Searching Abilities


New Member
I amnew to the forum, but I find some things really difficult. I wanted to get a certain point in a really long thread, but there is no way to search within a thread instead of the whole site. This would be great for me when I am trying to navigate threads.
You can search within a thread by clicking "search this thread" at the top of the OP. Not sure if that's what you're looking for but HTH
I feel really silly that I did not see that function. However, I do not think it works the best. I am still having a hard time navigating some of the longer threads. But I appreciate your assistance.
I feel really silly that I did not see that function. However, I do not think it works the best. I am still having a hard time navigating some of the longer threads. But I appreciate your assistance.
LOL, ive been here years and I didnt see that function :lol: Ill have to try it next time
That search functions works well...if you know what you are looking for

Google can search any website or page if you put the term you are looking for followed by the address. Examples:

henna site:

^^^^ that is the address for this page

Instead of using the in Google, you can use the custom Google powered LHCF search (see top right of the screen below the banner). It might not be perfect but it will get the result most times.
I find the Advanced Search to be the best way to search the forum. What I especially like about it is that you can choose to only search thread titles.

I guess I might be lucky cause the search function always perfectly works for me. I don't use the Google one or the Advanced Search. Just the regular old search function and I can always find what I'm looking for. I wonder why people get varying success with the search function.