Fearfully Wonderfully Made
/images/graemlins/smile.gif I ordered Salerm21 from Sickbay before Thanksgiving and received it in the mail. There's no directions on usage. I was wondering how do you use Salerm21 on my hair or how should I use it. Here's a few of questions:
1. Is it better to use it on wet, damp, or dry hair?
2. Have you ever airdried with Salerm21 in your hair? If so, what hair style did you let your hair airdry in?
3. When using Salerm21, is it best to use it solely or with other products?
Thanks in advance! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
1. Is it better to use it on wet, damp, or dry hair?
2. Have you ever airdried with Salerm21 in your hair? If so, what hair style did you let your hair airdry in?
3. When using Salerm21, is it best to use it solely or with other products?
Thanks in advance! /images/graemlins/grin.gif