Seeking input from those who went from using a


Well-Known Member
professional relaxer to a box relaxer. If I'm going from Mizani sensitive scalp(no lye) to a relaxer I can buy at sally's like ORS(no lye) are there any potential problems I should be aware of?
I haven't had any problems, I went from lye to box, from box to lye with no problem was overprocessing......but I haven't had any serious problems like breakage or bald spots if that's what you are worried about......but others probably have had some bad experiences......
Years ago I use to self relax with professional relaxers and they would tear up my hair. Overprocessing, underprocessing, breakage and dryness was always an issue. Even when I went back to the salons they were always overlapping and thinning out my hair. In November I started to self relax again using Dark and Lovely regular and my hair is making so much progress. I've never over/under process with this relaxer. My hair doesn't get bone straight but that's what I love, it's a bit thicker I'm retaining much length.