Seasonal Growth Spurts

Yeah my hair doesn't really start growing until April. I'm not sure when it stops though. I know 1st quarter it takes 3 months for me to get 1 inch. Then it picks up.

Same for me. April it’ll pick up all throughout July-Mid August. Then it’ll slow when November-December comes around. January and February it’s pretty much the same each month.
I've been tracking my hair this year, since I dyed it in January, and in April, was shocked to find out it had only grown an inch or so in 3 months.
(I don't ever remember my hair growing so slowly, but then I've never really tracked it)

I attributed it to me having bad anemia last year and fixing my eating habits this year,
But I do hope that it was a slow growth season for me and that I will see lots of growth for the summer.
Fingers crossed.
hoping for a growth spurt this summer?!?! i've never really paid attention but its been doing great all yr so idk.... maybe i'm asking for too much?!?!

Fingers crossed!! I think I read somewhere that summer also is when folks tend to wash a bit more frequently. At least if you live somewhere where it gets reasonably hot, and you’re outside for a decent amount of time. Frequent washing=frequent scalp stimulation=more growth?