satan just tried to snuff out our lives...


Well-Known Member
but he'sa liar! Now that I'm no longer shaking and crying let me tell you all what happened. I'm going to pick up my two sons from practice for their Christmas musical (my eldest is playing Gabriel :grin:). I get to this certain spot in the road and I have this vision of us in a terrible accident. I say, "I rebuke you satan in the name of Jesus" andcontinue along my way.

I get to the church pick the boys up. Now I have all 5 of my children in the car. (Now I'm getting upset again). We get to the exact same spot where I have the vision. As I'm about to turn right to go south, I see a cop car flying behind me but he's in the other lane. So I break a little because I see the cop behind me but also because I'm in the process of making a right turn. Out of nowhere another cop car is coming northbound down the same street I'm turning onto. Luckily he was turning right (away from me) as I was turning into him. Other than that, there's no logical reason as to why we didn't have a head on collision. He was going so fast that his car was a complete blur. All I can say is that God kept us tonight. He kept me and all of my children when it is obvious to me that satan was trying to take out generations of us. Let me just say that the protection of God is like no other. No thing and no one can protect you like God can and will. I thank Him that He saw fit to save us (again) tonight. :cry:His mercy, love and grace abounds forever.

Please keep my family in your prayers.
Precious Mocha :kiss: I'm so glad, so very glad that you nor your babies were harmed. For NOTHING shall by any means hurt you, nor your babies, nor your husband. In Jesus's name, we come against every plot, direct or indirect to bring harm or danger to you and your loved ones.

We praise the name of Jesus, Oh God, indeed we do, we bless and praise you holy, holy, name. Glory to the Lord of Hosts, Lord God All Mighty. The Lord God who covers us with His feathers and under His wings do we trust. Oh how He keeps us in the measure of His hand, His mighty hand, from where we cannot be plucked. For did He not proclaim that those who are His cannot and shall not be plucked out of His hand....Praise God, All Mighty Jesus.

Lord, we bless your name, we bless your name, we bless your holy, holy name. Blessed be the name of the Lord God All Mighty forever, and ever. For none can take His place, none can steal His grace, none can of His love erase, for we His children, His very own and we bless His name, we bless His holy name...we bless the name of the Lord Jesus. Praise you Father, praise you Jesus, praise you Holy Spirit...our rear guard, our leader, our guide, always our comforter, always by our side and within our hearts.

Praise you Lord....Praise you Jesus...Praise you Father God, Praise , Praise, Praise, in Jesus matchless, holy name, we praise....Amen.

His name is Jesus!

Sweet Mocha, the devil is after your husband; he's the target. For he would have been destroyed had you and the babies been harmed. Let's keep this man in prayer. For what you pray for him, God reflects and it outpours upon you and your babies.

With all my heart...:giveheart:

He is sooo worthy to be praised. Thank you so much for your concern. Queeny, thank you for the call. You all have helped to settle my sprit tonight. And I appreciate each of you. I've said it once and I'll say it again. The love on ths board is defntely a spritual one. A pure and untainted love. The kind of love that you can see God in the midst.:grouphug:

Shimme, ITA that DH is the target. When I read you post it resonated with my soul. One of the thngs my pastor told me when I met wth him was that I needed to intercede for DH. This is defntely a confirmaton. I guess I'll get serious now.
Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus! I just rejoice in the Lord right now for your favor upon Sista Mocha and her family. Thank you Lord for saving them once again Lord. BLess ya name.

Wow and the Lord decided to let you forsee what the Devil and his minions had in mind. That is crazy. Ha. Thank you Christ.

:::Do a little dance:::
Your Angels were with you...thank God you and the family are alright. Take care and be safe.

:yep:. I'm glad to hear that your family is alright. You mentioned that your pastor said you should intercede for you husband, and that made me think of a really great book on the subject: "Intercessory Prayer" by Dutch Sheets. Intercession is one of my spiritual gifts and this book helped a great deal when it came to understanding some things about interceeding on behalf of people. I have a lot of books on prayer, but this is the most comprehensive.

I will say a prayer for you and your family.
:yep:. I'm glad to hear that your family is alright. You mentioned that your pastor said you should intercede for you husband, and that made me think of a really great book on the subject: "Intercessory Prayer" by Dutch Sheets. Intercession is one of my spiritual gifts and this book helped a great deal when it came to understanding some things about interceeding on behalf of people. I have a lot of books on prayer, but this is the most comprehensive.

I will say a prayer for you and your family.

Yep. I have it. :yep: Thank all of you for the prayers.
Praise God that he gave you the vision the first time and you spoke death to it. Just keep covering yourself in Jesus Name and thankful you and the children are fine.
I tell ya the truth...I leave the board for a hot second and his lowdown butt attacking left and right.:rolleyes:

But that's okay because God had ya'll covered.:yep: