Search results - no match found - every search


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else having this problem. For example, I try and search for the word 'gelatin'. I search in all places, searched in only forums, searched in only posts and the results come back with no matches found. I searched in Google, using the site, it comes up with matches (all in the archives) but when I click on the link in Google, I get a 'page not found' error.

me also! I just posted a thread in the hair forum looking for the link for the BKT support thread, cause it wont come up in the search. What gives?!
I was just about to open up a ticket about this, but I don't know how to.

Nikos if you read this

It appears search is only locating records that have been created since the upgrade was performed.
I'm also having this problem, older posts that I've saved to my favourites comes up with the same page not found error. Or when I typed in "Mane n tail", I only got two results, where as before the revamp, I would get loads.