Second Round with Phyto plus progress pics


Well-Known Member
I relaxed for the second time with PHYTO this weekend and was very pleased with the results. NO TANGLES THIS TIME!:yay: I also lost less hair during the rinsing out of the relaxer.

I mixed the milky reconstructor with some conditioner and then deep conditioned with Salerm Wheat Germ Oil Mask for 35 minutes with heat. I think the milky reconstructor was the tangle maker during my last application.

If anyone remembers my first application I had lost a lot of hair and had thinning in the middle back due to overuse of protein. I am happy to say the middle is filling in nicely:clap:

I still ned a deep trim, probably about 1 1/2 to 2 inches but I will hold off until the next relaxer b/c I am vain. :)

I do have some underprocessed parts b/c I was trying to be cheap and only use half the container on my 13 weeks of new growth. Bad idea. I ended up having to mix some more relaxer and add it during the smoothing process. I'm not sure if I will every fix the underprocessed part since I want to go to a texturizer in the future. I will probably go to Nseya Salon in Atlanta (they are a phyto salon) for my next application to either fix the underprocessing or use the PHYTO as a texturizer.

Overall, I am satisfied with my progress. I have a LONG way to go to my goal of even brastrap length hair, but I'm getting there slowly but surely!;)
Excellent! Does your hair grow that fast regularly (that is fast to me who gets less than 1/4 inch a month) or has MTG contributed to a lot of it?

Good luck with your Kitchen area.
I don't think I've gotten much results from MTG yet. I haven't been very consistent. It does make my new growth more manageable tho'.

Keen said:
Excellent! Does your hair grow that fast regularly (that is fast to me who gets less than 1/4 inch a month) or has MTG contributed to a lot of it?

Good luck with your Kitchen area.