Searching for a Church home in Austin, TX


Well-Known Member
I pray some of you ladies could help direct me to a new church home in the Austin, TX area. I moved to this area 2 years ago and have since been attending a church where I know in my heart I am not being fed or growing spirtually.
I live in Round Rock, but distance does not matter...I just need to find a church where I can fellowship and grow. Thanks:)
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Even though I am away from home, there are a few churches that I could tell you about. My family resides in the Shoreline area, in Wells Branch. Shoreline has a church on that street and my family says it's nice. There is also St. John's off of MLK and...I can't think of the name of my friend's church off of Tillery in SE Austin, but the church is nice too. It conducts its services in Spanish and English b/c the majority of its members are Hispanic.
I went to college in Austin and while there, St. James Baptist Church was my church home away from home. It is indeed a special and wonderful place. It is off MLK and EM Franklin. If I remember correctly, there was some talk of building a new facility because the church was growing so much.

Mount Zion and Mount Sinai were also two popular churches among the black students.
I attend Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church, it is on Pennsylvania Ave. off of Chicon by Kealing Middle School. Our Pastor reaches to all ages and you can definitely relate to his sermons. He caters to youth and older worshippers. We have three services 8, 10, and 12, I would love for you to check us out.
If you're interested in teaching ministries, check out Victory Christian Center at 183 & I35 or New Light Christian Center off of Berkman Drive
Also I attend Greater Mt Zion in Austin. It is a warm and welcoming church that is focused not only on worshipping God, but also equipping its members with knowledge of the word of God, and actively pursuing outreach ministry activities outside the church.