Scriptures for Singles


New Member
I'm having a real struggle with being single and I admit it.
My dates or dating experiences end horribly and I have to wonder if its *me*???
Things will be going well and some bombshell from their past with sneak up and re-direct their attention, ie. baby mama, ex-girlfriend who takes his cell phone back, woman from their past who suddenly proclaims her love...then poof...he's gone.
Now granted, some of these men had so much personal drama it wasn't worth it for me in the long run.
But i get so disappointed and devastated when I come crashing back to earth after being on such a high from meeting someone new who, on the surface, seems like they have so much potential.

So I'm looking for scriptures that provide some hope.
Here's what I'm focusing on this week:

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (New International Version)
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Please add others so we can encourage each other!
newslady said:
So I'm looking for scriptures that provide some hope.
Here's what I'm focusing on this week:

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (New International Version)
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Please add others so we can encourage each other!

Hello.... I'd been trying to dodge this thread because I'm having quite a challenge as well.... The loneliness is at times quite unbearable. I haven't been on a date in a while (like years). I blame myself for allowing myself to get closed up in church...that's another story....

Jeremiah 29:11 has been a ROCK of a scripture for me.... thank you for the reminder.
These scriptures were in the index at the end of my Bible:


God doesn't want everyone to marry... Matthew 19:10-12

Staying single for the right reasons... Matthew 19:12

Paul's lessons about singleness... 1 Corinthians 7:7, 32-34, 38

Hope that helps! :)
Poohbear said:
These scriptures were in the index at the end of my Bible:


God doesn't want everyone to marry... Matthew 19:10-12

Staying single for the right reasons... Matthew 19:12

Paul's lessons about singleness... 1 Corinthians 7:7, 32-34, 38

Hope that helps! :)

i will look those up shortly and keep praying.
Keep them coming ladies!
Poohbear said:
These scriptures were in the index at the end of my Bible:
God doesn't want everyone to marry... Matthew 19:10-12

I really pray that I'm NOT included in this list of people. :look:
I don't have scriptures per se, but whoever posted the link to God's Daily Word has been a godsend for me. I recieved this message in my inbox today and I think it's kind of relevent to the topic:

Patiently Trust His Timing

God's direction and timing is always perfect and always with a purpose
- but it's often with a purpose we may not initially see or
understand. Even when we earnestly ask for direction through prayer
and the study of His Word, God's answers are usually not what we expect
and are often perceived as slow in arriving...but His direction and
timing still remains, always perfect and always with a purpose.

God called Abraham to follow Him when Abraham was already seventy-five
years old. But God blessed Abraham with great abundance and soon
promised he would have many descendants; "I will make your offspring
like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust,
then your offspring could be counted" (Genesis 13:16).

Although this was a wonderful promise from God, it certainly didn't
seem possible. Not only was Abraham an old man, but his wife, Sarah,
had never been able to have children and now was long past the normal
child bearing years. Therefore, when Sarah failed to become pregnant -
when God's promise was apparently going to be unfulfilled - she
formulated a plan to "help" God.

Genesis 16:2
"The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my
maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her." (NIV)

Since this was an accepted practice and seemed like a reasonable way to
fulfill God's promise, Abraham agreed. Not surprisingly, great tension
soon developed between Sarah and her maidservant. This tension
increased when Ishmael was born and even continues today with the
unfortunate hostilities we see in the region of the Middle
East. Abraham clearly heard the call and promise of God, but he became
impatient with God's timing and resorted to a worldly solution.

It was another thirteen years before God fulfilled His promise through
the birth of Isaac. These were thirteen long years of waiting and
wondering if God had forgotten...but God's direction and timing is
always perfect and always with a purpose.
With Abraham one hundred
years old and Sarah ninety, the birth of Isaac left no doubt that God
was in complete control and guiding the events in Abraham's life.

In a very real sense, we are foreigners in this place and time; "Aliens
and strangers on earth" (Hebrews 11:13). We will never understand how
all the pieces fit together until we stand before the Creator of the
Universe. Until then, we must continue to love and worship Him with
all our heart. We must continue to seek His face and ask His guidance
for every step. We must continue to follow His direction and patiently
trust His timing.

Have a Great Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

Don't be discouraged newslady, there's a purpose in the wait.

BabeinChrist said:
Don't be discouraged newslady, there's a purpose in the wait.


Blessings to you for the encouragement. I try to remind myself there is a reason it's taking so long for me to find the right man/meaningful relationship/eventually marry.
But I'm turning 33 next month and I wanna have kids before I'm 40, I hope!
I haven't been in a committed relationship in 6 years and even then, I was committed, he wasn't.
So I'm trying to look beyond my cirumstances but its not easy.
newslady said:
Blessings to you for the encouragement. I try to remind myself there is a reason it's taking so long for me to find the right man/meaningful relationship/eventually marry.
But I'm turning 33 next month and I wanna have kids before I'm 40, I hope!
I haven't been in a committed relationship in 6 years and even then, I was committed, he wasn't.
So I'm trying to look beyond my cirumstances but its not easy.

I will be 30 :eek: in a couple of months so I understand how you feel. Please allow me to share this brief testimony:

A few years ago, maybe seven years now, I was looking for someone for the purpose of establishing a long term relationship. All throughout college, I kept my mind on my studies. After I graduated I wanted to find someone, if not to marry, at least to date. I was unable to find anyone through worldly channels since I wasn't the party/clubbin' type and I wasn't active in a church then. I started looking online for men with whom I may have been compatible. I did this for a period of probably two or three years off and on. I would go out on dates and nothing ever seemed to work out. Finally, I became so frustrated that I broke down crying in the bathroom one evening. I had spent thirteen years in primary/secondary school and another four in undergraduate doing "all the right things" and now that I was finished I simply wanted what everyone else had. I felt that I had sacrificed so much to stay focused and on track and now that I wanted companionship it seemed to elude me no matter how hard I tried. Much like Sarah and Abraham, I said "Surely, I can't sit around and expect for a man to find me, I need to be pro-active and post a profile on a couple of the dating sites to see if my match is out there"., craigslist, blacksingles(?), and a host of others. You name it, and at one point I probably had a profile on the site. I was always careful to be truthful, not wanting to misrepresent what I looked like, what my values and interests were, etc., etc. I sincerely wanted companionship and compatiblity..something that could blossom and grow into romance and possibly marriage. As I mentioned, I got a decent number of responses--people from all races and age groups. I went out on dates with white and blacks alike, not knowing who might end up being "the one" for me. God blessed me with the good fortune to never have met up with any murderers, rapists, etc. but I didn't meet anyone that I could establish a real connection with either. I met nice people, just not the key for my lock (metaphorically, not physically speaking).

So one evening, I had just had enough. I was feeling particularly down and depressed and I just let loose in the bathroom. I cried out to God in an angry, bitter voice. I was enraged at the fact that I could not find anyone and at the same time extremely sad. I had what could probably be described as an adult version of a temper tantrum. I was angry, and I mean ANGRY with God (not a fact I'm proud of at all but this is the honest truth). I don't know if you have ever been angry with God but I was, and I didn't hold anything back. I let HIM have it right there in the bathroom--yes, ME a lowly sinner telling God off! I felt hurt and betrayed. I felt that I had done my part--that I was doing the best I could and God wasn't holding up HIS end of the bargain.

I have a two year old niece now. Whenever she doesn't get her way, she has a temper tantrum. Sometimes we just let her cry instead of babying her. But I've noticed that this only makes her angrier. First of all, she's mad that she can't have whatever it is that she wants and on top of that she's angry because she thinks no one is paying attention to her.

The very next evening I logged on to my internet account not expecting any messages, but hoping for some. I was shocked to see not one but two men who met my stringent criteria! They were handsome in my opinion, adequately educated, level-headed black men (a difficult find!). But an amazing thing happened to me--God spoke to my spirit in one of the most distinct manners before I even lifted a finger to hit the reply button. It was his voice and I did not doubt it. Do you know what HE told me?

God said:

1). I Hear You.

He said "I heard your cry. I heard you in the bathroom yesterday crying, seething and stomping. I heard you when you told me how lonely you were and your dismay about the path your life seems to be taking. I've been watching you these past few years as you've taken the reins in your hands and driven this chariot as best as you knew how. I heard you, I hear you, I LOVE YOU and I care about how you feel". God is truly merciful, I expected to be struck down with a lighting bolt for my disdainful, sinful behavior but God loved me too much to do that! I don't understand it, but God is truly LOVE. He was willing to overlook my pitiful tantrum so that he could hold me in HIS arms. Lord, your mercy endureth forever and to all generations!

2). Nothing will come of these two potential suitors

The moment I opened my email I knew that after the initial contact, I would never hear from either man again. I knew it from the very depths of my soul and I knew it instantly. I could hear God saying clearly "Nothing will come of this. Do not expect it. This will not lead to romance, marriage, friendship or a relationship. The only reason I have brought these gentlemen to your door is to show you that I am the LORD, the Creator of it all. Do not doubt my ability to provide your every need and supply your every desire." Do you remember when Judas came to betray Jesus and one of his disciples cut off the high priest's ear? What did God say?

"Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?" Matthew 26:53

Well God sent me a similar message just to prove that all power is in HIS hands. God cared enough about me to reveal himself intimately to me that day. At once, my spirit was quieted and the storm died down. The depression lifted. I went out on a date with one of them and I can't remember what happened with the other one. Just as God told me, nothing came of either one. But I went away not feeling, sad or depressed. I was in awe of the way God could and would speak and how he would lead me through the good and the bad. My last relationship was about two years ago. He was a nice guy and I cared for him a lot, but God took control and told me that I was being led astray. I had a very difficult time with that but I'm glad HE stepped in.

Now I want to say to you:

God hears you. He knows that you are on this forum seeking Christian fellowship and HIS advice through scripture. He knows how old you are and he knows about your desire to start a family. He knows how difficult it is to wait patiently when you don't know what the outcome is going to be. He knows and he cares. HE gave you the ability to become a newswoman and a person of distinct character. You are HIS child and he doesn't want to entrust your heart to just anyone--he won't allow it! Only the best will do for God's own and that includes you. Lastly, I did recall a scripture when I thought about your post:

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33

Keeping seeking his face, newslady.
BabeinChrist said:
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33

BabeinChrist, you have the wrong username (gentle smile).... Your testimony was piercing and encouraging and thought-provoking at the same time....

I am 37 years old, not yet married, not yet children, and even not yet sex. Pretty much everything you said I have heard at some point in my life. I am working on my fourth college degree. I'm a cutie pie, with lots of personality. My last (only) real relationship was when I was 19-20 years old. He was my first love. Nothing really serious since then (well, only one, but he died--that's another story).

About the online dating: just two days ago, I signed up for another online dating service and paid nearly $200 for that membership. I got excited for a hot minute because after I completed the questionnaire, I got one (!) ONE match!!! Wow! Yet as I read the profile, I sensed the Lord saying to me: "let Me do it." Sigh.... I justified myself (HA!) by saying that I just want to meet some people on my level, if you will.... Which brings me to one point of inquiry: the STRONG MESSAGING of the church (and family, to an extent) that if you're not married, then you're not successful. I am working on my doctorate, yet I do not feel successful. I have not had a date in a couple of years. For the past few weeks, I have avoided going to church because I hear about all the engagements and marriages and weddings going on... and I've been waiting for a long time. I did what I (thought) I was supposed to do.... Honestly, I should be more grateful for the freedom from marriage so that I can focus on my studies, and every once in a while, I am.... At this point, I would appreciate a nice date.... I've been a bit distant from church, and my daily devotional time with the Lord.... It's just so lonely.... Sigh....

I'm just tired of the cliches. I want and need a real, rhema word from the Lord....
LOL RelaxerRehab, Nah I do have the correct username. Just about everyday I'm reminded about how much more growing I have to do in Jesus.

And you ARE successful. Remember that the devil has all sorts of tricks and he can wear any hat he wants to. Success should never be defined in worldly terms: money, homes, cars, jobs, degrees, marriage, kids, etc. If you know the Lord and have accepted him into your heart for the forgiveness of your have more than succeeded. Marvel at how accomplished academically you are! Many people will never have the tenacity or academic prowess to obtain a doctorate. You are doing something many people said that Blacks were not capable of. God has set a path for your life. Embrace it and thank him for it!

I sometimes feel the same way when I hear about impending marriages. The fact of the matter is that it is hard to be alone sometimes. Yes, it’s hard but have you asked the Lord to lift this burden from your spirit? Jesus has overcome the world . He’s overcome your intense loneliness and frustration. He has overcome your doubt and worry. He’s overcome aching hearts, painful illnesses, mean-spiritedness, jealousy, hatred , pride, suffering and all of the other ails that plague our world.

And yes, you are cute! I have never seen you but I can tell by your spirit. God’s hands were divinely blessed when he created you. The world does not view marriage the way God intended for us to. Marriage was created as a visual demonstration of God’s love for his church–and a husband is supposed to lead his wife in establishing and maintaining a closer relationship with God. Now how many people at city hall or the chapel on the strip in Vegas are thinking about God and his commandments when they say “I Do”? There are so many men out there who are plain LOST that it’s a shame (as evidenced by the dearth of men in our churches). Why would God want you to marry someone who doesn’t know HIM, isn’t seeking HIM now and maybe never will?

All of my college friends are now married. And do you know what? Two are divorced! Both were divorced within four years of marriage. None have a close relationship with God and I know for a fact that some are not saved.. Listen to God and let HIM do it. He loves you more than any man can and his plans are always divine. :)
poetist said:
I really pray that I'm NOT included in this list of people. :look:

I've worried about that in the past, but I've let that go. God promised to give us the desires of our hearts. If it's a desire of yours to get married (which is not a wrong desire to have) then it will come to pass.
Babe in Christ, I can so relate to your story. (Perhaps a little too well to the tantrum part. :look:) Thanks for sharing your testimony. I have no doubt that you will be back on this thread to share how God sent you someone. Be blessed!
Wow, Babe.... thank you for your sweet and kind words.... Sigh (exhale of relief).... Know that I feel more than I can express in words....
Be encourage we all have to struggle with this and God is going to bless just because you sought help. KEEP THE FATIH and take one day at a time.
Do not doubt my ability to provide your every need and supply your every desire." Do you remember when Judas came to betray Jesus and one of his disciples cut off the high priest's ear? What did God say?

"Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?" Matthew 26:53

Well God sent me a similar message just to prove that all power is in HIS hands. God cared enough about me to reveal himself intimately to me that day. At once, my spirit was quieted and the storm died down. The depression lifted. I went out on a date with one of them and I can't remember what happened with the other one. Just as God told me, nothing came of either one. But I went away not feeling, sad or depressed. I was in awe of the way God could and would speak and how he would lead me through the good and the bad. My last relationship was about two years ago. He was a nice guy and I cared for him a lot, but God took control and told me that I was being led astray. I had a very difficult time with that but I'm glad HE stepped in.

Now I want to say to you:

God hears you. He knows that you are on this forum seeking Christian fellowship and HIS advice through scripture. He knows how old you are and he knows about your desire to start a family. He knows how difficult it is to wait patiently when you don't know what the outcome is going to be. He knows and he cares. HE gave you the ability to become a newswoman and a person of distinct character. You are HIS child and he doesn't want to entrust your heart to just anyone--he won't allow it! Only the best will do for God's own and that includes you. Lastly, I did recall a scripture when I thought about your post:

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33

Keeping seeking his face, newslady.

Thank you SO MUCH for your testimony. To everyone else, thank you for sharing your experiences as well. I just read through this thread and when I was done I felt more angry, depressed, bitter, and just pissed off toward God than I did before I started reading. Whenever I read testimonies that don't have a happy ending I get mad. I too throw an adult temper tantrum. I ask WHY?! I firmly believe in my heart that the Lord is being unjust to us Christian young woman who are actually FOLLOWING God's laws and actually including Him in our decision for a mate. We are not having premartial sex, we are even praying and fasting. How could the Lord NOT bless us with this desire of our heart?! We've earned it have we not?!

I'm sure you can all see my pride rearing it's ugly head, can you not?

I just got on my knees and cried out to the Lord all these feelings- and then some. I do not know about you but I'm tired of crying about the same things... the lonliness, the feelings of being left behind, the feelings of being less than a woman because no potential mate is in sight. I expressed all this to the Lord. While I sat there wallowing away in my self pity I remembered what I heard Creflo Dollar say this morning in his sermon about change. He said, (I'm paraphrasing) "in order to change, you have to want it bad enough- as bad as you want to take your next breath. Then and only then will the Lord step in and help you accordingly." I believe the issue we may be dealing with is not necessarily "being single" but rather, do we really trust God? Do we really have faith that He will do what is best for us? If we did, the focus would be taken off of us being "unmarried, dateless for years, past child bearing age, etc." Instead wouldn't we be focusing on how we trust God and know He would not lead us astray?

As I was on my knees, I asked myself, do I really WANT to trust God? My answer was "No". I do not want to trust God because in the past I have put my "trust" in Him and He has "failed me". I want to be real with you all. I believe in the Bible, I believe in Jesus, but I would be lying if I told you that I trust God in the "marriage" department of my life. I do not. Do you?? Through this past experience where I felt the Lord "failed" me, I do know, however, that the Lord was merely revealing my fake "trust" in Him. I was praying to the Lord as though I truly trusted him, but the Lord called my bluff. To be honest, I did not even know my trust in Him was false.

As I continued to talk to the Lord, I ended our discussion the way I always do when I throw a temper tantrum- with guilt. I start saying how unworthy I am of the Lord's blessings. How can I call myself a Christian? I tell the Lord that He will never bless me with a mate because of my childish behavior and disbelief in His goodness. I think of other people who are in worse situations than me. I think of friends who have cancer and people who have been recently widowed (a friend from my church lost her husband of 10 years 2 weeks ago in a car accident. They have 4 girls under the age of 10 and she's 4 months pregnant with twins!) WHO AM I TO COMPLAIN?!?!?! Oh I'm such a horrible person!!! Have you ever been there? Can you all relate with my "prayer/temper tantrum"?

Ladies, I know we all have different situations and life experiences, but I believe the Lord is truly calling us all to have FIRM trust and faith in Him. I'm not talking about that "fluff" where we say, "I'm holdin on..." but yet we're constantly crying inside, "I'm waiting on the Lord" but yet the Lord knows we fear the future more than anything else. First of all, only TRUE trust in the Lord and UNWAVERING faith will get us to heaven. I believe now is the time for us to focus on trust and faith in the Lord. Let us ask the Lord to help our unbelief and give us what we are lacking in our personal relationship with Him. Let us ask the Lord to change us to be the women He wants us to be so He can fulfill His plans for us as stated in Jer. 11:29. The devil wants us to stay down, he wants us to stay negative, he wants us to focus on the reality of our age and how many men are NOT in the church. The devil wants us to waste time being angry at God and throwing ourselves pity parties. More than anything the devil wants to keep Godly Christian women AWAY from Godly Christian men. The devil wants to break families apart and he wants to keep potential families from coming together. The devil also wants us to worry about all the things that he is doing but ladies we need to FIGHT him off until he leaves us alone! What does James say? James 4:8 says resist the devil and he will flee from you. The Lord says in Isaiah 46:11: "What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do." The Lord has plans for each and every one of us. If the Lord wants us to get married, then it's already done. If He does not, then it's already done! If we remain single, I do not believe the Lord will have us be unhappy and less than satisfied for the rest of our lives. He promised to provide us with all our needs regardless of our marital status.

I am calling us all to STARVE our doubts, STARVE our fears, STARVE our guilt, STARVE our fake trust in God, STARVE our fake faith in God's word, STARVE our negative thoughts! How bad do you want to change? How bad do you want to truly trust the Lord? How bad do you really want to do God's will whether you get married or remain single? Ask the Lord to give you the desire to trust Him and then EXPECT Him to work! I am claiming the future praise reports in the lives of those who will rise to the challenge of change!
Thank you SO MUCH for your testimony. To everyone else, thank you for sharing your experiences as well. I just read through this thread and when I was done I felt more angry, depressed, bitter, and just pissed off toward God than I did before I started reading. Whenever I read testimonies that don't have a happy ending I get mad. I too throw an adult temper tantrum. I ask WHY?! I firmly believe in my heart that the Lord is being unjust to us Christian young woman who are actually FOLLOWING God's laws and actually including Him in our decision for a mate. We are not having premartial sex, we are even praying and fasting. How could the Lord NOT bless us with this desire of our heart?! We've earned it have we not?!

I'm sure you can all see my pride rearing it's ugly head, can you not?

I just got on my knees and cried out to the Lord all these feelings- and then some. I do not know about you but I'm tired of crying about the same things... the lonliness, the feelings of being left behind, the feelings of being less than a woman because no potential mate is in sight. I expressed all this to the Lord. While I sat there wallowing away in my self pity I remembered what I heard Creflo Dollar say this morning in his sermon about change. He said, (I'm paraphrasing) "in order to change, you have to want it bad enough- as bad as you want to take your next breath. Then and only then will the Lord step in and help you accordingly." I believe the issue we may be dealing with is not necessarily "being single" but rather, do we really trust God? Do we really have faith that He will do what is best for us? If we did, the focus would be taken off of us being "unmarried, dateless for years, past child bearing age, etc." Instead wouldn't we be focusing on how we trust God and know He would not lead us astray?

As I was on my knees, I asked myself, do I really WANT to trust God? My answer was "No". I do not want to trust God because in the past I have put my "trust" in Him and He has "failed me". I want to be real with you all. I believe in the Bible, I believe in Jesus, but I would be lying if I told you that I trust God in the "marriage" department of my life. I do not. Do you?? Through this past experience where I felt the Lord "failed" me, I do know, however, that the Lord was merely revealing my fake "trust" in Him. I was praying to the Lord as though I truly trusted him, but the Lord called my bluff. To be honest, I did not even know my trust in Him was false.

As I continued to talk to the Lord, I ended our discussion the way I always do when I throw a temper tantrum- with guilt. I start saying how unworthy I am of the Lord's blessings. How can I call myself a Christian? I tell the Lord that He will never bless me with a mate because of my childish behavior and disbelief in His goodness. I think of other people who are in worse situations than me. I think of friends who have cancer and people who have been recently widowed (a friend from my church lost her husband of 10 years 2 weeks ago in a car accident. They have 4 girls under the age of 10 and she's 4 months pregnant with twins!) WHO AM I TO COMPLAIN?!?!?! Oh I'm such a horrible person!!! Have you ever been there? Can you all relate with my "prayer/temper tantrum"?

Ladies, I know we all have different situations and life experiences, but I believe the Lord is truly calling us all to have FIRM trust and faith in Him. I'm not talking about that "fluff" where we say, "I'm holdin on..." but yet we're constantly crying inside, "I'm waiting on the Lord" but yet the Lord knows we fear the future more than anything else. First of all, only TRUE trust in the Lord and UNWAVERING faith will get us to heaven. I believe now is the time for us to focus on trust and faith in the Lord. Let us ask the Lord to help our unbelief and give us what we are lacking in our personal relationship with Him. Let us ask the Lord to change us to be the women He wants us to be so He can fulfill His plans for us as stated in Jer. 11:29. The devil wants us to stay down, he wants us to stay negative, he wants us to focus on the reality of our age and how many men are NOT in the church. The devil wants us to waste time being angry at God and throwing ourselves pity parties. More than anything the devil wants to keep Godly Christian women AWAY from Godly Christian men. The devil wants to break families apart and he wants to keep potential families from coming together. The devil also wants us to worry about all the things that he is doing but ladies we need to FIGHT him off until he leaves us alone! What does James say? James 4:8 says resist the devil and he will flee from you. The Lord says in Isaiah 46:11: "What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do." The Lord has plans for each and every one of us. If the Lord wants us to get married, then it's already done. If He does not, then it's already done! If we remain single, I do not believe the Lord will have us be unhappy and less than satisfied for the rest of our lives. He promised to provide us with all our needs regardless of our marital status.

I am calling us all to STARVE our doubts, STARVE our fears, STARVE our guilt, STARVE our fake trust in God, STARVE our fake faith in God's word, STARVE our negative thoughts! How bad do you want to change? How bad do you want to truly trust the Lord? How bad do you really want to do God's will whether you get married or remain single? Ask the Lord to give you the desire to trust Him and then EXPECT Him to work! I am claiming the future praise reports in the lives of those who will rise to the challenge of change!

MissNatural, this was beautiful... and you are so right... it's all about TRUST.

I've been really working on this trust thing over the last week or so... had a little situation that could be very positive, but I'm working to just TRUST God and let HIM do his work!
MissNatural, this was beautiful... and you are so right... it's all about TRUST.

I've been really working on this trust thing over the last week or so... had a little situation that could be very positive, but I'm working to just TRUST God and let HIM do his work!

I'm so happy you were blessed! Your response makes my posting all worth it! I believe we are supposed to be there for one another, lift each other up. Let us be honest with our feelings- negative and all, but let us use the Word to lift us and get us back to where we need to be. The word is supposed to be power right?! Girl, you said you've been workin on this trust thing for a week?? I feel like I just started today! LOL!!! I've "tried" and "started" to battle my fake trust before but I've never completely followed through. I'd much rather stay in my unhappiness... maybe this time I'll get out for good. I'm back on the wagon!!! :-) woohoo!