scared of using mtg...


New Member
So ladies, I reallllllllllllllllly wanna use mtg as I feel that it would really benefit my hair growth, and I wouldn't mind having enough hair to weave it up by the end of the month. However I was reading on another forum, and women said that they suffered from headaches whilst using it. Have any of you ladies had any of these effects? I've heard that its hamless, but I'm a little off edge...

Crissi, x
I have been on and off, but now I am officially off. I did have thickness but not length. I noticed the last time I was on, my scalp itched something firece! At that time I did not think it was the mtg, because I had used before with no ill effects. Well I got back on about 2 weeks ago and the itchiness returned!:confused: :eek: I had planned to perm and notice that my scalp was in pretty bad shape with all the scatching I had done. Needless to say I will not be perming until my scalp is in better shape.

Ladies, does that mean my hair was growing since it was itching so bad or a bad reaction? I had been using off and on for 6 mos with no probs...:confused: :(
Hey! I didn't have any problems with it and my hair got extra thick but thickness was never an issue for me. I went through a bottle and a half but I fell off that horse and carriage cause of the smell. I mixed it with peppermint and other oils but it just smelled like minty funk.:ohwell: Then my man couldn't take it anymore and once I stopped using it I realized that I liked to smell my hair and I don't want it to have a stinch. If I could do it over again...and i may,I would get some sulfur powder and make my own concoction like Den. (Maybe I'll just use it on the weekends)
I said this was something I would never try. But for some reason about 3 weeks ago I decided to purchase and I'll have to say that although I haven't used it much, the times I did I didn't have any adverse effects. Just a little itching.
I've been using it for 2 1/2 months now with no adverse affects to me besides some tarnished jewelry. I cut about an inch off a month after I started using MTG and here I am 1 1/2 months later and my hair has grown back!!!! I use it after I wash or cowash which is like 3 times a week. The smell does not bother me anymore but I use lavender oil to coat it sometimes. I am on the MTG bandwagon and I ain't coming off!!!:grin:

Don't be scared girl different people have different effects so you know till you try it!!!!
I love MTG! My hair is so silky and soft each time I've used it. The smell is not so strong in ther mornings, however during the week I had to stop using it because of work.

The only challenge is that it caused my neck to become irritated. The way to afford that is to keep a towel around your neck during each application.

As Honeydew shared, try a small area first. :)
MTG is the truth for me! I abolutely love it as a growing agent cause I do not put it on the full length of my hair just my scalp. The best oil (very expensive) to mask the smell for me is ylang ylang. I put mine in an 8oz applicator bottle with 7 drops of ylang shake and apply. I dont use a lot cuz its runny but when i do put it on my scalp i immediately massage it in and wipe my face and neck. I've always had braids when using MTG so application is much easier and less of a mess. No ill side effects yet. Been on it since December.
If your having second thoughts another oil that did wonders for me was WGO (wild growth oil). The only downside with that for me was the build up was outrageous and very hard for me to get out of my hair, even with clarifying shampoo. It was like white sticky gum was in my hair. Yuck, but it doesnt stink and isn't runny.
DulceKisses said:
MTG is the truth for me! I abolutely love it as a growing agent cause I do not put it on the full length of my hair just my scalp. The best oil (very expensive) to mask the smell for me is ylang ylang. I put mine in an 8oz applicator bottle with 7 drops of ylang shake and apply. I dont use a lot cuz its runny but when i do put it on my scalp i immediately massage it in and wipe my face and neck. I've always had braids when using MTG so application is much easier and less of a mess. No ill side effects yet. Been on it since December.

I totally can relate to this, i've been MTG'ing daily since November but with added peppermint and rosemary oil...
I'm also braided up, just be careful when applying, wrap a towel around your neck-
i also wipe my face and neck with witch hazel then splash it with rose water to make sure the MTG aint touching my face or neck because it has caused me to have a bad rash on my neck previously,
now that i do take extra precaution everything is cool...
Yeah, Im also a HUGE advocate of mtg. Its given me a LOT of growth, and also thickened my fine-textured hair up too. I say go for it..... Just know that, imo, it works best when it is used several times a week, and when it sits in your hair for a few days before washing out.

Agreeing w/the ladies who have stated to keep a towell around your neck during application, and be sure to wipe up any drips, as it will def. irritate your neck.
MTG is my LOVER!! I started using it last year and was practically drinking it with every application. My hair got SO thick. It's a great moisturizer and I am not botherd by the smell, I use it straight. If I mix it, it's because I am trying to maximize my product usage :cool: . I am braided as well and find that it's really effective during these times. I apply it every night (when I am not too tired) and I usually wash every couple of days.
I just started using it about a week ago. The smell doesn't bother me, It reminds me of Glover's mane from when I was younger. I use a bottle with a nozzle top (like a ketchup dispenser) to apply to my scalp daily after the MN application. I wash my hair on Wednesday's and Sunday's and apply as soon as I get home from work. By the next morning there is no smell and my SO thinks it smells like medicine but isn't bothered by it much.
I recently started putting a bit of cayenne powder in the mtg, for extra stimulation..... i will let you ladies know how that goes. Its only been a week of this......
I fell of the bandwagon. I do so much from this board that I don't know what the hell is responsible for my hair sprout: MSM? MTG? MN? So I just mixed up a batch of all of them with the cortizone and the capsacin. I threw in some lavendar oil and you can't even smell the MTG. In fact, my hair smells damn good. the revel in my nice-smelling hair.