Salt + Conditioner = Clean, moisturized Hair?


New Member
I think I read that someone uses this instead of shampoo or a regular co wash...

Do you think it'd be able to clean the scalp/hair better than conditioner alone?

Have any of you done the kiyafizzle as a co wash?

I do it as a cowash. ;)

It works as well as a regular cowash, and not quite as well as a cowash + cleansing herbs.
mmmh i must try this, what are cleansing herbs though?

Cleansing herbs are ayurvedic ones - right now, I think I'm using a mix of amla shikaikai, and something else - maybe fo-ti? Maybe brahmi? I mixed up a mess of it almost a year ago, and I don't remember what the other ingredient is. If you do a search on ayurvedic herbs on here, you'll get loads of information, though.

How much salt do you add to the conditioner?

About a teaspoon to each 8 oz of conditioner.

Is it regular table salt or sea salt?

I've used both, and haven't noticed any difference between them.

There is a loooonnnggg thread about the salt+condition combo - do a search on 'Moisturizing Mojo', and you'll find it. :yep:
I mainly wanted to add something to my co wash conditioner to help it clean the scalp a little better without taking moisture out of my hair. I wasn't sure if salt is a suitable cleanser.

My hair doesn't like Ayurvedic stuff... I think it's the tannins in it.

My hair is just not liking shampoo lately :(

I use did the Kiyafizzle after reading the moisture mojo thread and it made my hair super dry. Salt is not for everyone, remember that.
I use did the Kiyafizzle after reading the moisture mojo thread and it made my hair super dry. Salt is not for everyone, remember that.

I've tried it before with no bad reactions, and that was on texlaxed hair :yep:

but yeah... it's always good to proceed with caution

V05 has a clarifying conditioner (Herbal Escapes in Kiwi Lime Squeeze w/ Lemongrass extract) that you may like to try for your co washes.

I used to use that shampoo for clarifying. lol, never even thought about that conditioner. You find that it cleans more than other V05 conditioners?
I tried a salt co wash on a small piece of my hair. 4oz V05 Conditioner, 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon salt

Saturated that section with coconut oil, wet it, applied the salt co wash mix to the section and rinsed.

The oil was definitely removed :yep: The hair felt moisturized and soft.

Waiting for it to dry to come to a final conclusion. I may try this next wash day :)
I love using a teaspoon of salt in my conditioner for cowashes. Depending on the conditioner I also add 1/2 teaspoon of acv. It leaves my hair clean, soft, and very easy to detangle. It's truly a staple for me!!
When I kiyafizzle my hair always feels really strong, and I noticed that no matter how heavy in oils the conditioner is, it always rinses clean.

this helped method help my hair out when i had protein overload. you just need a tablespoon and 1-2 cups of conditioner. think of how you tenderize meat.
how often are you adding salt to conditioner for dc-ing?

i haven't done it in awhile. but when i was consistent, i would do it twice a week until i was able to get my situation back under control. i would dc with no heat for 10-15 mins. i had a serious protein overload issue. my hair was so dry, brittle, and it felt like straw. i would mix the salt with Tresemme Naturals. i didn't want to use a conditioner that had protein in it. i wouldn't use this method as cowash, but more of a deep conditioning treatment. i would cowash first, then dc.

if you don't want to use salt, you can use castile soap added to your conditioner too. it helps to hydrate and sort of open the hair shaft to receive moisture. i did this throughout the summer, but i can't find my little bottle of Dr. Bonners.