Sebastians Colourshines/Cellophanes still available

Looks like they've cut out a lot of color options. I'm going to research to see which ones are comparable to the old shades.
Yes, they've made it sort of basic. Similar to the Colorshowers line. I find it strange that they're still displaying Colourshines on the site. Nothing there states discontinued.
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Yes, they've made it sort of basic. Similar to the Colorshowers line. I find it strange that they're still displaying Colourshines on the site. Nothing there states discontinued.

I saw that too. I was looking at an old pic w/my Cinnamon Coloushines and I think I may want it was so bright and vibrant!
Yup, I'll have to check them out. I was wanting to try that coffeebean that I've been hearing so much about, but I heard it was being discontinued, so I opted to start eye-ing the colorshowers. Off to check out Sebastian's site:grin:
I wouldn't know where to start, no samples of what the colors actually look like. Descriptions don't do justice for me. I thought black would be a basic color included, no? Do you ladies think the ingredients are the same? Couldn't see that listed either.