SCRITCHING + Indian Head Massage {Its A Free Growth Aid!}


New Member
you may have heard about it at the longhaircommunity forum, or via head massage therapist, or even trichologists...

scritching the scalp works to stimulate the follice to wake up and bloody grow!!

i dont know its been overlooked so much in the forum!

IT really works to stimulate growth and whats the best bit?


It also helps to release dirt without having to wash all the time..

maybe "dirty" hair grows good cos were always all up in there itching!

SO when you get the chance, itch, scritch, rub your scalp..get all up in it!

every 3 days will work, especially with a good oil,...peppermint sounds like a great stimulator!

research it before you do it of corse and also look at Indian head massage salons, or get one yourself (spoil yourself)]]because you dont know what your missing.

Heres a video of how to do it... (fast forward to 5mins to see how they work the scalp)

If you're are deaf, this video has subtitles by the way

Yup this HAS to work!! As a child I had lonnnggg thick hair...and it may be because everyone was always massaging my scalp; I used to fall asleep like that! I should try doing this to myself....I'm just scared of doing without my hair being straight...if I do it while my hair is natural (im 3b-3c) would my hair tangle badly???
I do a mini scalp massage everyday.

I like to apply coconut oil to my hair all the time.

Leaves it thick and soft. I dont experience thinning ends.

When I put it in, I like to play in the new growth for a while which gives me a nice massage for about 5 to 10 minutes.

And it appears to me that every time I wash my hair, I dont have to reach up as far from the back to feel my hair.

I love, love, love scalp massages.

I even do them on my SO.
LOL thanx candy, im gonna get back to doing my scalp massages ,,, i couldnt help but notice some of the other videos there :lachen::lachen: like,, "how to hide an unwanted erection" didnt know they made instructional vids on that :lachen:
LOL thanx candy, im gonna get back to doing my scalp massages ,,, i couldnt help but notice some of the other videos there :lachen::lachen: like,, "how to hide an unwanted erection" didnt know they made instructional vids on that :lachen:

yeah, and how to get out of a car w/out showing your panties :lachen: that website is hilarious!!!
Just watching him massage that girl's scalp literally made my own scalp tingle. I would love to get a scalp massage like that.
:grin:Its a good way to stimulate those dormant hairs and increase your existing growth rate!

who said you cant get mad growth in winter? x
oh heavy- ive been doing this every 5days AND NOTICED GROWTH but i put it down to my pregnancy!?! maybe its a mixture of both. ill take pictures in a couple weeks:grin:
Thank you so much for posting that Candy. For those worried about tangling, I just did a message like that through my satin head scarf...especially the part where you use the palms of your hands. That should help reduce the friction if you don't want to add too much oil to your hair for the message. The oil directly on the hair will cut down no the friction from the manipulation as well.

Excellent video !!!
I do this quite often but i don't rub on top of my hair. i place my fingertips on my scalp to stop tangles. as i was watching her hair became messy and tangled looking. I've never seen it done as such. I guess more than one way to do it.

Om Tat Sat
LOL thanx candy, im gonna get back to doing my scalp massages ,,, i couldnt help but notice some of the other videos there :lachen::lachen: like,, "how to hide an unwanted erection" didnt know they made instructional vids on that :lachen:

Ok Raven you are wrong for having those great looking peanut butter cups in your siggy. As if we didn't pig out enough on Thanksgiving.:lick:
I started doing this a few days ago.
I do it everyday for 10-30 minutes.
Yes, it's that serious. It's relaxing.
You're right OP... more people should know about scritching.
I want to write about it on my blog... anyway...
Here's what I do:

- gather my hair at the nape of my neck into a low ponytail secured with bobby-pins
- put on a satin beanie/skull cap (not a scarf, the knot from tying it was getting in the way of my scritching)
- I take a ball-ended paddle brush or my Jilbere shower comb and SCRITCH like there's no tomorrow (just move the comb in a zig zag pattern vigorously covering each section on head.

Like I said before I do it for 10--30 minutes... I've already had two sessions today... I prep my scalp with Blended Beauty Natural Hair Oil... I'm thinking of adding Peppermint & more Rosemary to it.

I wouldn't use the "scritching" technique on my bare scalp, only with a satin/silk scarf (I'm any comb/brush), but here's instructions on the technique: CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO SCRITCH.

That's it, that's all.
yeah, and how to get out of a car w/out showing your panties :lachen: that website is hilarious!!!
Wow I have always wanted to pole dance they have videos how to pole dance(sorry this doesn't have anything to do with hair, but thanks

Thanks CC
Thank you so much Candy C. I think this massage would be WAY better if someone else did it to me though. I know! I will teach/show her this video and we can scritch each other's hair- she's 12, so she can do it! Thanks again for sharing!
I started doing this a few days ago.
I do it everyday for 10-30 minutes.
Yes, it's that serious. It's relaxing.
You're right OP... more people should know about scritching.
I want to write about it on my blog... anyway...
Here's what I do:

- gather my hair at the nape of my neck into a low ponytail secured with bobby-pins
- put on a satin beanie/skull cap (not a scarf, the knot from tying it was getting in the way of my scritching)
- I take a ball-ended paddle brush or my Jilbere shower comb and SCRITCH like there's no tomorrow (just move the comb in a zig zag pattern vigorously covering each section on head.

Like I said before I do it for 10--30 minutes... I've already had two sessions today... I prep my scalp with Blended Beauty Natural Hair Oil... I'm thinking of adding Peppermint & more Rosemary to it.

I wouldn't use the "scritching" technique on my bare scalp, only with a satin/silk scarf (I'm any comb/brush), but here's instructions on the technique: CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO SCRITCH.

That's it, that's all.
Thank you for this post!! That is so kind of you to share this infomation and your hair progress is astounding!!!

Scritching for me is pure heaven now that I did my BC!! I can go right to the scalp !! LOLOL one benefit of the BC. I swear my hair has grown half an inch since I started scritching this which was about 2 weeks ago??? I can't remember... I need to start keeping a hair diary or a blog. I'm fighting Alopecia and this has been one of the things that is growing my hair back. Going natural, I know is going to be one of the others.
When i had redid my plaits i used the hair oil and did this method for a few weeks i sure it gave me more growth.
I have to get those pics arranged in my fotki. of the before and after
Bumping because ya'll really need to
know about scritching... it's FREE!!! it works!!!

I have been doing this and yes, it's FREE!!!

Never thought about but when I used to go to the stylist, before she washed my hair, she would take the comb and "scritch" my scalp :rolleyes:
:wave: Don't forget to close your eyes and imagine urself w/the hair length and health that u want while u are massaging!