SAD-to-HAPPY Story of a Woman's WSL Hair

This isn't a sad story to me.:lachen: I think her waist length hair looked a bit frumpy on her. The short hair does flatter her, though.
Her issue was that she had low self-esteem and problems asserting herself at a very young age, so she grew her hair to use as a security blanket. So now that the blanket has been removed, I think she feels that by proxy, her issues are gone. But taking away a child's nightlight doesn't make him or her any less afraid of the dark. I'd really like to drop in on her a few months from now, because I feel that deep down, nothing has changed. And I think she'll probably not feel all the way better until she gets those issues worked out, because they were there before her hair and chances are, they're still here after it's gone.

And even though she didn't look best with her long hair, she could have looked better if she cared for it. Of course, if you walk around with thick, dark, snarly, greasy, split-ended hair to your waist, people are going to call you a hag or a witch. But I'm sure that if she cared for it and didn't let it get all raggedy, it could have been somewhat of an asset. Or if she had styled it occasionally...wore some updos, wore some curls, did a french braid, ironed it straight, got some color....done something, goddamn. I mean, no matter what race you are, if you have long hair and aren't keeping it up, you will look a hot mess.[/QUOTE]

My exact point...the whole post really. AA
^^ I agree completely. I can't say she looks better with the shorter hair because when she had long hair she didn't care for it at all. In the first pic she's got a frumpy outfit on and long "unkempt", dry, un-combed looking hair. She is also photographed against a dull, white background. In the second pic they gave her a make over and put some better clothes on her and some make up along with the sleek new style and a more flattering colored background. I think all that makes a difference in people's perception.

She kept complaining about it getting coarser and coarser as it grew longer, etc., because she never learned how to care for her hair type as it grew. She's blaming her hair for issues that have nothing to do with hair. Getting a hair cut won't solve her problems. And I think any woman can rock long hair if she understand her hair type and takes good care of it.

Also well stated. AA
What I got from this story is that she used her hair as a crutch and once she cut it off she felt more confident and wanted to change herself. I think she looked nice both ways, but she has to be happy and maybe this will do it for her. It is just hair she can grow it back long if she misses her hair.
I like the cut and the story. BUT, if she reverts to her old mindset, her hair will be frumpy again - shorter, but still frumpy.
Well to me* she looks older with the hair cut, but she looks more professional too, I like the long hair on her, but like everyone else said, long hair is not for everyone, she looks nice in both pics, but she seems to more confident in the 2nd pic.
Her long hair looked neglected and her clothing was ill fitting and boring. The haircut seems like the smallest piece of her makeover.
Her hair isn't shaped in the first pick. Of course the second looks better. Who knows if she was given some shape to the first cut. But either way what ever makes her happy.,
I guess I'm an odd ball, I think the longer hair suited her but it wasn't styled well and her outfit make up etc... were off. If her longer hair had some layers cut into it or was styled nicer it would look better. The shorter hair makes her face look big and she looks older IMO. They maybe should have cut it up to MBL or BSL.
great article, thanks for sharing. she looks awful with long and shorter hair. maybe she need to focus on her face.
Okay that was way long. Lol I felt as if I was reading a book. Despite that, I am happy she found way more confidence with her cut and a sense of being. However, I think she looks a lot more older. It suits her personality very well now but it doesn't suit her face to me. She found something way more important than better looks out of her cut though so that doesn't matter much.
She is way more glammed up in the 2nd pic- clothes, background, etc. so it's a better photo and kinda hard to compare to the pink sweatshirt and "just there" hair in the first.:perplexed

However, having said that, while I do think she looks older in the pic with the short hair- she also looks way more glamorous and sophisticated. Personally, I prefer the older and sophisticated look to the young and frumpy one.

I enjoyed the story and I'm glad she's happy with her choice.

Seven hours?! Her bill for that hair cut was high as a giant's forehead! $$$$$$:yep:
Her issue was that she had low self-esteem and problems asserting herself at a very young age, so she grew her hair to use as a security blanket. So now that the blanket has been removed, I think she feels that by proxy, her issues are gone. But taking away a child's nightlight doesn't make him or her any less afraid of the dark. I'd really like to drop in on her a few months from now, because I feel that deep down, nothing has changed. And I think she'll probably not feel all the way better until she gets those issues worked out, because they were there before her hair and chances are, they're still here after it's gone.

And even though she didn't look best with her long hair, she could have looked better if she cared for it. Of course, if you walk around with thick, dark, snarly, greasy, split-ended hair to your waist, people are going to call you a hag or a witch. But I'm sure that if she cared for it and didn't let it get all raggedy, it could have been somewhat of an asset. Or if she had styled it occasionally...wore some updos, wore some curls, did a french braid, ironed it straight, got some color....done something, goddamn. I mean, no matter what race you are, if you have long hair and aren't keeping it up, you will look a hot mess.

:yep: I hate when they post before and after pics like that. The first pics shows her looking a bit sloppy (just stating my opinion). The second photo shows her with makeup and a sexy dress. I bet if she had a roller set and the same makeup & dress (and confidence) in the first pic she would look just as good!

But if she loves the haircut, more power to her!
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I like the second photo's cut, but you can see more confidence in her eyes, her bearing and even her dressing. She had issues to work through but it's the style that is more important than the length. Who knows, if she'd straightened her longer hair to bone-straight and then styled into updos, she might have still rocked it!
I think it's a case of what should be:the person wears the hair, not the other way around.