Save my rollersets(pic)


Well-Known Member
I usually try everything I can think off before I ask for help.

The first time I used my caruso rollers everything came out great or pretty close to it. But that was several months ago and since then something has changed and I cant figure it out.
My hair comes out like in the picture below when I use them now and I cant figure out what Im doing wrong. I also tried using sponge rollers instead and I still get the same results. The picture below is of freshly rollerset hair but the curls are already loose and it obviously looks sort of frizzy/shrunken. Do I need to get bigger rollers?
I am aware that I might have to use some other products to make the hair look smoother but what are those products? any suggestions?
TIA for taking the time to read and offering suggestions:) .

Setting your hair with hard or mesh rollers and going under the dryer will give you a much smoother straight finish. I get that look sometimes from my Caruso rollers when the hair is not dried properly.
You are using Caruso rollers and the steam? Too much steam time, your hair got too wet and that looks like the result to me...
I really like your hair texture.

No real advice, but maybe you can smooth some serum on each section that you roll.
shunta said:
Did you comb your hair with a fine tooth comb to make the hair straight before setting?

No, I didnt even think about that.

I have never used serum but I will try it next time and I think I did get my hair too wet. Thanks ladies.