scalp moiturized and still itchy.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I am new to the forum but have been learking in the shadows for over a year now. You guys are grrrrreat!!! I have been reading all types of threads concerning itchy scalps. This is my issue. I grease my scalp with hair food and I do not have dandruff. My scalp itches alot even if I grease my scalp or not. I need help and I need it fast ladies! I use Aphogee products. I shampoo and condition once a week. I wear my hair in a ponytail every day. I am relaxed. I moisturize and seal every day. What could be the problem?:blush:
Welcome to the board. The scalp doesn't need heavy product like hair food grease...clogs the pores. Try using a light oil such as jojoba which mimics the natural sebum that the scalp produces.
What's "hair food"? Sounds like something that's laced with mineral oil, petroleum or lanolin. Those ingredients are horrible for the scalp.
Also hair food is a misnomer since the hair doesn't actually ingest anything.:grin: but get the nutrients from the foods ingested. I suggest using hair food as a sealant only.
Ms. Blue,... thanks for your response. even when I don't use anything, my scalp still itches. I will try what you said though.

Sassy, thanks also for your response. The hair food is a light non pertroleum product that was created for the scalp. I bought it from Carols daughter. Are you saying that the products you mentioned will make the scalp itch?
Oh wow, ms blue. I just bought two jars of the stuff. If it is a sealant. I don't need it on my scalp anyway right?
Also consider Tea Tree oil....and/or Castor Oil. THey have great antifungal and antibacterial properties that may combat your itching trememdously. YOu'll find that you only need to apply to the scalp a few times per week rather than daily.
What shampoos and conditioners are you using? I know for myself I can't put conditioner on my scalp or it causes me to itch hence no co-washing for me. Also if you are not drinking enough water, that could cause some scalp issues as well.
Thanks Baddison, I will try the tea tree oil. I already have castor oil that I will also start using.

Ms. Blue, I am using Aphogee products for shampooing and conditioning. And you may have just hit on something. I do not like to drink water. That could be the issue. OMG. Thanks you guys for all your responses. That is the worst feeling ever. after wraping my hair after work, I have to completely take it down and scratch, scratch, scratch. My scalp is so sore from scratching. I am going to try everything you guys have said. I am so glad I finally subscribed to LHCF. Thanks again!!!!!
Maybe you need to clarify to get all the buildup off your scalp and then just use antifungal when you get the itchies. Also you can always flavor waters with those 0 calorie packets you see in stores. I know when I get bored of just plain water I do that or just have tea/lemondade
Yep sounds like dry scalp. Also, you are shampooing weekly, which is probably not helping. Perhaps you can reduce your shampoo usage to twice a week, and do a co-wash every other week?
Fhrizzball- I started clarifying two weeks ago. But it was the first time I had ever done it in my life. so perhaps you are right and I still have a lot of build up on my scalp. I used baking soda and acv rinse. I will continue to do this. I was wondering if I still had any build up on my scalp. This may also be the problem. Thanks for the reminder.

NappyNelle- You said to shampoo twice a week? Or did you mean once every two weeks and co wash every week?
OH and NappyNelle, how is my scalp dry when I grease twice a week? Am I doing something wrong. I use two products. Carols daughter and a non pertroleum product called Jamican Castor oil hair food.
I used to be a scalp greaser when i was relaxed....back in high school...but it DID cause dandruff issues for me.

My advice is to stop putting/ leaving products on your scalp. Shampoo at least weekly but try co washing with a silicone free conditioner.

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I didn't know Carols Daughter made anything called "hair food". I agree with everyone here that it might be too heavy for your scalp - petroleum or not. I would try using plain jojoba oil with tea tree, rosemary and peppermint essential oils added to it.

If I understand correctly, Aphrogee shampoos has sulfates and that could be drying to your scalp. Have you considered using a sulfate free shampoo?
When my scalp is healthy, I don't need to put anything on it (but I know we are all different). When I occasionally do get an itchy scalp, I apply neem oil and leave it on for a few hours, but usually overnight and then wash/condition my hair as usual.
Kinky4Agirl, have you tried not using anything at all?

When that was first suggested to me at the age of 10, I thought my teacher was out of his mind. (Yes he was a guy) As far as I knew, the only way not to get dandruff and for my scalp not to itch was to grease or oil it. But I took him up on his challenge. The first day, my scalp itched something awful. But by day 2, no itches at all. I stopped applying anything to my scalp then. And over 30 years later, I still don't. (Heck, I'm crazy enough not to apply anything to my hair even! But even when I apply stuff to my hair, I focus only on my hair.)

The only thing I massage into my scalp is shampoo when washing my hair. I love gel-like shampoos not creamy ones because I feel as if creamy ones coat my scalp and I like it to be squeaky clean. When I apply conditioner, I skip the inch closest to my scalp because I don't believe conditioner, with it's coating properties, belongs on the scalp.

If I apply anything to my scalp, my scalp will itch something awful. I also know people who itch like crazy because they do not rinse conditioner off well. Our scalps do not need help moisturizing themselves. If you think they do, it's because you've gotten so used to smothering your scalp that you've made your sebaceous glands take a back seat; I mean, why should they interfere when you seem to have this down pat.

One thing you could try, is after washing your hair and getting it clean, (rinse very well so no residue of conditioner is left on scalp--even do what I do which is dunk your head in a very dilute solution of ACV and massage your scalp well), towel dry and get it dry however you normally do it. Doing this in the evening might be a good idea. If you can be daring, do this w/o any product on your hair then prepare your hair for bed and put on a plastic cap. This will encourage sebum production and when you wake up, you might be surprised at how "not dry" your scalp will feel. If baggying, I suggest you have nothing on your hair. But if you can't be that daring, then apply product to hair NOT SCALP and go to bed however you do it. If I had a sensitive scalp, I'd opt for a satin pillowcase instead of pressing my hair against my scalp with a scarf.

Just a suggestion.
Oh wow!! Thanks ladies for your continued replies.

smilingelephant and Nonie- I never even considered not putting anything on my scalp. I grew up like that so I guess I have continued all these years. I will remember what you two said and thanks for taking the time to reply.

Greenandchic- I used to use Aubrey Organics and anything else I could find that was natural but for some reason I just don't like natural products. Sounds crazy I know. I will look for sulfate free products though. I hope there are some good ones out there. Your suggestion concerning the essential oils is already on my list of things to buy this weekend. Thanks.

Thanks, Sckri23. and Lushlady.
Oh wow!! Thanks ladies for your continued replies.

smilingelephant and Nonie- I never even considered not putting anything on my scalp. I grew up like that so I guess I have continued all these years. I will remember what you two said and thanks for taking the time to reply.

Greenandchic- I used to use Aubrey Organics and anything else I could find that was natural but for some reason I just don't like natural products. Sounds crazy I know. I will look for sulfate free products though. I hope there are some good ones out there. Your suggestion concerning the essential oils is already on my list of things to buy this weekend. Thanks.

Thanks, Sckri23. and Lushlady.

Kinky4Agirl - Actually Aubrey Organic Shampoos are my least favorite shampoos (love some of their conditioners though). Giovanni makes great sulfate free shampoos (I can suggest your some specific ones if you're interested) and I'm sure others will have some suggestions too.
@Kinky4Agirl, you're welcome.

Like @greenandchic, Aubrey Organics shampoos were not my faves. They left my hair feeling as if I'd washed it with sap so I can only imagine how itch that gummy coating must feel if not rinsed off a scalp well.

And just like she did, may I suggest Giovanni 50:50 shampoo or the Tea Tree Oil one? They are sulfate-free but leave my scalp feeling oh so clean/ if it could inhale. :giggle:
Girl, I had the same problem last night. I did an ACVR and it was okay, but still itchy on the scalp. I thought about it, I wasn't drinking enough water. Therefore, I upped my H2O. I'm okay today and making sure I stay dehydrated. I hope that helps.

I had that problem until a few days ago when i did a bentonite clay mask with ACV. I realized that if i put heavy products on my scalp it gets itchy. I did the rinse alone today and my scalp feels so soothing. Not itchy at all.

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when you moisturize are you putting that leave in or whatever you use on your scalp purposely? I avoid putting anything other than natural oils because no matter what leave in I use it makes my scalp itch like crazy. Conditioners make my scalp itch as well so when I'm DCing or Cowashing I have to rinse my scalp off thoroughly or my scalp will itch for as long as stuff is on my scalp. I don't know why its like that but like the ladies said, try putting nothing on your scalp for a while until you can figure out why your scalp itches.
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My scalp itches after I get a relaxer. What stops the itching for me is to spray my scalp with Aloe Vera let it sit for 5min. After I am done washing and deep conditioning my hair I to a final rinse with Aloe Vera ( making sure to concentrate on my scalp) . I do this weekly and it has solved my problem.

Hope this helps
It seems like you have gotten some very good advice. I was going to suggest increasing your water intake because a lot of times dry skin and scalp is caused by simple dehydration. Also, I used to have itchy scalp and realized that I cannot have anything on my scalp. No greases, no oils, no leave-in conditioner, no butters, nothing. Also, I make sure I rinse my conditioner and shampoo thoroughly. I would suggest not using hot water and switch to warm/cool water for your shampoo and conditioner. Just like overly hot water can dry out your skin, it might be drying out your scalp as well.

I was wondering if you used yogurt when you did the baking soda scrub of your scalp? Yogurt can be quite soothing on the scalp, it is a great medium to do a scalp scrub, and it provides protein for your hair. Just wash your hair afterwards, and do a nice moisturizing conditioner.

Oh, I almost forgot, in addition to drinking more water, eating more omega three oils moisturizes your body. I don't even have to use lotion unless I want to. Eat a salad with at least one tablespoon of olive oil or hemp oil or flax seed oil or walnut oil, and take a fish oil supplement. Oh and squeeze half a lemon into your morning water.