Salerm Energetic Capillary Regenerator Vials?


New Member
Has anyone used Salerm Energetic Capillary Regenerator vials and had success. If so, how often do you apply and when (after wash, on dry hair, etc). I have bought them a few times, but have not used them consistently enough to see any real results. I am tryng to decide whether to purchase more and begin regular use.

Here is the description from Metrobeauty:

Salerm Energetic Capillary Regenerator Vials
A shock treatment against hair loss which supplies the active cellular substances necessary to combat loss of hair.
Thanks to its cellular metabolism activators and scalp blood circulation stimulators, it is suitable as a rapid acting treatment in cases where immediate and effective action is required, at the same time stimulating the scalp & promoting the appearance of healthy new hair & nerves.
Contains: Cypress hydrolate, rich in tannins & glucosides which give it astringent, scarring & antiseptic characteristics, thereby rounding out the nourishing action of the active cellular substances with the regulation of the scalp's sebaceous secretions.

TIA if you can offer any input
No. But I've heard good things about them. I think they work best on actively thinning hair tho....