Search function working?


New Member
I keep searching the forum for "breakage" in the titles and I get random threads that dont have the search term in them. Is it working today? And I am getting threads from 2002? I know we've talked about breakage since 2002 LOL :grin:
I keep searching the forum for "breakage" in the titles and I get random threads that dont have the search term in them. Is it working today? And I am getting threads from 2002? I know we've talked about breakage since 2002 LOL :grin:
Yeah, everytime I try to search I get all kinds of random threads that have nothing to do with what I'm searching for....most of them starting in 2003:ohwell:.
I also thought this. :nono:


This topic has been covered numerous times with nothing new happening. In this "suggestions" forum, I counted at least 4 search topics on the 1st page alone (I'm sure that the 2nd page has even more than that.) :look:

Beverly said that she and Nikos are working on this issue--hopefully the search will be back to it's old reliable self soon! :up: :yep:

Darn, I was hoping this thread was announcing that the search function is up again.
I was thinking the same thing. It definately hasn't been working for a few weeks. Glad to know I'm not crazy:spinning:
Well this may help, use Google in the mean time, found this another forum and their search function isnt working either:

Just change the address to: or whatever forum you want to search.

Google search example with visual aid:
e.g. for a search on sulfur 8 I put:
"sulfur 8"


"sulfur 8"
Okay, I thought I was going crazy. I type in "Hair Stretching" and something totally different off the wall comes up.
I have been trying to search for the word "moisturizers" in search titles only and these random threads keep popping up with NO moisturizer in the title, I was just about to come in and post a thread about something being wrong with the search function and noticed it wasnt just me:wallbash::wallbash: I didnt want to start a new thread on what's a good moisturizer bc I knew people would be like do a search:ohwell:
BUMP - Just checking

(Similarly, I went to check my posts so that I could backtrack, but could only view 182 of my 260+ posts, is this a related problem?)
Another way to google just type in "moisturizer". Works every time.
Well this may help, use Google in the mean time, found this another forum and their search function isnt working either:

Just change the address to: or whatever forum you want to search.

Google search example with visual aid:
e.g. for a search on sulfur 8 I put:
"sulfur 8"


"sulfur 8"

This is a good idea. You can also do breakage
Dang, that's awesome. I knew I could do a searhc, but not one as extensive as all that.
Thank you to you both.
I don't think it's working. It was working just fine until they decided to update it or whatever they were trying to do.....oh well