Scissor Happy Stylists. What's the REAL deal?


Well-Known Member
My stylist of 10 years moved away last year leaving me to hunt for a new stylist. I swear this has been an uphill battle because EVERY stylist I've been to claims I need a trim every single time. Now I go to great lengths to keep my hair healthy and I pay special attention to my ends and I know darn well my ends aren't going bad overnight, I even had one stylist tell me my ends looked good but she just wanted to shape things up. Of course at the end of each relaxer these stylists tag on an extra $20.00 for a trim and this leads me to believe if these stylists are being truthful or just want money. The only people I know that aren't scissor happy are Dominicans but I'm not sure if I want to even let them start doing my relaxers because I don't know how they are with that. Anyone else have this problem with scissor happy stylists? I know ends need trimming but when you take care of your hair and aren't putting heat to your hair, the ends don't need trimming as often as they claim. The problem is when people keep clipping your ends like this you DO lose length.​
I know right? I've been through this before. I had a stylist who was awesome with any chemicals you put in her hands but she was scissor happy to the extreme:ohwell:. I dunno if they don't want to deal with longer lengths, are jealous or what? Can you contact the other stylist to get recommendations from her since you know she knows what you like? How about friends or family who know you are on a HHJ and can make recommendations? In my case, I finally got up the courage to assume more responsibility for my hair. I realized I was too dependent on other ppl to keep it looking good. I have 2 women who know what dusting vs trimming means. Best wishes!
I think of trims as preventative maintenance. The point of them (to me) are that they prevent splits and breakage by ridding us of old, weathered ends.

But, I do agree some stylists can go overboard. I simply make it clear that I do not want a trim before the service even begins. If I do want a trim, I ask them to show me what they think needs to be trimmed and we agree upon an amount. At that point, I hold them accountable to what I agreed to.
Good point about the jealousy part. My former sytlist was a male who had long dredlocks and I loved this guy. He wasn't scissor happy at all and while I was under his care, my hair grew waist length. I loved it even though long hair is WORK! If I needed a trim bad he would let me know otherwise he would say things like I think your ends will look good for the next couple of relaxers etc. God I so wish I was rich then I would fly out to him or have him flown in or whatever. This search for a non-scissor happy stylist has proved disastrous. My hair was cut shoulder length in January. Here we are in June and guess what, it's STILL should length. With my old stylist my hair would be halfway down my back by now..................NO LIE there. I'm toying with the idea of doing my own relaxers because of this. Would this be a good move? Whenever I do my own relaxers I tend to underprocess because of fear of overprocessing. I heard underprocessing can be just as bad as overprocessing though.
I def understand where ur coming from. I'm borderline afraid of most stylists. But the Dominicans are great with relaxers

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The only people I know that aren't scissor happy are Dominicans but I'm not sure if I want to even let them start doing my relaxers because I don't know how they are with that.
They were great with my relaxers. The last 2 times I got relaxer touch-ups I went to a Dominican salon. If I were still getting relaxers I would still be going to them.

Before that I had a stylist who used to pressure me to trim, even after my ends improved. I think she wanted the extra $10 and she wanted to keep my hair shorter for other reasons that I can only guess.
Of course at the end of each relaxer these stylists tag on an extra $20.00 for a trim and this leads me to believe if these stylists are being truthful or just want money.​

Good point about the financial motivation. Last time I went for a press, the stylist told me I had two inches of split ends that need to go. First, I examine for splits at least weekly and never saw one myself. Second, I had not heat treated my hair or used any brushes or combs on it since she had seen me last, so why would it be split? In any case, I told her I'd get one next time I see her. I had my last trim in February--at this rate, I'll have her take off a half inch or so in August or September. I see no real reason to trim healthy hair more frequently than that.
I actually need a trim but am afraid due to previous issue with stylists, and someone also reminded me about the Dominicans. My experience with trims from them were great, she'd cut the bare minimum, then show you exactly what she cut before she proceeded, I think I'm gonna end up going with them whenever I bother to straighten or go get a doobie.
Idk about the relaxer personally but I do see ladies getting them done there with great results....good luck!

(or as always you can ask someone with great hair where they go!)
From a jr stylists' perspective I think there could be a few reasons

:: Jealousy - from the ones who don't really have a passion for hair or the industry and can't take care of their own (let alone somebody elses).

:: Financial motivation - this one speaks for itself. They want your money now to pay bills and could care less about you, your hair or retaining you as a client.

:: They just like cutting hair. Fresh ends can be addictive... lol
From a jr stylists' perspective I think there could be a few reasons

:: Jealousy - from the ones who don't really have a passion for hair or the industry and can't take care of their own (let alone somebody elses).

:: Financial motivation - this one speaks for itself. They want your money now to pay bills and could care less about you, your hair or retaining you as a client.

:: They just like cutting hair. Fresh ends can be addictive... lol
That reminds me of my former stylist. She said that she doesn't have a passion for doing hair. She said it in the salon on a busy Saturday morning, in front of everyone. She was having a converation with someone about careers and I guess she forgot where she was. :ohwell:

And I'm sure she had the financial motivation too. I got relaxer touch-ups every 6 weeks when I was going to her, so that's 8 relaxers a year, $10 extra for a trim......who doesn't want an extra $80 a year? :ohwell: