Sealing and Bagging Ends?


New Member
I'm new to this site and I keep hearing you ladies talking about sealing and bagging the ends of your hair. What exactly does that mean?
Our hair requires a lot moisture, the ends especially. To seal in the moisture some people use a heavy oil, like castor oil. Bagging, is just using a shower cap (aka processing cap). Again the point of bagging is to keep moisture. For example, I baggy my hair at night. I wet my hair (you don't have to) slap on some conditioner and go to bed. This is baggying my hair. Someone recently posted a great newbie guide post. Hopefully someone else can add the link.
Yep, you can do a ponytail baggy, too, or your whole head like Mrs. Verde said. BTW, Mrs. Verde, your hair is 2 die 4, with or without shrinkage! :grin: