Scorched Hair Last Night - Advice please

L.A. Woman

New Member
I really don't know how it happened - I'd lit a candle and maybe I bent over near it to pick something up from the floor. I didn't feel anything but I smelled the burning hair. When I felt around my head to find out if it was on fire, a bunch of crispy broken off hairs came out from the top left side of my head. It was literally a nightmare. I couldn't believe it was happening.

To look at my hair overall, you wouldn't know the difference. But I know that the shrubbery left in that one spot is damaged. I'm due for a touch-up next weekend. What will the relaxer do to that spot on my hair??

What should I do now?
Hi L.A. Woman,

My goodness! I'm glad you weren't hurt yourself. Is it possible to trim off the singed portion if it's not too much? If the damage was just to your hair and not the scalp, well you should be o.k. I would trim off the burned parts though. I'm not sure how the relaxer will affect it in terms of straightening it out. /images/graemlins/look.gif
<font color="blue">L.A. Woman I'm really gald that your ok. What a horrible thing to happen to you!
Something similar happened to my mom when she was a young girl but she lost a ton of her waist length hair and she got a nasty had a heat rash on her face.
Your very lucky that the damage isn't noticeable.
Thank God your ok.
maybe a deep condition with protein, if the damage is not too bad it may repair. and then moistrize the hell out of your hair all the way up to touch-up day.

after all that you can judge better how much you need to trim off.