Satanic Books In Public Schools?


Strolling with Unicorns
I just came across this on Facebook, though it seems it came out in October. All I can do is smh

Teaching Satanism in schools sounds like the stuff of horror movies. But a US court ruling on religious freedoms, has enabled devil worshippers in Florida to hand out educational material about their beliefs - to kids at state schools.
Now see, this is how satan is such a wicked being. The ploy is to try and revoke the rights of Christians who are the true ones who have a right to religious freedom.

satanism is not religion; it is an evil existence seeking to prevail against the Holiness of God.

However, 'evil shall not triumph over God.'

Yes it's true it's happened 1-2 years ago I think in some public schools in Florida they're citing free speech and a right to present their "religion"
Well where was free speech and right to present or express religion when they booted Christianity out of all public schools. So they can hand out satanic coloring books to children but Christians Muslims Jews and Hindus etc can't pray in schools? Come on.
They can't have it both ways either religions are allowed or they are not period.
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That book is pretty blatant. When my stepdaughter was a junior in high school (7 years ago) one of her teachers showed the movie "The Secret" in class. For those of you who haven't heard of it, this is a movie about the law of attraction. In my daughter's elementary school her P.E. teacher does a unit on yoga. So, yes this is believable to me. They sneak things in little by little and it can go unnoticed to those who aren't aware.
That book is pretty blatant. When my stepdaughter was a junior in high school (7 years ago) one of her teachers showed the movie "The Secret" in class. For those of you who haven't heard of it, this is a movie about the law of attraction. In my daughter's elementary school her P.E. teacher does a unit on yoga. So, yes this is believable to me. They sneak things in little by little and it can go unnoticed to those who aren't aware.


Yes it's actually revolting how they're allowed to get away with it.

People think yoga is ok as long as you don't meditate on the pagan Hindu gods and goddesses/entities
It's all part of the new age movement.
Even if you're not Hindu and you practice these poses you are worshiping other gods.
And God said 10cmandments
Exodus 20

3 You shall have no other gods before or besides Me.

5 You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me,

Because yoga is a practice of physical prayer and is aligning your body soul and mind to be open to the "universe" ie spirit world whether you chant and pray or not. The yoga pose in and of itself is a prayer offering to the many entities to come into you and enlighten you.

I've asked Hindus and they've said yes that's what it's for but then they follow up with but we all worship the same god. ;) and chuckle
Umm no we don't

Like Johnette said in WOG quoting Sister Lucia " it's diabolical disorientation" [\b]
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Yes it's actually revolting how they're allowed to get away with it.

People think yoga is ok as long as you don't meditate on the pagan Hindu gods and goddesses/entities
It's all part of the new age movement.
Even if you're not Hindu and you practice these poses you are worshiping other gods.
And God said 10cmandments
Exodus 20

3 You shall have no other gods before or besides Me.

5 You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me,

Because it's aligning your body soul and mind to be open to the "universe" ie spirit world whether you chant and pray or not. The yoga pose in and of itself is a prayer offering to the many entities to come into you and enlighten you.

I've asked Hindus and they've said yes that's what it's for but then they follow up with but we all worship the same god. ;) and chuckle
Umm no we don't

Like Johnette said in WOG quoting Sister Lucia " it's diabolical disorientation" [\b]

Yeah, I didn't know that until I went to a WOG conference. Johnette was speaking in tongues and started saying all these things that are demonic, including yoga, and that some people at the conference had strongholds to these things.

Yes it's true it's happened 1-2 years ago I think in some public schools in Florida they're citing free speech and a right to present their "religion"
Well where was free speech and right to present or express religion when they booted Christianity out of all public schools. So they can hand out satanic coloring books to children but Christians Muslims Jews and Hindus etc can't pray in schools? Come on.
They can't have it both ways either religions are allowed or they are not period.
Thanks @Lucia ... your post is amazing, so full of truth.

satan always attacks what he fears the most...and what he fears most is God's Kingdom here upon the earth. However, his evil cannot prevail against God. satan knows this which is why he roams the earth seeking whom he may devour / sift as wheat / whose minds he can confuse and destroy.

Parents can not only fight this but they can also win...devil or no devil. No one has a right to teach evil to children. No one. Therefore, all it takes is one bold parent to stand up and say no to this mess and the school system has no other choice than to concede to the parents demands to remove this evil from their children's schools.

Let me start with thanking God for removing every evil thing that has crossed the thresholds of our children's minds and schools in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
If I ever have children, it's Catholic school or home school. There is no other option.
You are right Belle.

I'm even thinking about my future grandchildren. I pray that I'm in a place to be available to teach or help supplement their education if necessary.

@Belle Du Jour

I heard from a family member that there are Catholic home schooling programs. It's worthy looking into. When I have children I would prefer to support our Catholic parochial schools but only if they still maintain their high standards spiritually theologically and academically. But if I and future hubby choose home schooling it will definitely be all Catholic. :yep:
This is just plain evil and wrong. Years ago, they would've never been able to do this.

Instead of me writing a bunch of words on how I feel about this, I'd rather find out what I can do to fight against it. I've prayed and will continue to do so.
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This is just plain evil and wrong. Years ago, they would've never been able to do this.

Instead of me writing a bunch of words on how I feel about this, I'd rather find out what I can do to fight against this. I've prayed and will continue to do so.

The devil is suicidal. The evil that he keeps releasing are toxic fumes that he is inhaling. It's only a matter of time, before he kills himself, for it is written...he shall reap what he sows. Can you imagine how much evil is coming back at him to his own self-destruction?

'Evil shall not triumph over God...'
The devil is suicidal. The evil that he keeps releasing are toxic fumes that he is inhaling. It's only a matter of time, before he kills himself, for it is written...he shall reap what he sows. Can you imagine how much evil is coming back at him to his own self-destruction?

'Evil shall not triumph over God...'

Amen Amen Amen!