scalp hurts from too tight wrap


my cousin wrapped my hair last night and my scalp was sore all day. It was painful, almost like someone had ripped my hair out by the root, but I see no hair loss. has this happed to anyone else? if so how did you soothe your scalp?
SAINT said:
my cousin wrapped my hair last night and my scalp was sore all day. It was painful, almost like someone had ripped my hair out by the root, but I see no hair loss. has this happed to anyone else? if so how did you soothe your scalp?

Oh dear....... that doesnt sound good at all. Just make sure she doesnt do this again. I dont like wrapping as is, but if you're gonna do it.... it should be a loose wrap using minimal combing/manipulation.........
Try some vit E oil. My stylist used to reccomend lightly wrapping the hair. Do not tie the scarf too tight or u will get irritation from it or worse U could get hair loss. Hope all works out for u.
This is true, especially when our hair grows out over time; then we grow out of these wraps and need bigger ones.