Sareca, or any henna experts, i have a ?


Well-Known Member
im about to mix my henna using water oil and blackstrap molassass
but i have 2 ?'s 1. do i have to boil the water(i have very hot water and 2. how much henna do i need?

im about to mix my henna using water oil and blackstrap molassass
but i have 2 ?'s 1. do i have to boil the water(i have very hot water and 2. how much henna do i need?


I usually get mine really really (almost boiling) hot so that it releases a little. I leave it until it cools enough to handle (15-20m). If you're not looking for dye release you can use whatever temperature is comfortable and apply immediately. I know it says SL needs 3 boxes (300g), but my APL length hair doesn't take more than 1 box (100g) at a time. :ohwell: It's hard to say. Although you can store henna for a few days in the frig or a few months in the freeze. I prefer to go under than over.

Oh! Make sure your mix is thick. Don't add to much water. It'll just make a big ol' mess.

I've never used molasses so you'll have to wait for someone else it chime in there.

Good luck! :grin:
thanks i figure blackstap is just like honey, i use to use it for condioning purposes, it was highly recommended by the hair boards
I have used it before and it aided in darkening my hair but yes to answer your question it was pretty much the same as when i used honey and glycerin in my henna mixes.