My Scalp hurts

I was thinking that my sore scalp might be stress related. My MIL was here for the weekend. Then my godson wanted to crash at our place with a friend (whom we do not know), and my DH was like no way. I massaged a wonderful blend of OCT, jojoba oil & peppermint oil on my scalp, and it felt great. Then my DH had an asthma attack induced by an apparent allergic reaction to aspirin. This resulted in me calling 911 because he couldn't breathe and a trip to the ER. We're back home, and my scalp has started to ache again. ARGH! What a day!:wallbash:
For me, my sore scalp never indicates growth.

It straight up just means dirt. Oil. Clogged follicles that want to breathe.

It almost always starts with itching or discomfort, like the dirty scalp kind, then if I ignore it or I'm busy for a week, soreness. Once that happens (and I don't know if this is all necessarily related, but it's definitely the chain of events I've noticed), if I still ignore it, I shed easily, particularly in the sore spots. I begin shedding once the itching starts even, and REALLY shed once it gets sore. (Yes, I sometimes ignore it. My schoolwork can get crazy, and my hair can take a bit at this point.)

Now, I DO think that what can partially increase the shedding might be the fact that when it itches, I scratch and dig.When I touch my hair, I can pull out a LOT of shed hairs, especially when my shedding has increased, since other than the occassional digging or a random week of styling, I am low mani, practically no mani beyond making sure my hair does not matt. This is kind of unrelated, by I often liken it to how the petals will just clean fall off a flower and leave the stem if it's been in dirty water for a few days to a week.

So, since I do all that scratching and touching once it gets itchy/sore, I am sure that often causes a growth spurt, and that it's because of my digging, essentially stimulating scalp massages, not the itching. And of course, the "spurt" seems to be at the site of the itching, which is where I scratched most.

But for me, itching = dirt. Dirt and clogged follicles = shedding. Digging and rubbing = more shedding and growth through stimulation.
I was thinking that my sore scalp might be stress related. My MIL was here for the weekend. Then my godson wanted to crash at our place with a friend (whom we do not know), and my DH was like no way. I massaged a wonderful blend of OCT, jojoba oil & peppermint oil on my scalp, and it felt great. Then my DH had an asthma attack induced by an apparent allergic reaction to aspirin. This resulted in me calling 911 because he couldn't breathe and a trip to the ER. We're back home, and my scalp has started to ache again. ARGH! What a day!:wallbash:

Now that you've said this, it could indeed be stress-related. We should never underestimate the mind-body connection when it comes to health, even the health of the hair on our heads.

I also firmly agree with Nonie. Scalp soreness has never signified anything good for me or for anyone else I know, although I don't mean to suggest that those who experience it and have experienced a growth spurt are lying. If that spot is sore, it could be a manifestation of stress and it could also be irritation with the scalp's skin at that part. I tend to have sensitive skin on my face and I suspect the same applies for my scalp. The only thing that has ever relieved soreness is an ACV rinse and/or a clarifying shampoo. As someone else suggested, it might be build-up from the products you use, so pay attention to what you're using, too. :yep: Maybe the pain is indicative of some allergy to ingredients in a product you're using. I don't know, just trying to throw some suggestions out to consider. :yep:
I get a sore scalp when my hair is not happy with whatever product I used recently.

And/or a weave or hair extensions that were not washed prior to installation.

ACV rinse and witch hazel helps relieve it.
I agree with Nonie and Msa. I have issues with a sore spot in my crown and it never means a growth spurt is happening. Once I even discovered a bald spot in the sore area.

I'm always concerned about this because my mom experienced the same thing when she was younger and now she does not have any hair in that area.

I can't go without washing my hair for too long or it exacerbates the soreness. I'm on a wash every 4 day cycle for a healthier scalp.

If it feels itchy & sore I mix a little peppermint oil with coconut oil and message.
For me it either meant that my scalp was about to go through some massive skin shedding (I was prone dandruff), or it meant that I was tying my head wrap too tight or in the wrong place at night.
A hair expert? Where'd you find one of those? LOL

Seriously though, where?

Now don't get smart with me missy:grin: A hair expert is hard to find I know. But my hair expert is also my stylist who is both an esthetician and cosmetologist (for 17 years) who's been giving me very good advice for years and has never led me wrong. Because of my experience, I trust her opinions very highly. She knows a lot more about the proper hair care than I ever did lol. It works for me. :yep:
Ok, this maybe silly...idk if anyone else goes through this. But for the past week my scalp (mainly the middle area, where a different texture of hair is growing) has been feeling tender. I am due for a relaxer Saturday (2/7) but I won't be getting one because I started transtioning to natural. I've oiled my scalp so I know it's not dry. Has this happend to anyone before? And if it has what have you done to soothe it?

My scalp starts to hurt if I wait too long to wash.
Scalp soreness always baffled me. I could be wrong, but I always believed it was due to a growth spurt. I assumed that my tight curls popping through my scalp (at a higher rate) was causing the pain, especially in the crown where my hair is most dense. Oiling and washing always helped me remedy the pain so it could be another cause.

I must agree. For example - my hair went through a stall for nearly 7 months. Every time I measured (each month) my hair remained at the same length.:wallbash: In the following month my scalp was extremely tender for 3 to 4 days straight. When I measured my hair it had grown 1" instead of the normal 1/2". Note: This is not the first time that this has happened. Everytime I either have a growth spurt or my hair is growing at a faster rate, my scalp becomes almost unbearably sore. I don't know, it could've been that my scalp was dirty and the excess hair was trying to push itself through causing the soreness. I'm not an expert on this matter, but have always experienced excessive hair growth when my scalp got really sore:yep:
Scalp soreness for me equates to severe hair loss in the areas where it's sore. I wish I knew exactly what is causing it.
this thread is the business right now. a part of my crown is seriously tender and it started when i tried that challenge where you put oil on your scalp and hang upside down for 4 minutes.

i don't know if the challenge is working but since i started it this week, my scalp has been pretty tender. crossing my fingers its' a sign that it's working!