Scalp Irritated from Daily Massage?


New Member
On Thurs. of last week, I got a relaxer. On this Monday, I started oiling and massaging my scalp with WGO and Natural Oasis using my fingertips only (not my nails). I've always been able to use Natural Oasis with no problem. By Thursday, my scalp felt tight and irritated (like the tender-headed feeling I had as a little girl). I even have a few pimples on my scalp. Are my pores clogged? Are the oils I'm using just not good for me even though others swear by them? Has anyone else experienced this problem? What did you do to remedy it?

I plan to wash my hair tomorrow morning. I only wash once a week because my hair is extremely dry and the cold weather only exacerbates this condition.

TIA for any recommendations, thoughts, etc.
I loove natural oasis. lifetime staple. It is good to oil scalp with post relaxer. IMO you should wait at least a week after a relaxer to massage and manipulate the scalp. I think maybe your scalp like mine needs that time to "recover". I always use natural oasis before and after a relaxer, and any irritation/sensitivity is gone by my next wash. I wash once a week also, and have a dry scalp. I would just oil the scalp if need be and try to leave it alone until the irritation is gone. I also like to mix natural oasis with aloe vera gel to soothe any scalp irritation I have. HTH
Thanks for the aloe vera tip and other suggestions!!! You have awakened the PJ in me. I promised that I would not buy another product until I used some of what I already have but this scalp condition is driving me crazy!
:grin:you are welcome. at whole foods you can get the food grade aloe vera gel by lily of the desert. I also use this mixed with jojoba and castor oil, or whatever oil when I get close to touchup time. It stops the itching and keeps me from scratching.
I am addicted to Whole Foods. Visiting there will only awaken many, many other PJ tendencies. Thanks though . . . When my husband asks why I bought yet another thing for my hair, I'll tell him that Evazhair said I had to have it. :grin:
Did you use the same relaxer you've always used. My scalp did this when I switch to Mizani. I am allergic to something in it.
Oooh, good point. . . My hair stylist usually uses Affirm on my hair and I think that she may have used Mizani this time. Interesting . . .You didn't have any negative effects from the Mizani relaxer did you? (ie, breakage, excessive dryness). I hope not because I'm just now recovering from severe breakage and had to cut my hair that was almost SL to necklength. :lachen:
I see you said you massaged with WGO. Have you ever massaged with this oil before? My scalp was sore after I used it once and I didn't understand why. I read the bottle and it actually says don't rub in (or something like that). Read the bottle the instuctions says something weird aout rubbing it in. Now I apply it with the nozzle tip, comb thru and I have no problems. Maybe the WGO did this. Just a thought, hope this helps
Oooh, good point. . . My hair stylist usually uses Affirm on my hair and I think that she may have used Mizani this time. Interesting . . .You didn't have any negative effects from the Mizani relaxer did you? (ie, breakage, excessive dryness). I hope not because I'm just now recovering from severe breakage and had to cut my hair that was almost SL to necklength. :lachen:

I'm sorry to tell you but yes. I had to cut my APL hair to shoulder length. My scalp got worse as time went by. It started itching and burning and then the hairloss. It was 6 months ago and I am steal dealing with it. I now massage tea tree, lavendar and neem oil on my scalp. That is helping alot. I had random breakage. My nape is nearly gone too.:ohwell: