Second choice


Well-Known Member
Have you ever felt that that's what you are to someone else?

That you were chosen, because something else with someone else doesn't seem to be working out?
I have never felt this way...but if I did then the relationship would not work...I am just not the type that would be comfortable playing that role:ohwell:
As soon as I get the feeling I am someone's second choice I stop dating them. That is just self torture, I couldn't do it knowing I am someone else's FIRST choice :yep:.
As soon as I get the feeling I am someone's second choice I stop dating them. That is just self torture, I couldn't do it knowing I am someone else's FIRST choice :yep:.

Yep. This guy actually told me that he was trying to keep life moving since this girl wasn't feeling him. Needless to say, we didn't have a second date.
Have you ever felt that that's what you are to someone else?

That you were chosen, because something else with someone else doesn't seem to be working out?
Nope, I've never felt that way because I'm not Backburner ***** material. With every guy I deal with, it is clear that I am the #1 choice, the girl of the man's dreams, the love of his life and that he feels lucky to just be around me. Anything else is completely unacceptable. I have dumped guys with whom I was first choice but who weren't giving me enough attention--God knows what I'd do to a man who had the nerve to make me feel like second choice.
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Nope, I've never felt that way because I'm not Backburner ***** material. With every guy I deal with, it is clear that I am the #1 choice, the girl of the man's dreams, the love of his life and that he feels lucky to just be around me. Anything else is completely unacceptable. I have dumped guys with whom I was first choice but who weren't giving me enough attention--God know what I'd do to a man who had the nerve to make me feel like second choice.

(Not BB:eek2::cup::gorgeous::giggle:Material)

loooooooooooove it.....!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Not BB:eek2::cup::gorgeous::giggle:Material)

loooooooooooove it.....!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girl, I snapped my fanguhs after typing that. :grin: I really believe that more of us have to say that and mean it. "Nukka, I will not be your back-up plan because I ain't no backburner *****."
What if it is not explicitely said, but you FEEL it?

Just in the guy's behavior? Even if he denies it.
What if it is not explicitely said, but you FEEL it?

Just in the guy's behavior? Even if he denies it.

Listen to your gut, its your inner guidance system provided by mother nature, no less..


We choose the men in our lives...If you want to be number one, you must get your confidence, priorities in line ...and choose better, dear..

{{{hugs}}} All the best..
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What if it is not explicitely said, but you FEEL it?

Just in the guy's behavior? Even if he denies it.
Personally, I don't need overt statements/actions before I get the hell out of situations. My intuition is all I need. It'd be one thing if you didn't sense anything. But you do, so would you rather be humiliated before leaving him? Why don't you trust yourself? As for his denial: "The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: Who can know it?" Jer. 17:9. People lie.
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I agree with Sonce. I can't play second fiddle to another woman. I don't think I would hesitate to say goodbye to a guy who I felt was giving me second-hand treatment. You deserve more!!!
Have you ever felt that that's what you are to someone else?

That you were chosen, because something else with someone else doesn't seem to be working out?

I met a guy who said that dating is a chain of second choices... and when I stopped and thought about it, it's kinda funny (funny - interesting)

Just think - there's this couple at the top of "whatever" chain. Dude is interested in her, but she's in a relationship, so he dates someone else (second choice). There's a girl who's interested in THAT dude, but he's dating someone else, so she dates someone else. And on and on and on.

"Second Choice" sounds so negative. What about "unforeseen opportunity"? Sure, dude didn't initially have his eye on you - it was on someone else. But then you came along and presented an opportunity that he had never considered before...

I'm definitely not leftovers, but I might be a main dish that someone's never considered before...

The question is - do you feel like that unforeseen opportunity or more like "something to do"?? If you're feeling like an unforeseen opportunity - stick it out. If you're feeling like "something to do" and you don't like the feeling, keep it moving.

Folks may not like to admit it - we date guys sometimes because we have nothing better to do, or because a particular guy presents an opportunity to do something WITH somebody (in other words - activities). Why do we act like men are any different!? And there's nothing wrong with that.

And keep in mind, there's always the flip side. Have you ever had your eye on someone in particular - and when you actually got to "taste" and "experience" that person, it just wasn't what you thought??

I dunno, there's a lot of different ways to look at the situation. The question is - how is it making you feel? If you're feeling more down then up about it, its time to move on to the next!
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