Saved only by the Blood of Jesus--Calling all my saved Christians


Well-Known Member
I would like to invite all believers in Jesus Christ as the one and only begotten son of God, and savior and head of your lives to come in and testify about your experience when you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as the head of your life.

Now that you are covered and washed clean by the blood of Jesus Christ, how has your life changed? Did you submit immediately? Did it or has it taken time.

I wanted to start this thread for support purposes for people newly converted to Christianity, seasoned saints who have been saved for years, or those in between who need to just talk about the experiences of being/getting saved. Salvation is a choice and it is an experience. Hopefully we can all help one another and provide support one another.
Precious Nova, I'll come back when I get home later tonight. I promise. :yep:
This is a great thread Supernova!

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at the age of 14. I started going to church with my good friend who was close with the youth pastor. As a result, the youth pastor got to know me. One evening in church after his sermon he said there is someone that needs to give their life to Christ. He looked directly at me. I didn't move. Then he said I'm going to say it again....I still didn't move. Then he said if this person doesn't move I'm going to call her out....:laugh:. I got my tale up because I didn't want to be embarrassed any further. I remember going to a room with the others to accept and confess Jesus in my life. I really didn't understand what was going on...but it was a good feeling.

I was so happy and told my grandmother. Now my grandmother is very "religious" and I didn't like going to her church. So I said granny, I'm saved now. She said you are what!?! You are not saved because you are still wearing pants....:lachen:. I was like huh!?!....

Anyway, I rededicated my life years later but I thank God for that youth pastor. The Lord led him to wait on me because a seed was planted which was much needed. In the midst of storms at a young age, I knew to call on Jesus and have faith in trials and tribulations. As a result, I led my mom to Christ (when I was 22 yrs old) a week before she passed.
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That was inspirational. God used you to bring your mother to Him. That was truly a blessing. Thank you for sharing!!!
God began to deal with me through a "troubling of my spirit" when I was 17. I didn't inderstand what was happening and quite frankly had no interest in being saved. I figured I was a good person and nothing I could do would be wrong. It was okay as long as I didn't hurt anybody. But God kept dealing with me until I had a desire to know him. I had experimented with many things..."strange" religions, horoscopes, etc. I was out there mentally, but still what people would call a "good girl" because people couldn't see my thoughts. I began to seek the real truth when I was almost 18 years old and began to learn some things. My parents found out I had started going to a pentecostal church and interfered with my going. Things really went wrong with my life then and I got totally off track and was worse than I was before as far as how I lived. That went on for about 2-3 years then I came to God truly. I'm so glad He didn't forget about me. lol. I prayed the prayer of salvation alone in my room and knew it was real. I was not satisfied completely and began to pray "God make me into the woman you would have me to be" and "give me Christian Friends". God answered my prayers and began to strengthen me in the Holy Ghost filling me and giving me great experiences in Him. He showed me how to trust Him like a child. My family, especially my mother was a force to be reckoned with at first, but then my consistency and speaking the Word began to make changes in her life as well. Then, when I first got cancer, my family couldn't understand why I would get it. "Why not me?" was my response. God has even used all the situations associated with that to do some things in the lives of my family and the other patients at the cancer center. Do I get tired? Yes. Do I ever get discouraged? Yes. But even just over this weekend, God gave me a renewing of the mind and spirit and Word to help me continue to trust Him. For whoever reads this, He has not forgotten about you, nor will he.
I accepted Jesus when I was about 12 years old. My mother changed churches after we moved and this church was really big and different. The pastor really spoke to my heart and it was the first time I cried during a sermon. Of course over the years, I had my ups and downs. I was in ministry, even became a youth leader. I also became sexual immoral in many ways, had boyfriends, had "jump-offs", partying, drinking etc, etc...

Over the past 2 years, conviction of my actions became deeper. At times I would submit and run to God but it was always temporary because once I started missing "my boo" I went right back. My biggest weakest has been men and sex. I have been extremely successful in school and my career. I rarely have financial problem and always have an abundance because I've been so blessed and the Lord has provided tremendously for me. So I didnt understand why I wasnt successful in relationships. I have been in 2 long term (4yr +) relationships. Both ended bad though I am friends with the first boyfriend currently. However, it took many years to get there.

I guess it was time to come home to Jesus or make a choice to live a mediocre life when God revealed to me completely the man that was in my life. It was so heartbreaking but it revealed some major things to me:

1. I dont know as much as I thought I knew
2. God has been warning me of this but because I followed my emotions I have to endure this
3. I dont know whats best for me
4. I can not live this life in peace, security, and power without Jesus Christ

The day following the break up, I dove into my newly restored walk with Jesus. I immediately felt lifted up. Though I combat with the negative emotions of the past, I have not cried one day for him (though thoughts of Jesus always make me cry). God has thought me how to forgive and I have released my ex of his wrong doing and wish him well in life. I do not miss being with him because Jesus is all I need and he's all I've ever needed (honestly, no cliche). I am content being single and I pray to God that he will keep me single until I am ready and my mate is ready. My heart is much safer, secure, protected this way.

I will NEVER put a man before God again. EVER! Its the worst mistake women make and so many wonder why they can not keep a man or have so many problems with their man. I realized how jealous God is and that he wants me for himself and he wants to bless me but on his clock, not mine.

I learn to rejoice and embrace my singleness as a time to serve Jesus undistracted. I have to opportunity to develop a relationship with God that no man can come between. I have to priviledge of allowing God to completely orchestrate the events of my life, including my future mate. I have lived to not put limits on God to withhold any good thing from me regardless of my circumstances. God doesnt need my help to effectively implement his will in my life. My job to to serve and worship him and serve and love his people. AMEN!

Off my soapbox....
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I accepted Jesus when I was about 12 years old. My mother changed churches after we moved and this church was really big and different. The pastor really spoke to my heart and it was the first time I cried during a sermon. Of course over the years, I had my ups and downs. I was in ministry, even became a youth leader. I also became sexual immoral in many ways, had boyfriends, had "jump-offs", partying, drinking etc, etc...

Over the past 2 years, conviction of my actions became deeper. At times I would submit and run to God but it was always temporary because once I started missing "my boo" I went right back. My biggest weakest has been men and sex.
I have been extremely successful in school and my career. I rarely have financial problem and always have an abundance because I've been so blessed and the Lord has provided tremendously for me. So I didnt understand why I wasnt successful in relationships. I have been in 2 long term (4yr +) relationships. Both ended bad though I am friends with the first boyfriend currently. However, it took many years to get there.

I guess it was time to come home to Jesus or make a choice to live a mediocre life when God revealed to me completely the man that was in my life. It was so heartbreaking but it revealed some major things to me:

1. I dont know as much as I thought I knew
2. God has been warning me of this but because I followed my emotions I have to endure this
3. I dont know whats best for me
4. I can not live this life in peace, security, and power without Jesus Christ

The day following the break up, I dove into my newly restored walk with Jesus. I immediately felt lifted up. Though I combat with the negative emotions of the past, I have not cried one day for him (though thoughts of Jesus always make me cry). God has thought me how to forgive and I have released my ex of his wrong doing and wish him well in life. I do not miss being with him because Jesus is all I need and he's all I've ever needed (honestly, no cliche). I am content being single and I pray to God that he will keep me single until I am ready and my mate is ready. My heart is much safer, secure, protected this way.

I will NEVER put a man before God again. EVER! Its the worst mistake women make and so many wonder why they can not keep a man or have so many problems with their man. I realized how jealous God is and that he wants me for himself and he wants to bless me but on his clock, not mine.

I learn to rejoice and embrace my singleness as a time to serve Jesus undistracted. I have to opportunity to develop a relationship with God that no man can come between. I have to priviledge of allowing God to completely orchestrate the events of my life, including my future mate. I have lived to not put limits on God to withhold any good thing from me regardless of my circumstances. God doesnt need my help to effectively implement his will in my life. My job to to serve and worship him and serve and love his people. AMEN!

Off my soapbox....

Get on that soapbox anytime you please. Your testimony was so touching. It felt like you were reading from the book of my life. I too put men before God in the past only to end up hurt and angry. When I finally stepped away from my ungodly relationships with men, life became so easy. I no longer had to worry about how to get a man, keep a man or please a man. It is all about God. God is so good.

God began to deal with me through a "troubling of my spirit" when I was 17. I didn't inderstand what was happening and quite frankly had no interest in being saved. I figured I was a good person and nothing I could do would be wrong. It was okay as long as I didn't hurt anybody. But God kept dealing with me until I had a desire to know him. I had experimented with many things..."strange" religions, horoscopes, etc. I was out there mentally, but still what people would call a "good girl" because people couldn't see my thoughts. I began to seek the real truth when I was almost 18 years old and began to learn some things. My parents found out I had started going to a pentecostal church and interfered with my going. Things really went wrong with my life then and I got totally off track and was worse than I was before as far as how I lived. That went on for about 2-3 years then I came to God truly. I'm so glad He didn't forget about me. lol. I prayed the prayer of salvation alone in my room and knew it was real. I was not satisfied completely and began to pray "God make me into the woman you would have me to be" and "give me Christian Friends". God answered my prayers and began to strengthen me in the Holy Ghost filling me and giving me great experiences in Him. He showed me how to trust Him like a child. My family, especially my mother was a force to be reckoned with at first, but then my consistency and speaking the Word began to make changes in her life as well. Then, when I first got cancer, my family couldn't understand why I would get it. "Why not me?" was my response. God has even used all the situations associated with that to do some things in the lives of my family and the other patients at the cancer center. Do I get tired? Yes. Do I ever get discouraged? Yes. But even just over this weekend, God gave me a renewing of the mind and spirit and Word to help me continue to trust Him. For whoever reads this, He has not forgotten about you, nor will he.

Hey, a fellow former bad "good girl" I was that way too. I can remember in college I too began to spend way too much time delving into alternative religions and beliefs, to the point that it consumed me, but i began to accept them all as logical. God wouldn't let me go either. He chose us and when we strayed, he stayed faithful. His spirit dwelled in us and alerted us of our wrong thoughts. I thank God for saving me and pulling me out of my old ways.
My testimony of Salvation

I went to church for years as a child with my aunt. I knew what that call meant every Sunday, but whenever it was time to go up for salvation, I had severe anxiety and fear of not being good enough for God. There were some issues from my own early childhood that had scarred me so badly that I truly felt unworthy of unconditional love. i loved Jesus from afar. I knew who he was, accepted who he was, but never quite submitted my life totally.

Fast forward years later I was back in church, singing on the choir and going to church, but I still wasn't submitted. This was in highschool. I started having sex and everything just got thrown way off course. I was no longer on a righteous path. This is where I began my life of boyfriend after boyfriend, drinking heavily, clubbing, and having absolutely no respect for the person God created me to be. it had to stop.

As an adult I began to realize my mistakes and I wanted to submit, but because of my experience and disdain with old time religion, I still felt unworthy. I was more afraid of God's wrath if I were in the fold than I was afraid of what could happen to me if I was not submitted to Christ.
I worried about her life in eternity for years because of the type of person she was, she wasn't bad, she just wasn't "in the church" at all. I prayed for her and she ended up getting led to Christ right in the grocery store by one of her oldest friends who knew the Word and i thank God for her because she did the best thing for my mother that anyone could have done. Within a couple of months my mother died in 2003 and life hit me like a ton of bricks.

After my mothers death, I began to watch Eddie Long and Creflo Dollar on Sundays. That was my church. :look: I prayed for fellowship though and I needed a church family. One Sunday the message led me to call the prayer line and the gentlemen on the line asked me if I was saved. To my own shock i didn't know. I wasn't sure. i didn't even know what salvation was. He explained and that day I accepted Jesus into my heart. Soon after that, God sent me to a church on Palm Sunday 2004. I've been there since and through this ministry, I have learned so much about God that I never knew. God's grace is sufficient for anyone who will accept it. God loves me. He's my daddy. He is the lover of my spirit and no man or circumstance can ever take that away from me.
I don't know where to begin for even at the beginning, it's such a miracle that God would even have chosen me to be a part of His heart and His kingdom.

I don't know any other life, than being saved, being in the Word of God, being in Church. So many times when I look at this world and it's frame of mind, it shocks me, because I don't understand how people can be so blinded and so mislead. Then I look back and remember that I'm one of the Blessed ones who came out of darkness and live in the Light of God's peace and safety.

The miracles that flow in my life are endless...

There hasn't been one promise that God has broken. Each time I open His word, He speaks to me directly and I always see it come to pass.

In the beginning, I remember how each Saturday night, I'd receive a word, and I'd run to my Pastor on Sunday morning before service and share it with him; and the word ALWAYS was a part of his message that God had given him for that confirmation. Pastor would beam for joy and say, the Holy Spirit was preparing you to receive today's message and developing your growth in Him.

There's so much I want to share and one day, I will. Right now, it would take up this entire forum.

But I will say this. Jesus is the best decision that I have ever made in my entire life. No regrets, no doubts, no turning back.

I love this man called God, with all of my heart, body and soul. :heart2:

Super Nova, thank you so much for starting this beautiful thread. I'm getting sentimental remembering my 'courtship' with Jesus. He didn't leave me standing at the Altar. He embraced me as His own, forever.
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Ladies all of your testimonies are truly inspirational! I'll say one last thing; there is truly protection under the blood covenant of Jesus.

When I accepted Jesus Christ at the age of 14, I unknowingly entered under a blood covenant with the Lord. The blood protected me in such a way that I can only weep right now. I didn't have spiritual protection in my household but the blood of Jesus covered me. Before I could fully engage into demonic activity the Lord snatched it away. Life was so confusing in my teens. Now I'm able to put everything together and see that it was the blood of Jesus that covered me.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would not have made it without the blood covenant of Jesus. I would not be who I am today without the blood covenant of Jesus.

There is power under the blood of Jesus.

There is deliverance under the blood of Jesus.

There is healing under the blood of Jesus.

There is peace under the blood of Jesus.

There is forgiveness under the blood of Jesus.

There is hope under the blood of Jesus.

There is life under the blood of Jesus.

And there is wholeness under the blood of Jesus.

We would never be able to fathom how much it cost to see our sins upon the cross....
My journey began the day I was born. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew it was something. From as early as I can remember I’ve had a strong spirit of discernment. I could tell things about people, but I didn’t know what to call it. I could look at a kid in my class and know that he/she was saved, but I didn’t know what to call it. All I knew was that those kids didn’t hang around a lot of other people. Those kids always seemed a little different to me. When I was in seventh grade I remember glancing over at a classmates notebook and on the back of it she had written “He didn’t have to wake me up this morning, but He did. Oh yes He did.” I didn’t understand what it meant, but I knew it meant something special.

On the surface my life looks like a textbook upbringing; mom and dad in the same home, a little brother, family vacations, family dinners, many laughs, plenty of food to eat, everything I needed and a whole lot of what I wanted. But underneath, I was lonely. I knew about God, but I didn’t understand and despite my questions no one ever took the time to explain Him to me in a way that I could understand. I did not grow up in a church. The only church I can call my “home” church is the church my grandmother would take me to when I would spend the summers with her. One day she told me that I should read my Bible every day and that one day I would understand it. She told me if I ever felt chills go down my spine while reading the Word that means I was being saved.

It wasn’t until I was 15 that I began to read the Word. I would take my mom’s Bible and read Psalms and Proverbs because those were the two books that was easiest for me to understand. I asked her to get me my own Bible and she did. I would take certain proverbs that I liked and write it down on a sheet of paper.

I truly began to experience God’s goodness and answered prayer around the same age. My mom had a health scare and the thought of her not being in my life scared me so I prayed that she would be well. When she shared the news that everything was alright I thanked God so hard I couldn’t stop crying. I KNEW that God had answered that prayer for me. When I was taking driver’s ed I prayed for God to protect me and help me to drive well and He helped me to drive well and He kept me. The last month of my senior year of high school I prayed for peace and to truly enjoy my senior year. I didn’t want to be bothered and sad over a certain boy not liking me or leaving my friends behind. From that point on, every single morning I would wake up with a peace in my heart that I had never experienced and the first words out of my mouth would be “Thank you God for waking me up this morning.” When I went off to college I prayed for God’s protection and that I wouldn’t be homesick. Because of that prayer the transition from high school to college and from living with my parents to living in a dorm was one of the easiest transitions of my life.

God really kicked it up several notches when I turned 20. So much was going on in my life that I could write a book. I won’t bore anyone with the details, but God knew what would get my attention. He knew that I would hurt, he knew that I would cry many tears, but He knew that I would run to Him and that is what I did. It was then that God began to speak to me in an audible voice. It was then that God began to give me dreams and visions. It was then that God gave me a glimpse into my future. He lead me to the right church. It was a church with a pastor who preached and taught the Word in a way that was easy for me to understand. Later, He introduced me to my prayer partner, a person who was much further along in her Christian journey, but she and I had very similar spiritual gifts. He used her to bring out the prophetic gift in me.

At this point in my life I know that God is far from being through with me, but to date, my life is one long testimony. God has never broken a promise. Everything He said He would do, He has done it. He has performed miracle after miracle after miracle in my life. I don’t read nearly as much as I should and I don’t spend as much time with Him in prayer as I should, but I can never go too far from Him because He has been far too good to me.
Although I grew up in and around church I didn't become a Christian until 2008. I even went to church as an adult but it was because I knew I needed to take my son to church to give him a foundation. I knew the difference between Christian Living and living in sin. I would tell my son, "we have Christian beliefs, we are not Christian":blush:.

But in Jan 2008, I went to one of the two churches I frequented. The pastor was preaching about not fitting in "in the world" and not fitting in "in church", knowing about living right but choosing not to, the burden/conflict it causes in your heart/mind/spirit. I had felt that way for so long and I had never heard anyone else express it. But of course, that wasn't enough (lol). Alter call came and it went something like this, but longer:

Me (in my head): "Let me think about this; I don't want to make any rash decisions"
The pastor: "You don't need to think about it".
Me: "Maybe next Sunday"
The Pastor: "Don't wait. Don't let Satan cause you to hesitate".
Me: "I just don't know if I can do this"
The pastor: "Just step out, and let God do the rest for you"

I felt that every hesitation/doubt I had, the pastor came back with something... like he was reading my mind. The next thing I new I was walking down the aisle toward the alter. I asked God to be the head of my life, accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

At first I was totally stoked, but I must admit, I also thought in terms of "what can I still do (get away with) and be a Christian". But I read the Word every day and little by little God gave me a thirst for Him. He changed my heart from "what can I get away with" to "what is it in me that I need to get rid of to get more aligned with Him". He changed my desires from "God will bless me if I do xxx" to "I just want do those things that please you, God, because I so love you". As one song writer wrote, what a privilege and an honor to worship at His throne, to be called into His presence as His own... just the thought of being connected and loved by the God that created the very world we live in, the very air we breathe. I'm grateful for His mercies and find myself wanting to know Him more and more each day.

I would apologize for being so long winded, but I know that as Christians, you know that I can't sum up God's goodness and mercies in a couple of words.:grin:
bumpity bump bump. . .y'all Christians quit being bashful :look:

32Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
I'll post part two of my testimony...posted in another thread....

During my previous relationship, my boyfriend introduced me to THE SECRET! Ya'll know what I am talking about. It was great stuff. Eye opening, new, different, fresh. A possible way of getting the things I've always wanted in life. The doctrine: Push God's buttons, He's your puppet, You make your own destiny and reality, blah blah blah...can you sense my sarcasm?

Oh yeah, that 'minister' that Carlton was talking to Michael Beckwith was in the Secret...Ummm I wonder why?

From there I went deeper. Learning about the Law of Attraction, creating visions broads for my OWN will in my life, E.F.T, extra-terrestial life, Significance of 2012, etc...etc... leading me further from Jesus.

Then the kicker, I begin to learn about the Kemetian God (overview: Europe stole Egypt's jesus and religion, made it there own, and 'white'd' it up), perceived origins of Christianity, and contradictions in the Bible. I was pretty messed up after that. Very lost and very confused.

I became convinced the Jesus the bible talks about is not the real Jesus. I became convinced that all religions in some why lead to Heaven. I almost became convinced I shouldnt call myself a Christian any longer. I became convinced that I was enlightened and free.

Soon after God dealt very intensely in my spirit but I couldnt hear him clearly and often times just down right ignored him. I was fornicating and so in love that I felt too ashamed to turn to God and was in fear because I knew once I turned to God I would have to give up my ex. He wasnt good for me and encouraged some of my beliefs. Keep in mind me and my ex called ourselves Christians.

Over the past year, God turned my world upside down. Too much to name. But I've learned to thank God and be faithful in the storms because just like rain is needed for trees to grow so our trials to make us stronger. All in all, he was preparing me for a time when he knew I would be brought to my knees. And I was brought down....

I left my ex and I immediately thought clearer. God spoke to my spirit and made a few things very clear to me:
1. Do not question me. I know whats best for you. I love you and will never lead you astray.
2. I am a jealous God. Do not put a man or yourself before Me.
3. I came to earth and lived a perfect life to save you from yourself and to show you how to live. So give me your cares, take my cares, and follow me.

Ever since then, even though I may not always be able to articulate it well but You can not tell me Jesus doesnt live. You can not me that there is not a spiritual warfare going on. I am committed to living the life Christ died for me to have.

My goal is to be willing just as Mary was willing to be used to advance God's will.
Thank you sooooo much prettyface. There is soo much that you just said that I too dealt with before taking my walk with Jesus seriously and for the life or death outcome that it can lead to.

Praise God!!!! Thank you God for teaching obedience and faithfulness even when we stray, you stay there waiting for us.
Thank you prettyfaceANB for that testimony about The Secret and other things. Christians needed to hear your experience with this and know it's not in line with the Word of God.
And thats the best part. I realized through the little things that God was with me the entire time. He was closing doors left and right, shutting me down, keeping me from going too far. I am so blessed to have gotten away because not all do. By this, I know that I am one of the "few chosen." I belong to God and he's not letting me go.:yep:

Thank you sooooo much prettyface. There is soo much that you just said that I too dealt with before taking my walk with Jesus seriously and for the life or death outcome that it can lead to.

Praise God!!!! Thank you God for teaching obedience and faithfulness even when we stray, you stay there waiting for us.
And thats the best part. I realized through the little things that God was with me the entire time. He was closing doors left and right, shutting me down, keeping me from going too far. I am so blessed to have gotten away because not all do. By this, I know that I am one of the "few chosen." I belong to God and he's not letting me go.:yep:

Praise God!!!! Me and God were just discussing this today. He allows us to go through some things so that we have that experiences of Him bringing us out of it and to use us as a testimony to his power, authority, and grace. You didn't go through all that pain and suffering for nothing.

And isn't it great to know that you are chosen, hand picked, created, by God for God. uhm uhm uhm

To God be the Glory
The principles of law of attraction are real and true. The bible says so itself. However, The Secret is demonic in that:
  1. It establishes that we create our own world, destiny, and purpose.
  2. There is NO judgement for whatever purpose you set for yourself.
  3. It eliminates the need for Jesus.
  4. It reduces God to a slot machine. Put some positive thoughts and a little hope in, and after a while, you'll get something out.
  5. It also reduces God to substance like energy or earthly matter thats all around us. Though God is everywhere, he is not energy or earth. He created it and everything else.
  6. It pretty much says life is about your hapiness and what you want your purpose to be. But life is for the Glory of God and living as a living sanctified sacrifice for him.
So yeah...The Secret and all the other new age crap sucks in Jesus name. :look:

Thank you prettyfaceANB for that testimony about The Secret and other things. Christians needed to hear your experience with this and know it's not in line with the Word of God.
The principles of law of attraction are real and true. The bible says so itself. However, The Secret is demonic in that:
  1. It establishes that we create our own world, destiny, and purpose.
  2. There is NO judgement for whatever purpose you set for yourself.
  3. It eliminates the need for Jesus.
  4. It reduces God to a slot machine. Put some positive thoughts and a little hope in, and after a while, you'll get something out.
  5. It also reduces God to substance like energy or earthly matter thats all around us. Though God is everywhere, he is not energy or earth. He created it and everything else.
  6. It pretty much says life is about your hapiness and what you want your purpose to be. But life is for the Glory of God and living as a living sanctified sacrifice for him.
So yeah...The Secret and all the other new age crap sucks in Jesus name. :look:

You trying to make me shout!!!!! I touch and agree with you on EVERY thing you just said, God showed me that for myself and now to see you post it. . .
I grew up in the church and can remember when I started to pull away from it, probably around Jr. High/High School. My parents took us to church and enrolled us in the church's private school which was great but problems in their marriage/relationship I think took a toll on our family. When one sin is let in, it makes way for other sins to be let in. Since the head of the household is sinning (cheating) he can't focus on the the righteous things and how he should be leading his family to Christ. They eventually divorced while I was in college, but I feel our family was never the same since I found out about the cheating when I was 9. Arguing, etc. about it means the hurt is still there and those feelings/thoughts from then just will keep reappearing and not disappear.

During college I went to church four times in 4 years. The first time just to go, the second time just to go and it was a youthful church on campus, and the third I was home for winter break and Christmas was on a Sunday. The fourth time I went by myself and felt the Lord pulling me to the alter, but I was too timid to go up to the alter. Eventually my bf and I moved in together, I got pregnant, broke up. I finished college and was a single mother but still wasn't leading the life I needed to. My mom eventually moved to the city I was living in to help with my daughter and always said I needed to attend church, but she never went. I knew I needed God, but kept putting it off. Earlier this year 2 of my uncles were working on the railroad and came to stay with my mom, me, my daughter, and my brother. One is an ordained minister. He would always have lectures! I believe God brought him at the time when I really wanted to get saved and was yearning for the Lord to give me that push that I needed. The next month, Feb 8, 2009 to be exact, after attending church for about a month, I walked up to the alter and got saved.

I pray daily, ask God for discernment and worship daily. I always knew what I needed to do but always put it off saying, "Well, if I get saved, I can't listen to this, or I can't do this." I don't need to do those things! People may look at me and say well you just got saved. But, my holiness and love for God is no different in his eyes. He's happy for me. Some may say you had a child out of wedlock, you were fornicating, shacking up. I agree! I was! That's why I can say "Don't do it!". I can tell you why not and why you shouldn't because I've been there. We were born into sin, but we don't have to stay in sin. I repented and God forgave me and HE will forgive you as well. Now sometimes it gets hard but I praise, worship, pray and talk with HIM to help me through the tough times. Only HE can bring you out the the darkness. Through his grace and glory I've found the light that I was looking for and have set a new standard for my daughter as well as strengthened my relationship with my mother and got her back to attending church.
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AMEN! You're testimony is also. What Satan meant to destroy you, God meant for your good. Your testimony can help other young girl not to make the same mistakes.

And AMEN...we got saved (or I re-dedicated) on the same day. Its a beautiful thing. God is so good.

The next month, Feb 8, 2009 to be exact, after attending church for about a month, I walked up to the alter and got saved.
I was a member of church all my life, since a baby. But I never went up to the altar, not even as a child. My mom always said that when we felt that pull that we'd do it and never forced us to get saved/baptized.

AMEN! You're testimony is also. What Satan meant to destroy you, God meant for your good. Your testimony can help other young girl not to make the same mistakes.

And AMEN...we got saved (or I re-dedicated) on the same day. Its a beautiful thing. God is so good.
Its great she didnt. Alot of parents do that to their children. They go up, say whatever they tell them to say and live unsaved and unchanged. It plants a seed but its not the real thing. God called you and you followed. People say we make the choice to get saved. No, he choses us and we accept or deny. Praise God you accepted, he was waiting for you.

I was a member of church all my life, since a baby. But I never went up to the altar, not even as a child. My mom always said that when we felt that pull that we'd do it and never forced us to get saved/baptized.