Seeking Prayer for My Dad...


Active Member
Hi, Ladies. My father had a heart attack and I'm so scared. When I got home from work yesterday (Wed.), there was a message on my phone from the hospital. :(

I'll be leaving to see him later this morning. I haven't posted much lately, but remembered that there are a lot of prayerful, Christian ladies here. This is all just starting to sink in now because I spent the evening talking to the nurse, calling my family members to let them know, making travel arrangements, washing clothes, packing, crying, etc. I came online because I couldn't sleep. But now, I'm going to force myself to sleep so I can be alert later today. I have prayed alone, and with my family, but am still very scared. :(
I have sent up a prayer for you and your father. Stay strong for him and continue to seek the Lord in prayer. God is in control!
I've siad a prayer for you and your dad, and trust that God will see you through this difficult time. Stay encouraged!
renee_n_3000 said:
Hi, Ladies. My father had a heart attack and I'm so scared. When I got home from work yesterday (Wed.), there was a message on my phone from the hospital. :(

I'll be leaving to see him later this morning. I haven't posted much lately, but remembered that there are a lot of prayerful, Christian ladies here. This is all just starting to sink in now because I spent the evening talking to the nurse, calling my family members to let them know, making travel arrangements, washing clothes, packing, crying, etc. I came online because I couldn't sleep. But now, I'm going to force myself to sleep so I can be alert later today. I have prayed alone, and with my family, but am still very scared. :(

Father God you know all about Renee's father and Father I don't have to send you to the hospital because you're already there. Lord I ask that you strengthen my sister and give her peace even in the midst of this situation. Father I ask that you touch her father's heart and make it new. Lord I ask that you delivery him today and bring yourself glory.
Father I speak healing right now I speak peace.

I call it done today and these and other blessings I ask in Jesus name AMEN.
I just sent up a prayer for your father and for your family. Trust in the Great Healer and Physician.
Lord, We thank you for being a healer. We're thankful that we don't have to rely on man or doctor's or new medical technology to heal our bodies. We thank you for being Jehovah Rapha, for there is no healer like You. Who else can heal with just a word? Lord, we are thankful that You don't need expensive medicine, needles, or x-ray machines to heal. Lord, just one word from You can heal bodies and eradicate diseases. That's why we worship You.

So right now Father God, we thank You for healing our sister Renee's father. We thank You for being with her father in the hospital room and for comforting her as she prepares to visit him.

We thank You not only for healing, but for giving this family peace.

Thank You for who You are and we give You all the HONOR, GLORY, and PRAISE. In Jesus' precious name - AMEN!!!!!
Thank you, ladies, for your prayers and encouraging words! This is the first time I have had a chance to come online since I last posted and my father is doing much, much better! There are still more tests that need to be done to show how much damage was done to his heart and other organs, but I have faith in the Lord that my father will be healed. He is in good spirits and says he is in no pain, and I am very thankful for that.

I thank you, again, because it really means so much to me to have your prayers. :)

May God bless all of you and your loved ones,
Renee :)
Precious Renee, I too am praying for you and your dad. For we have a much higher hope.

For the word is, "You are the God, who healeth me..."

Renee, when you see your dad, lean over and softly whisper in his ear,
"I love you...." for God has His annointing in those three words, from His heart and yours...

"Lord God all mighty, there is none like you. We thank you for giving this man a 'new' heart. A heart that is undamaged in any way; a heart that is fixed, fully established trusting in you and you alone." You are the God who created and established him, you are the God who has him hidden in the cleft of the Rock, protection from all manner of sickness and disease.

You are the God of Peace. And your peace dwells within the hearts and minds of both Renee, her dad and all others in their lives. They are your beloved and you give your beloved total peace and sweet sleep, for all of Renee's cares will keep. For you have it all in your hands and all under control. For this we thank you, in Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

Peace...Renee. Peace...and sweet sleep precious one.

Love, Shimmie...:)
renee_n_3000 said:
Thank you, ShimmieGirl and Bludacious! :)

We love you, Renee. Please keep us posted. We'll be here still keeping each of you in loving prayer...


Re: Seeking Prayer for My Dad (Updated w/ Thanks)

Hi ladies,

I just wanted to thank you all again for your prayers and let you know that my father is doing much better now! At first, things did not look good and his doctors told me to be prepared for the worst and consider "making arrangements." But I had prayerful relatives at the hospital with me and friends (including you ladies) who lifted us up in prayer and I knew that would pull him through! In a few days, those same doctors were saying how surprised they were that he was doing so well! Praise the Lord!

When he was better I returned home but, about a month or so later, he had bypass surgery and I went and stayed with him for a few weeks during his operation and recovery at his house. I've been back home a couple of weeks now and both of us are getting readjusted to our regular lives again. We speak on the phone every day so that I know he's doing well! :)

Your prayers really meant so much to me and I believe they helped heal my father! May God bless all of you wonderful ladies!
Renee, this is wonderful news. I'm so happy for you, your Dad and your family. Praise God. Give Dad a loving hug (over the phone :lol:) from all of us. He has love over here...much love. And here's a 'Mommie' hug from me to you. {{{ Hugs }}}

Take care Angel. ;)
I will keep you in my prayers. My father is going through something similar. He is ok now but things got pretty dismal. Everything will be alright. Just continue to pray and have faith.