to. It seems so strange that my hair grew fast from BC to SL in about 9 months and then screeched to a halt. When I stretch from the nape sideways, the hair falls just below the collar bone.

Thanks for all the tips ladies!
thanks @Nonie. I should dust more often... I haven't since May and I know I need to. It seems so strange that my hair grew fast from BC to SL in about 9 months and then screeched to a halt. When I stretch from the nape sideways, the hair falls just below the collar bone.

Thanks for all the tips ladies!

@Val, that's always the case. And it's not just because at SL your hair encounters friction with shoulders/clothes, but also your hair is old now. It is not as strong as it was between one month and nine.

Now just because you dust today doesn't mean it'll suddenly leap to a longer length in a few months. It depends on how much damage your ends have endured. Damage isn't always visible coz it could be as small as this _ and at that size it could be as bad as this:

So when you dust, the tricky part will be whether you will get rid of all the damage with that one trim done so late. As I show in the image below, trimming at C leaves behind damage that continues to lead to breakage. Trimming at A is better...but notice only the second strand has all the damage removed. The others still have some damage left, which means those hairs will continue to break.


Had the person been dusting regularly, then cutting off very little would have been keeping the damage from traveling up the strands and each dust would have been getting rid of damage. My last trim was June 19 (8 weeks ago) and I'm doing one today. And how much can I get away with? I can get away with dusting this much __ My ends look great, but I will still dust that much. Why? Because I know, whether I see it or not, wearing takes place and I'm grateful it is still at a scale where I cannot see it. So by dusting that much, I trust I get rid of the weathered parts and so I keep having nice full ends.
I feel the same way. I have been taking comparison pics the past few months and I can see a difference in thickness of my hair but I still feel that my length is the same as it was six months ago.


Same here! It was making me crazy! But then I realized that the front if my hair is now where the back of my hair was (hence it appears thicker b/c there are more strands) so now I don't feel as nutty.

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@Nonie, how do you effectively dust the back of your head?

belldandy, I usually dust by feel not sight. My hair is usually in small twists, and I put them all in a ponytail then pull out one twist at a time, slide fingers along it to the ends, then stretch the end so I'm holding about 1/4 inch an snip it off. Or use one and to slide to the ends, use fingers of the other hand to feel how much is left...slide the fingers some more till only a tiny bit is exposed and snip it off using my fingers to guide me.
@belldandy, I usually dust by feel not sight. My hair is usually in small twists, and I put them all in a ponytail then pull out one twist at a time, slide fingers along it to the ends, then stretch the end so I'm holding about 1/4 inch an snip it off. Or use one and to slide to the ends, use fingers of the other hand to feel how much is left...slide the fingers some more till only a tiny bit is exposed and snip it off using my fingers to guide me.

Okay, thanks, I was wondering. I always dust the front more thoroughly. I will try this method.:yep::yep: