Say a Hair Prayer/Going to get a touch-up..


Well-Known Member
Reading all those hairdresser horror story threads really sent me for a loop I tell ya. I wrestled back and forth the past few days of how to touch-up? what to use? Lye, No-Lye, or Phyto? Do it myself? Go to my hairdresser?..what to do? I spent 7pm to 11pm reading non-stop everywhere I could find it on the net and of course on this board about Phytospecifics, and several lye and no-lye relaxers. The more I read, the more undecided I became. There are EXTREME differences of opinion AND experiences for every type split right down the middle, it was a 4 way ping pong going back and forth in my head. So I finally stopped when I felt my brain about to explode and slept on it. I woke up this morning and turned inward and the only thing that agreed with me was going back to my wonderful healthy-hair care hairdresser that helped get my hair back on track and getting a Lye touch-up. I JUST switched from No-Lye to Lye with my last relaxer with wonderful results. My hair had more body, it was thick, shiny, and felt healthier and more moisturized. I could not get a good feeling about trying the Phyto, no matter how hard I tried. I'd read a great review and be sold and then find something so disheartening. So this decision has put me at peace and I'm getting my touch-up tomorrow and it'll 13wks post I miss my hair soo bad.

Any prep suggestions that I should do tonight? Base my scalp? apply something to previously relaxed hair? I do remember her putting something on the processed strands before applying the relaxer the last time though...I just want to be sure and see if you salon ladies do anything 'special' the day before a touch-up.

what it boils down to is doing what is best for you and being confident with your own personal hair decisions...and now that you have decided what to do...go for it;)

Good luck with your relaxer tomorrow.. I am sure it will be fine! Just ensure that you tell your hairdresser what you want..

oh and no scratching tonight:) !
InnerSoul said:
what it boils down to is doing what is best for you and being confident with your own personal hair decisions...and now that you have decided what to do...go for it;)

Good luck with your relaxer tomorrow.. I am sure it will be fine! Just ensure that you tell your hairdresser what you want..

oh and no scratching tonight:) !

Thanks! I've been keeping the scratch thing in my mind all day. So far so good!
I have no relaxer advice but I just whispered a prayer for you. I hope everything turns out fine.
Before a touch-up I put oil, like jojoba or grapeseed, on my previously relaxed hair.

Good luck! I'm sure it will go well. That's great that you stretched for 13 weeks.
elizabeth said:
Before a touch-up I put oil, like jojoba or grapeseed, on my previously relaxed hair.

Good luck! I'm sure it will go well. That's great that you stretched for 13 weeks.

Thanks for the tip!
I realize that I may be too late for this information to be helpful to you, but perhaps others will find it useful: please, do yourself and whomever is applying your relaxer a big favor by properly detangling your hair the night before. It will save time, damage and possibly money, as you could be charged extra.