Scissors used to cut your hair..


Those of you who cut your own you use "hair cutting" scissors.. or just everyday scissors that you have at home?? If you use "hair cutting" ones.. where can you get some REALLY cheap??

I don't cut my hair but Sally's carry good quality scissors for cutting or trimming.
I use hair cutting scissors. I bought a pair at Sally's for about $10, and I also picked up another pair at Rite Aid for about $8.
i usr fabric shears, they are very sharp and i dont use them for anything but my hair. you can get some nice ones for under $10 at walmart
I bought some from my local beauty supply store for about seven dollars. I think that's as cheap as they get. :)
I feel bad now. I have a pair of 6.25 Luxor Convex Shear scissors. They normally cost 80 bucks, but I got mine for 50. They are very sharp with a screw to tighten them. They also don't pull when I cut. I have them in a special box away from the other scissors so no one will use them.
like everyone else said, you need shears specifically designed for cutting hair. i know you can get them at sallys, i dont know how much they cost though. i got mine for free.
skegeesmb said:
I feel bad now. I have a pair of 6.25 Luxor Convex Shear scissors. They normally cost 80 bucks, but I got mine for 50. They are very sharp with a screw to tighten them. They also don't pull when I cut. I have them in a special box away from the other scissors so no one will use them.
WOW..that's ALOT.. way out of my budget.. I hope you like them though..and I bet they will last forever...:)
Hey Rush Girl :wave:

I buy my hair cutting scissors at Rite Aid and they work just great. I pay about $14 and I believe the brand is Mecca or Mebco or something close that starts with an M.
I have to get a new poair too. I have a Goody one I bought from walmart and it broke after 2 months, I bought another and I'm afraid it will break again :( so I have to stop being cheap :) and getting a good quality pair. Maybe I'll just go along with the other girls that got it from Right-Aid and get me one there too.;)
RushGirl said:
WOW..that's ALOT.. way out of my budget.. I hope you like them though..and I bet they will last forever...:)
See that's what I get for asking advice on getting scissors on They all seem to LOVE the really expensive scissors. I don't feel too bad though, I've used them twice so far and I love them. They'd better last me forever, or at least until I've used them so much that they only ended up costing me a dollar.:grin: