Scared of marriage?


Well-Known Member
Is the idea of marriage and the things that come with it frightful and scary?
Are you fiercely independent and see marriage as bondage or are you like many woman anxioulsy waiting for the day you say "I Do"
I'm afraid that someone is going to tell me what to do, how to act, what to wear, etc. He's got to be a cool dude who lets me do what I want to do. Otherwise I'll stay single.
I have a fear of marriage which definately plays into my fear of committment(s!).... I don't know what exactly I am scared of maybe because most marriages don't work out maybe we aren't meant to me monogamous:rolleyes: Or because if I actually let go and committment to this one thing and it comes crashing down ... I can't fathom picking up the pieces...
I was until I met my husband. I never wanted to get married before meeting him. He's everything I never knew I wanted in a man; he's perfect for me. It's like living w/my best friend and having someone to hang out w/all the time. We have alot of fun.
peronally I would love to be married HOWEVER lately I have been second guessing my desire. I grew up with two loving parents that were married for 30 years by the time my daddy passed so I know marriages can last despite statistics that prove contratry...but lately (and maybe its due to divorce court) but Im I know one can never truly be prpared for certain things in life BUT I dont wanna wake up one morning and find that my husband is bored withh me and therefore desitres to cheat, or that either one of us starts to neglect the other....but again it could be the overwhelming amount of divorce court I watched while on break from school and the movie I think I love my wife...but Im scared that he might be in love at the beginning and fall out or something and make it very unhappy for me...
I wasn't scared of marriage. But I was independent, bossy, couldn't tell me nothing. Thankful I'm not that person anymore. I know you hear this all the time, marriage is what you make of it. The first souple of years are for working out the kinks and it's basicly smooth sailing afterwards with a few bumps in the road.