Sad & Bad Hair Days


New Member
Sometimes you try a new style you saw a tutorial on and it just doesn't come out right. You go to a salon for a trim and it ends up as more of a chop. You're lost on what your hair is craving and needing so you don a big hat all day. Your hair not being cooperative and expecting much more out of it than it can possibly give? These are some of the reasons why a lot of ladies have sad and bad hair days. And I happen to link my hair with part of my self esteem. If my hair ain't bangin' then I'm going to feel a bit low throughout the day.


Name one of your bad hair days/experiences and please share your quick fixes, how you combated that.

I'm having a sad hair day because I have a lot of splits, ends and midshaft and I had to cut away 2 inches. It took me forever to get those 2 inches because I was a clueless newbie before joining lhcf.
Before I joined this website. The only way I knew how to deal with a bad hair day was to bring the scissors out. :nono:

Since joining this website, and all you beautiful hair-obsessed ladies :grin:
I've learnt that hair grows an inch a month (didn't know that before) and since I'm looking after my hair day and night. No matter how upset I get... I'll never chop again. Just not worth it lol.

The way I deal with bad hair days now is by coming on LHCF and watching some hair porn. Ya'll keep me motivated :bighug:
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Girl my bad experience was being stupid, and trying to copy my old roommate, (out of my damn mind lol) and dried my ends lighter, then I did a tea rinse, my ends WERE SO BAD, actually more like HORRIBLE, very HORRIBLE, I was staying with my aunt and she had hard water(water with minerals), so that made it worse, my ends looks at chewed up, and HORRIBLE, I was almost BSL, so close to it, and then I went trying to copy my friend and dried my ends, the worse mistake I could have made, I cut some bangs, the second worse mistake, but they are growing back quick, but I had to cut my ends back to APL because of the dye, and I will never do that ish again. I was really depress.

ETA: I dealt with my bad hair days: I have a hair journal, my journal has tone of pics with ladies who have long hair down to their butts, so when I get down or feel like I can't achieve my goal length, I look at my journal and get excited again, and then I get back one the bandwagon I'm so close to waist. So I keep my head up.
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Oh man....I've had a lot.

Matter of fact, I BC'd because I was trying to do two-strand twists on my transitioning hair and they looked horrible. I got frustrated and grabbed mom, the scissors and my camera, then ran to the bathroom. :lachen:

I then tried them again on my hair a few months post BC and they was then that I realized my hair is too fine for that. I sucked it up and wore a twistout bun the next day.

When I went to the stylist and she cut me from BSL to blunt APL, I cried, bunned the rest of the week, then washed it out and got a sew-in. Not looking at that lost length really helped me get over it.

I have to agree with SlantedEyezMiss....coming on LHCF or watching Youtube videos is my therapy. Threads such as Big Bodacious Hair Pics and Youtubers like chisellecouture are great for days like that :)
Thanks for sharing ladies. :grouphug: Youtube happens to be my therapy and LHCF does help a bit, but we are lacking How-Tos and people just mostly post pics of a style instead of giving directions.