Scared to mess up my hair!


New Member
Since my last texturizer around feb 20th, I have quite a bit of newgrowth and my hair is not breaking off! I'm very, very happy.

Even though it's not growing as fast as it should be... I only have about .5 of an inch. I'm still happy though.

Some things are bothering me. Earlier this year I did like, a BIG change in my hair care regimen. I didn't have much money to spend on my hair, so I actually nursed my hair to nearly perfect health on cheap, but high quality products.

Now I have all of this hair (not long, but thick and healthy)... and it's pretty! I've been getting compliments from everywhere. Even my mother who thought that I was doing too much to my hair and didn't agree with it loves my hair now.

Now I have more money, and I can afford different products, stuff that I want to try like biolage... I want to start surging again but I'm afraid to. I'm afraid of trying new styles...

I'm afraid of changing ANYTHING in my regimen!

Should I really be so scared? On one side I don't want to mess it up, on the other hand I know I shouldn't be terriffied of trying a new style or conditioner :lol:

Any words of encouragement?
Hiya Porsche19,

If you have a current regimen that's working for you with no hitches, I would say stick with it. I'm a serial PJ myself, but I can say I have a bathroom cupboard of some products that I'm dissapointed with. If you have the money to spare then by all means try out new products. If not, then stick to what's already working great for you.:)
Trying out new products is fun. But for me, sticking to the basics is all I really need. Manipulating and using too many products causes my hair to break. But i think trying out a few new things won't hurt.