Sebastian colourshines?

Tracy, I have copper highlights on my hair. Because of the highlights, my hair is a reddish color now. I want to add one of the color shines. What color do you think will compliment a copper best? I would rather have a deeper reddish brown color. Any suggestions??? Thanks PRO!!
Yeah - except no rinse will truly match the color of your permie color to your natural color unless you go MUCH darker.

You could blend them some tho - as far as Sebastian - I'd say got with the neutral brown and see where you end from there. To use a "neutral" is important - that goldish tone from your permie color will go green if you use anything with a green base. So no coffee bean, no black orchid - choose the reds and browns with "gold" and "red" in the name. Be careful of "plums" and "burgundy" as well - those will go a pinkish color as they rinse down.
You should be safe with the neutral brown tho - assuming you want to have your hair appear as if it's you natural hair color as you grow out.

Disclaimer: This advice also assumes that my idea of "reddish gold" and "dark brown" are the same as yours. It could be that the tones we conjure up in our heads are NOT the same when each of us thinks about these colors so I just want that to be my disclaimer before I give any more "shade" advice. Without seeing your natural color with my own two eyes, seeing you point to the EXACT shade you want to achieve on a piece of paper or a swatch and knowing exactly what you do to your hair MOST of the time (and for the last year or so, since your hair's condition and what it's been treated with also affects the color result) my advice has a moderate margin of error.
Just wanted to say that out loud...
Sbaker - half golorious gold and half cinnamon would be a gorgeous mixture on your streaks I think.

You could also just go a one shot deal with Ginger next go round. It's a lovely copper color - the perfect balance of gold and red IMO.
How deep is deep Yogi?

If you mean quite dark then Mahoghany will be nice but it'll be dark at first. You'll begin to see the true effect on your highlights after the 3rd wash or so.

If you don't want to really go "dark" but you just want to deepen the highlights a tad, cinnamon is a pretty deep red that would deepen them - tho not quite to brown. More like a very rich rust color....

Well - Sbaker might be able to help you out...sbaker what did the cinnamon do on your highlights?
Moex - they are the same thing. Sebastian's rinses USED to be called Cellophanes and now they are called Colorshines.

But Sebastian (I'm pretty sure) is the only rinse that costs over $20 and comes in a big *** bottle - so you'll know it when you see it!
I didn't realize that I was being summoned. My natural hair color is dark brown, almost black. My hair dresser lifted my hair and streaked it. Some I have highlights. Cinnamon gives my hair a reddish hue on the dark parts and amber red on the light.
cupcake said:
Thinking about my first clear rinse. BUMP. :)

I can vouch for the clear rinses. They not only add shine, but I love how it smooths my cuticle down. I've had clear rinses in my regimine for over a year now, and I'm thinking of trying a color one. I may go for the Golden Walnut Colourshine.
I've done a clear rinse before with ADore and I had pretty good results. My natural hair color is often mistaken as jet black, especially after a clear rinse. I processed mine with a heat cap for 15 mins and rinsed then applied a detangling conditioner.... The shine was incredible for the first week, but afterwards the results weren't as noticeable. I am assuming rinses last around 5-6 weeks (despite my bland physical evidence).

Around 4th of July weekend i'll put a ginger or glorious gold rinse in my hair to lighten it up a it and give it a warm brown hue.