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I'm seeking some advice on routine/products.

My hair is natural, 4a, very dense, about 6 inches root to tip. My scalp has been flaky lately (not terribly large flakes. They are small and firm). My ends have a tendency to be dry.One fatal error I think is not washing enough. I am working out three times per week.

My old routine:

Wash once per week (Have several, nothing good for my hair)
Condition with Suave Biobasics co
Use ORS shea softening lotion to moisturize
Coconut oil to seal

This is NOT WORKING :( My scalp is flaking like crazy, My hair is dry (weird/dry). I was looking at Machieamour's blog, and this is what I did last night:

Pre-poo with Aussie 3 minute miracle (protein??)
Poo with head and shoulders classic clean poo (for scalp)
Poo with Parnevu T-Tree shampoo
Co with Suave Coconut co mixed w/ coconut
Plop with aquis towel, then apply sunsilk hydra TLC 24/7 cream and did a braidout

My hair feels good today (and no flakes), but any better recs (routine/prods)? I need something heavy just to seal ends or seal in moisture (or do I?)
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Jadacrys said:
I'm seeking some advice on routine/products.

My hair is natural, 4a, very dense, about 6 inches root to tip. My scalp has been flaky lately (not terribly large flakes. They are small and firm). My ends have a tendency to be dry.One fatal error I think is not washing enough. I am working out three times per week.

My old routine:

Wash once per week (Have several, nothing good for my hair)
Condition with Suave Biobasics co
Use ORS shea softening lotion to moisturize
Coconut oil to seal

This is NOT WORKING :( My scalp is flaking like crazy, My hair is dry (weird/dry). I was looking at Machieamour's blog, and this is what I did last night:

Pre-poo with Aussie 3 minute miracle (protein??)
Poo with head and shoulders classic clean poo (for scalp)
Poo with Parnevu T-Tree shampoo
Co with Suave Coconut co mixed w/ coconut
Plop with aquis towel, then apply sunsilk hydra TLC 24/7 cream and did a braidout

My hair feels good today (and no flakes), but any better recs (routine/prods)? I need something heavy just to seal ends or seal in moisture (or do I?)
Possibly try pre-pooing with an oil (i.e. coconut/olive/jojoba/castor)
I prepoo w/an oil (africa's best ultimate) and any cheap suave conditioner for about 30 minutes. I'm sure you can substitute any other oil @ your convenience.

I then poo and condition w/Elucence. I always deep condition w/something, simply Elucence or Elasta DPR w/ oilve oil & honey. I am sure you can find other poos and conditioners that work just as good and are readily available. Just make sure its moisturizing.

I then apply some Oyin shea butter to my damp hair and twist it up for the week. I am going to start using avocado butter- from what I have heard its pretty good stuff. I ordered mine from I have also used just plain old shea butter in the past and that has been fine.

Daily I spritz my hair with a mixture of white rain conditioner and water. (I think any cheap conditioner should work). I also always apply some spritz to my ends, then a cream (Qhemets) for moisture, and an oil (all types) to seal.

I hope you find something that works- A lot of stuff can be found at any health food store or grocery store and it doesn't cost much even if you find substitutes. I just try to stay away from a lot of cones like dimethicone etc. and I don't use a a lot of pertolatum or mineral oil.

** for the flaky scalp, maybe after you work out you can spritz your scalp w/water or rinse w/water. Also, there may be something in your diet that causes you to flake more? I dunno. But I try not to apply anything to my scalp except occassionally some jojoba/rosemary/lavender oil mix).
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Hi Jada,

I also work out three times a week (Su, Tu, Th) and those are my wash days as well. I wash on the days that I go to the gym because I sweat like nobody's business. My hair is wet when I come from the gym. I have found that not washing the salty sweat out of my hair makes it really dry. So I would recommend that if you sweat in the head a lot like I do, it is probably a good idea to wash after you go to the gym. Frequent washing is okay, but can be drying as well if you don't find a routine that works for you. Co-washing is a great technique for getting out the salty sweat and moisturizing your hair at the same time. I have a shampoo-free regimen, but if you use shampoo, I recommed getting something gentle enough that doesn't strip you hair if you decide to up the number of times you wash in a week, and don't sleep on deep conditioning once a week!

I also think finding the moisture-protein balance that works for your hair goes a long way in keeping it soft. Experiment until you find a routine that works for you. I'm still tweaking mine.
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate how responsive and helpful you all are.

The flaking could come from some stress and a change in diet (have been doing South Beach for 12 days). The sweaty scalp contributes too.

The most I think I can increase washing sched to is twice/week because of time.

My wonderful recs so far are:

Pre-poo with an oil instead of protein co
Poo w/ moisturizing poo or CW (and more often) [rec: Elucence] /or spritz after workout
Co & water spritzes daily
Use a butter: avocado or oyin or shea
Moisture-protein balance

My questions:

Is the Elucence shampoo the moisturizing one? Would this work well using twice per week (what results do you get)?

Keracare hydrating and detangling poo - would this product work well for this?

Do you mix the avocado butter with anything?

I have hennaed once in the past. I would like to maybe do this every 6 - 8 weeks to help with moisture-protein balance. Is this a good move?
Lots of ladies have reported that hennaing regularly has helped their hair to retain moisture and they find that they don't need to use as much product. Also, some have competely replaced protein treatments with henna. I'm about to jump on the henna bandwagon myself. I will be doing it for the first time this Sunday!
ty LHCF fam!

Keracare hydrating poo raves/vents? Elucence poo raves/vents? Avocado butter mixed with anything? Any other moisturizers (from BSS)?
Elucence is a very moisturizing poo, but I do think it contains a little protein. I would think it's gentle enough to use a couple of times per week, if necessary. But I would lean more towards recommending that you poo 1x per week and cowash as often as you like. I think that's gentler on the hair.

Avocado butter: I haven't tried it, but many other ladies here rave about it. It can be used straight up.

Moisturizers: S-Curl is good (I dilute mine with a little water and add some jojoba as a sealant), African Royale Daily Doctor (but the "new" formula has mineral oil - BOO!), or you can make your own with water/rosewater, conditioner, and your favorite oil.
If you have really irritated, flaking scalp and you find that the flakes won't wash out, go to a doctor. My mom was experiencing this and it was psoriasis. I hope a change in regimen will help you though.
You may want to try some tea tree oil. This oil is a wonder and I wouldn't be without it in my house. It helps heal all kinds of skin conditions. It is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and I use it all the time for bumps and stuff. I would put it on my scalp for about 30 min before I shampoo and conditioned it. I would use the pure oil not just a product with it in there because they don't put very much in the products. I would do this evertime I washed for about a month. If that doesn't work then go to the Doctor. If tea tree doesn't work, nothing will but going to the doctor.
smitmarv said:
You may want to try some tea tree oil. This oil is a wonder and I wouldn't be without it in my house. It helps heal all kinds of skin conditions. It is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and I use it all the time for bumps and stuff. I would put it on my scalp for about 30 min before I shampoo and conditioned it. I would use the pure oil not just a product with it in there because they don't put very much in the products. I would do this evertime I washed for about a month. If that doesn't work then go to the Doctor. If tea tree doesn't work, nothing will but going to the doctor.

Exactly what I was gonna say, only that I place about 5 drops in 1 ounce of either olive oil or coconut oil for scalp application. Then I place a plastic cap on my head and allow it to penetrate for about 30 minutes. I then wash it out. You can also try Dr.Bronner's Tea Tree Body soap.
I tried the spritz and oil on the ends. My hair felt wonderful until nightfall. I don't know if it was the sunsilk or head and shoulders, but my roots were soo dry. I read the tread entitled, "Henna, is it worth the hassle?". I henna'ed once before and remembered my hair and scalp feeling good for a week or more after.

I tried a speedy version on henna'ing: (mixed w/ conditioner, honey, and water, let it sit (inside my conditioning cap w/ plug for 30 min), applied to my dry hair (did release some color) for about 25 minutes (dripped tooo much (no water next time).

My hair feels awesome today. It has sheen, it feels moisturized. Once I cw'ed the henna out, I used 2 quarter sized dollops of MOP leave in and coconut oil to the ends. I did a braid out.

I don't care for that coconut oil so much in the winter, because it did freeze on my ends :lol:

Tentative routine:
Prepoo with oil once per week (olive/coconut with tea tree eo added-want to try dabur amla oil)

Shampoo with Parnevu t-tree shampoo (until I buy better stuff (Elucence?))

Condition with Suave BioBasics/or ??? (need suggestions:Kenra co or intensive emollient? Natstar rec: elasta DPR)

Leave in (very small amount) Elucence moisturizing or MOP leave in

Oil on ends (africa's best herbal oil? shea butter? avocado butter)

braid for braidout

spritz nightly and lube ends(co, water, light amt of oil, tea tree)

Co wash in the middle of the week w/ Suave Coconut

Thanks for your input!
sweetwhispers said:
have you tried ACV rinses for your dry scalp?
Not consistently, but it seemed to benefit. Where in the routine is the best time to do this (after conditioner, after shampoo)?

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
Jadacrys- you miaght want to put some type of cream on your ends and then use the oil (any kind) as a sealant. Striaght oils may give u problems but I guess u can always do a test run
Natstar: You ain't neva lied. I thought I was doing good with the less is more thing by just using oil and spritz. Bad, bad move. I purchased wonder 8 oil because it has good ingredients (rosemary oil, castor, wheat germ, sesame, safflower). I does great for my hair. However....this weekend, dry city (but no flakes). I spritzed and applied oil. I had loose cornrows for two days to do a braidout on Sunday. When I took my hair out, it was so dry, and my ends looked visibly damaged. I have not trimmed since June, so that was reasonable to me that I need one.

I spritzed, combed out, then trimmed...well cut. I had almost an inch of hair that was crispy and tangly. That helped. I don't have any other cream, so I used africa's best carrot oil cream and did big twists for a twistout. It looks and feels great, but I have flakes! Not like I described before worse, like snowflakes :cry:

So after working out tonight, I think I should pre-poo, shampoo and condition. There was a rec to ACV. When should I do this? Also, would peppermint or lavender EO help be good for the flakes until I can buy the tea tree?

I appreciate everybody's support through this!!!
:sad: Please?

I know my post is long so my ?s are:

When in the routine do you do ACV rinse for flaky scalp?

I may have to wait to buy the tea tree eo...will peppermint or lavender be effective?

Any store bought creams recs for my ends?

Thanks again!
I forgot i even posted on here lol!
Any carrot oil/cream gives me flakes( i don't even use it on my scalp!)
Because i suffer from a dry scalp i do ACV's quite regularly but i do them after a pre-poo- so its like deep conditoner. Also deep conditioner is said to be more effective on dry hair if your hair is very dry. So i pre poo- wash that out, then acv, then rinse with water.
Maybe its the putting things on your scalp which is causing the flakes?
For my hair i use shea butter, slightly warmed up or melted in your hands. This can be bought at any african suppermarket. For BSS i have used Elasta QP moisturiser and Rasta Jamaican and Mango/lime ( whatever the hell tis called:lol: ) leave in moisturisers. These are quite light.
Your hair might be dry( the ends) from oil. My hair hates oils! I think they maybe ok for sealing but they are not moisturisers. I'd lay off the oil for a bit.
I have 4a/b natural hair.
I really appreciate your advice, and based on these experiences, I think this is very true for my hair too.

I have shea butter at home (it's refined though). I am going to try these recs tonight (pre-poo on dry hair, acv, then rinse, poo&co, shea butter).

Again, thanks so much for helping me out. I really need it.
Its ok :) . I want to say also , because ACV is basically a clarifyer you don't need to shampoo. Sometimes, shampoos can make dry scalp worse even those formulated for dandruff. I would skip the shampoo, this time, just to see if it works.
I've been suffering from dry scalp for 5 years so i know how you feel( my sister thinks it may be hormones or something)
Sweetwhispers: I followed your advice last night.


Pre-pooed with VO5 kiwi and lime mixed with wonder 8 oil
Rinsed, scrubbed scalp, then ACV rinsed
Rinsed, then apply suave biobasics co
Steamed in the shower, then rinsed
Towel dried, then applied shea butter (refined) to hair in sections

My hair feels really good today and so does my scalp. Thank you !!!!

With this type of routine, when do you shampoo? How often are you applying shea butter?
I'm glad it worked for you! It took me a while to get it. Right now my hair is in box braids, so i just wash weekly ( 5-7 days) or when my hair gets itchy, then i towel dry, apply my leave in. I use shea butter ( a little bit) every day/every other day and just run it through my hair, i use to seal it in with castor oil- i'm experimenting at the moment so i don't know if i'll continue. I also moisturise with the jamaican cactus cream- but i've started that this week so i can't say how its going. I love shea butter:p this is my one staple in an ever changing routinelol! Sometimes i use con shampoo, or any shampoo- on my scalp not my hair. But i ACV regularly. I'm just rambling now!
Are you wearing your hair out? Or in a particular style?
My intentions were to wear box braids or twists (wear the braids for two weeks, twists for one). I have not had the time to braid. My twists look so busted after my first or definitely by my second workout. I work out 3 times per week. Then my scalp gets itchy. My hair doesn't really stay twisted well (the roots start looking loose), so I just don't like the way they look. I think part of it is because I have been twisting after my hair dries. They look frizzier quicker (I can hardly make a week) and they unravel. So out of frustration, I am doing twistouts and braidouts for a while (maybe this week and the next). I think if I am going to twist, I should use the shea butter like you recommended on wet hair, then twist.

I am a little disappointed about losing that inch of hair, but it's all good. My hair will be healthy. I used lots of dyes at the beginning of this year, so most of those ends are now gone. Whoever said darkening your hair is not as damaging lyed!!!

I like the jamaica mango and lime moisturizer that you mentioned too. I stopped because it was too light to use alone. With my new use of shea butter, it really would be good. I may have to bring that back too.

Thanks for helping me get on track. Tell me about your experience with twists, and how long do you keep your box braids in?
I've ad my box braids in for 4 weeks then i redid them last week- they look a bit:perplexed my hair is very soft and fuzzy. But i'm trying to keep my hair in protective styles i really want to grow my hair!lol!
To keep twists in have you thought of braiding them at the beginning i would do so for 4 revolutions(turns)then twisting them and then braidng them again when you get right down to the end. I think they will stay in this way much longer. I only twist my hair dry so i have no comparison to wet hair. I may try beeswax or daxwax when i twist my hair ( i plan on wearing twists/braids for 4 weeks at a time) nexxt time so it looks more "neat". Have you heard ofthe stockingcap method? I thin k Den1 invented it/popularised it, look at her fokti.Basically you wash your hair with a stocking cap on to minimise frizz. I did that once and it really does get your hair clean, i don't know whether it minimises frizz since my hair was allready frizzy when i tried it.
I checked out den1's fotki, and I could not find the stocking cap method.

I wanted to check back in and say that I purchased some tea tree eo, and it has helped my scalp tremendously. I used it in a spritz with organic avg, and a small amount of olive oil and water. It gave my scalp a tingling sensation, then I massaged it in. It reduced the amount of flakes that I was seeing. I think using this spritz regularly will help make it between washes.

I put in twists and braided at the base. I was happy that they did not unravel.They lasted a tad bit longer, but I think with all the spritzing, sweating (working out), and moisturizing the ends, the looked old quicker. Oh, well..... I think I could get a week out of them.

So if this helps anyone else:

Dry/flaky scalp?
pre-poo treatments with oil
tea tree eo spritzes
ACV rinses
A good shampoo that doesn't dry out scalp, or consider CWs using eos

Dry hair?
86 the carrot oil cream (for me)
Stay away from cones
Shea butter is the truth
deep treatments and pre-poo treatments on dry hair
henna & moisture treatments
trim when you need it