Sage vs. Clary Sage Essential Oil


New Member
For those that use this, which one are you using? Is one of them BETTER for hair.

The only difference I've read about is that Clary Sage is safer. I just bought NOW Foods regular Sage and was wondering if I needed to get Clary Sage instead.
Hi Blkmane,
Regular Sage is more stimulating. It encourages blood circulation more than the Clary Sage. On the scalp it will increase blood flow to the surface of the skin more so than the Clary, and should not be used by persons whom are pregnant, have high blood pressure or are prone to seizures.

Clary Sage should be used with care also, but it's properties are less stimulating. What makes it good for hair/scalp is that it tends to regulate secretions and oils. It normalizes the scalp. When diluted WELL with carrier oil, it makes for a great scalp massage oil because it has properties that tends to relax the nervous system. It's very "calming".

Dilute both of these bad boys well with carrier oil (or add them to your shampoo/conditioner sparingly). As far as hair growth, it's the Sage that is said to stimulate more growth.

Hope this helps.

i was wondering the same thing. but when people mention a product has sage in it it just says sage. it doesnt say clary or anything. what is the difference otherwise? i heard one of them made some women lactate? i am not too sure about that. it was a while ago i heard that one dont know how true. God bless you all.
oh wow thank you. i bought some sage and rosemary oil and was going to put a drop into my braid spray. do you think thats safe? God bless you all.
Most commercially bought products with essential oils in them have been diluted well (usually too well). You shouldn't have reservations about using it in your braid spray. It's the people that buy 100% essential oil and don't dilute well that tend to get in trouble. I've never heard about Sage increasing lactation (although Fenugreek will do it).

blkmane, do you drink sage tea too? i heard that also stimulates growth so i bought some. it actually taste pretty good. let me know if you have and if you noticed any results.
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hiddy3 said:Regular Sage is more stimulating. It encourages blood circulation more than the Clary Sage.

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Thanks, hiddy3! I actually went back to the vitamin store where I purchased them this weekend to pick up two more essential oils I needed and asked the nutritionist about it. She looked it up in a book for me and we came to the same conclusion so I kept the regular sage.

BTW, what do you know about the difference between Cedarwood and Atlas Cedarwood? I'm going to make a tonic that requires cedarwood and from the information I've gathered, now it seems I should have purchased Atlas Cedarwood instead of the Virginian Cedarwood I got. The site calls Atlas Cedarwood a hair something or other, but I think they make no mention of hair in their info on Virginian Cedarwood!(?) /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I have never used Cedarwood. I understand there are several different types of these trees and the essential oils are slightly different. In general I do know that it is somewhat antiseptic. In reference to hair, I seem to remember that it is supposed to be good at regulating excess sebum and controling dandruff.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
