Seeking answers (a little long)

Hi Everyone,

I need your help and a few answers please. I first got saved at around 15 years old and was very active in my church and youth group, back then I was on fire for the Lord, and was living for him. Senior year in high school I got my first real job, worked on Sundays and started missing church (this became the beginning of me straying from God and the Christian walk). It was also the time that I got involved in my first serious relationship. When I got involved with this guy I started doing a lot of things I know was wrong. For example, I broke my abstinence contract and started engaging in pre-marital sex. At the time, though I felt guilty about my actions, I didn't do anything to stop it. Needless to say this relationship led to emotional pain so great that I'm still not recovered from it. I think in a way God allowed many of the things that happened in that relationship to occur in order to give me a wake up call, he got my attention for a while but then I went straight back to my sinning ways. So now its five years later since I've been saved and I'm still not where I'm supposed to be, I still pray, read the Bible and I attend church at times, but I don't really feel close to God anymore. I'm not living a Christian lifestyle, and honestly though I know some of the things I do is wrong I'm not sure if I'm ready to give it up. I feel that God has many plans for me, and I admire young Christians. In fact, it makes me sad sometimes when I go to church and see young people on fire for the Lord, because I know I should be at that place too. Truthfully, I want to be in a close relationship with God, but i find myself always being side-tracked by a relationship, partying, friends, having fun etc. So how do I get to that place? Where can I start? I'm a little lost, and |have prayed about this, please I need some answers please. Also for those who are saved what was the hardest thing for you to give up when you first got saved and how did you do it?
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Pray about it. I don't know for sure, because I don't know you. But the place where it TRULY started for me was when I forgave myself. I realized that God had forgiven me long ago, and I was the one still holding the things that I had done over my head.

Do you keep a journal? That may help too. Be real and honest with yourself and God about your emotions. There is a reason why you do the things you do. You just have to dig deep and face the reasons why. Be blessed!
I distanced myself form the world and spent time with God. I get a little weak sometimes, but then I just remember how far I've come and I know I don't want to go back.
IntelligenceisBeautiful said:
Hi Everyone,

I need your help and a few answers please. I first got saved at around 15 years old and was very active in my church and youth group, back then I was on fire for the Lord, and was living for him. Senior year in high school I got my first real job, worked on Sundays and started missing church (this became the beginning of me straying from God and the Christian walk). It was also the time that I got involved in my first serious relationship. When I got involved with this guy I started doing a lot of things I know was wrong. For example, I broke my abstinence contract and started engaging in pre-marital sex. At the time, though I felt guilty about my actions, I didn't do anything to stop it. Needless to say this relationship led to emotional pain so great that I'm still not recovered from it. I think in a way God allowed many of the things that happened in that relationship to occur in order to give me a wake up call, he got my attention for a while but then I went straight back to my sinning ways. So now its five years later since I've been saved and I'm still not where I'm supposed to be, I still pray, read the Bible and I attend church at times, but I don't really feel close to God anymore. I'm not living a Christian lifestyle, and honestly though I know some of the things I do is wrong I'm not sure if I'm ready to give it up. I feel that God has many plans for me, and I admire young Christians. In fact, it makes me sad sometimes when I go to church and see young people on fire for the Lord, because I know I should be at that place too. Truthfully, I want to be in a close relationship with God, but i find myself always being side-tracked by a relationship, partying, friends, having fun etc. So how do I get to that place? Where can I start? I'm a little lost, and |have prayed about this, please I need some answers please. Also for those who are saved what was the hardest thing for you to give up when you first got saved and how did you do it?

Girl we are here. ****doing the eye to eye peace sign hand signal****

You first have to ask yourself if you love God more than those earthly pleasures. If you cannot give those up on your own, then ask to be delivered and spend more time with the Lord and show Him that He is who you desire and not the wordly things. Our God is a jealous God, and I pity the man who dare put ANYTHING before Him. If I were you I'd start doing alot of praying.
and remember this: ~PUSH~ which means
Pray Until Something Happens

The mere fact that you've even asked for help leads me to believe that you truly love God, and will follow instruction to be with Him. He loves you too ;)
Koffie said:
Girl we are here. ****doing the eye to eye peace sign hand signal****

You first have to ask yourself if you love God more than those earthly pleasures. If you cannot give those up on your own, then ask to be delivered and spend more time with the Lord and show Him that He is who you desire and not the wordly things. Our God is a jealous God, and I pity the man who dare put ANYTHING before Him. If I were you I'd start doing alot of praying.
and remember this: ~PUSH~ which means
Pray Until Something Happens

The mere fact that you've even asked for help leads me to believe that you truly love God, and will follow instruction to be with Him. He loves you too ;)

Yes! Yes! Yes!
I think we have all struggled with this at one time or another.

First, you realize you are being distracted, so that is a good thing. Thats how Satan operates, he distracts you from the things of God. Now that you have that revelation you can address it, rebuke satan, make a commitment, ask God to help you keep it, even if its only spending 15 minutes a day reading/studying.

Second, when you are saved you are a new creation, and you cant lose your salvation, but you still have issues, habits, world views. You arent going to change over night, you will backslide, go forward, backslide again. You arent perfect and God knows this. Renewing your mind through scriptures will help but it is a growing process that takes time. Thats not an excuse not to grow and change, but God gives you grace, dont beat yourself up too bad.

Thirdly, dont compare yourself to other Christians. Its good that you see the fire in other people and realize you could be more commited but not everyone that shouts in church is close to God and everyone is at a different place in their walk with God. Don't become depressed or feel inferior because you are not where you think you should be, or where folx say you should be, or where whatever image of the ideal SuperChristian dictates you should be. Put your focus on God, ask Him to renew your heard and your mind. If you ask, He WILL answer.

As far as my own personal walk, God didnt address certain things up front. I was in a relationship for about 5 years after I was saved before I began being convicted for it. I ended up ending the relationship, but I did drag my feet about it. He had even proposed but I felt in my heart it wasnt right for me. There wasnt any peace in it for me, so that was the deciding factor. You cant always hold on to the old things in your life and still go forward. Some times there are friends you need to give up, activities you need to step away from and you may grieve for those things for a while. God will lead you, and if you don't feel peace about a situation step back and pray about it. If I dont have peace about something now I do my best to walk away.

So how do I get to that place? Where can I start? I'm a little lost, and |have prayed about this, please I need some answers please. Also for those who are saved what was the hardest thing for you to give up when you first got saved and how did you do it?

The girls have already said this so I will just reinforce. You must replace the time of partying and other wordly activities with spiritual activities and serving the community. Making time to spend with God is crucial. As stated start out small and work your time up with God. Time spent with Him is time well spent. If you start this I promise you your life will change you will develop a appetite for taking care of spirit woman and not the phsycial. God can give back the time the moths ate so He can restore you to become on fire again. Hardest thing to give it will be having sex. Since sex is very powerful and draws on emotional, physically and mental being. But take one day at a time God can do everything but fail. :)
I completely agree with what everyone else has said.

We all face this (or something similar) in our lives and I think the best thing to do is to stay focused on Him. The minute you get off track (forgetting to pray, read the Word, going to church) problems will start to erupt. Like Koffie said, Pray Until Something Happens. As long as you keep your eyes on him, he will not fail you.
You've gotten some wonderful advice from everyone!

The only thing I can add is that aside from prayer, you should start a habit of discipline. One suggestion is to follow the 'discipline plan' (it's actually called a 'proclamation') at

I'll be praying for God to bring you in closer fellowship with Him.
I agree with what you were saying Enchantmt, and I definitely agree it is very important to not compare yourself to other Christians. We all struggle in different areas and we all go through times where we may stray away from the Lord. The good thing about God is He will NEVER leave or forsake us. I think once we learn to forgive ourselves and not stress being perfect in every way, we begin to have the relationship with God we want to have. I can DEFINITELY relate to your situation. I will be praying for the both of us. Thank you for sharing your story. :)
Thanks for posting this website it looks like it going to be such as blessing in my life and others. ;)

stcsweet said:
You've gotten some wonderful advice from everyone!

The only thing I can add is that aside from prayer, you should start a habit of discipline. One suggestion is to follow the 'discipline plan' (it's actually called a 'proclamation') at

I'll be praying for God to bring you in closer fellowship with Him.
For me getting saved was a process of finding a sense of URGENCY - NEEDING TO BE SAVED! I couldn't think of it as some sort of a club or choice. Being saved is the ONLY path to eternal life! The only other path is the place that I will not mention here. The Holy Spirit warns me not to think of it.

I am constantly thinking in deference to God's amazing and awesome grace and goodness! He is ALL!!!!! He is the ONE thing in existence that is good and always always always worthy to be praised. Thinking of Him is healing and peace.

Blessings to you and your family and friends