Sabino question for those long time (over 3 mos) users...


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!

I've been a member of LHCF for a while now. I had to take a break because I was waaaay too addicted to this site. I had a question about Sabino Moisture Block. I started using it at the beginning of the whole summer "rave", and even posted pics and stuff of how it turned out. I've noticed that, over time, it's left my hair in better condition. Now I have also been eating more vegetables and seaweed, so I am trying to isolate all the things I've been doing differently, but I definitely think moisture block is contributing. Has anyone else noticed that their hair is in better condition. For instance, my ends are strong and I am maintaining every bit of growth every month despite flat ironing every week or two. Of course I deep condition, and do moisture moisture moisture, but I was washing my hair today (I always use the same conditioners), and I was inspecting the strands and growth from the summer, and I've noticed my hair feels better and my ends are in tip top shape. I'm a natural by the way. Has anyone else noticed that this product changes their hair for the better and/or protects hair too? I'm pretty excited about this concept. I want to compare my hair from the start of Sabino use, to 6-8 months later, and will be doing a reveal in Dec/ Feb ish depending on the time frame I want to do the comparison. What's up with the long timers, over a few months to 6 or more months, do you swear by this product too? Or are there others things that you think are contributing to the health of your hair? Yes I am also using other stuff like I said above, but I am thinking I'm on to something with the Sabino as it also protects hair from heat. What do you think?
Hi Ladies, I used Sabino some time ago- trying to prevent the high southern humidity from taking hold. I found the product to be OK. I never noticed any differences in the strengthor quality of my hair, no improvement to speak of. In fact, I thought that cones were drying tot he hair? Hmm, if this is working for you then please share more info!!
Well okay so this is what I get from the whole Cone issue. In the beginning, when we all jumped on the Sabino wagon, I called them up and spoke to Victor in detail because I'm very particular about what I put on my hair. He talked about the fact that his cones aren't inferior, they're not mixed with stuff like Alcohol which is what gives hair that drying factor. So anyways what's great about Sabino, and I've found this to be true, is that it locks in any needed moisture until the next wash. So when I do it, I wash, condition, dc, rinse and then I leave in some real conditioner (not leave in, but pure conditioner) just like he told me to. I then add some lacio lacio for more moisture, and then I use sabino to lock it in. I used to use coconut oil (sometimes I still do when not using the sabino) to seal, but found that Sabino provides a barrier. As such I've found my hair conditioning even better because it doesn't dry out after a few days because the Sabino puts this seal so to speak on my hair and keeps the moisture in until I wash it again. So I knew this would be good for my hair as it locks in all that moisture. I have used it continually week after week, so that's why I can truly say I haven't seen any drying effects. In fact my hair is more moisturized. Now I've transferred to NY and it is windy and October weather, sometimes hot, sometimes pretty cold and it doesn't matter, my hair is not brittle, and it is really moisturized. I actually on the cold days have added more avocado conditioner (I use avocado conditoner), and then sealed with the sabino and found that my hair is really benefitting, it also works when it's hot outside. Either way my hair is free of frizz, and also, it's free of being brittle too so I'm pretty happy. I think I posted a link some where else to the whole sabino request for free samples. It's not on their site, you have to request them to send it to you, and I had a friend who wanted a sample cause she liked my hair so much, so I told her to call them and she got it. So if I can find that link, or her email, I'll send it to you guys incase y'all want to see how it works with your conditioner for the winter. He says repeated use will help change the condition of the hair, and length. That was in one of his emails (he has the whole hair letter thing that he sends out to his customers every month or so). So if I find it, I'll post it in a few minutes.
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Here it is:

you can also request the volumizer or finisher. I can't say anthing about those as I just haven't tried them yet. I love the moisture block and I'm not really interested in those, but just to let you know those are also available for free (to try). See what you think! Has anyone else been using it consistently? Bumping for responses.
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Still bumping. With all the happy people using sabino, can people at least tell me what they think of the product after using it for a long time. Do you still like it as well?

I have to say that....I do still like SMB. I flat ironed my hair yesterday(which is rare for me) and noticed that my ends are in Great condition. I have been using it since June. Like you I have found that it does a great job sealing in moisture - so much so I have eliminated putting oil on my hair after my wash and leave in. I normally use SMB after a wash or cowash and my air dried hair comes out very nice
i still like SMB although I haven't used it for a flat-iron yet. I've been using it after a wash & DC. I apply coconut oil to my hair, then top it with the SMB, then airdry 95%, then blowdry with comb attachment. My hair stays really soft and moisturized (?) until I wash again. I don't know if the feeling is "moisturized" or something eles. I can't put my finger on the word or how to describe it; velvety maybe? I haven't trimmed my hair since February so my hair has some splits in it, but they were there from before the SBM use. I also notice that my hair seems to be easier to detangle on wash day and I have much less breakage.
But is Sabino really better than any other serum that has those two ingredients in it (dimethicone and I forget the other)? From what I understand most serums do have those ingredients.
But is Sabino really better than any other serum that has those two ingredients in it (dimethicone and I forget the other)? From what I understand most serums do have those ingredients.

I guess if the serums just had those two ingredients full strength w/o all the other stuff then they could definitely compete with SMB.I"m sure they'll catch on soon enough.
But is Sabino really better than any other serum that has those two ingredients in it (dimethicone and I forget the other)? From what I understand most serums do have those ingredients.
I've tried others, and I haven't found anything like it. I think it's the amount of each product, combined with the fact that there's no drying additives like alcohol. There's a couple other with same ingredients but don't work the same. I emailed Victor and he said it was the ratio that took him years to perfect. I believe it, because I wanted to see if I could find something that worked the same but was cheaper, but I couldn't. There's just nothing that I have found that works as good for as long. Like some of them work to seal the hair and make shine, and heat protection, but my hair reverts back. With Sabino, if I have curls, it stays soft and defined, if I press or flat iron it stays straight until my next wash.
i still like SMB although I haven't used it for a flat-iron yet. I've been using it after a wash & DC. I apply coconut oil to my hair, then top it with the SMB, then airdry 95%, then blowdry with comb attachment. My hair stays really soft and moisturized (?) until I wash again. I don't know if the feeling is "moisturized" or something eles. I can't put my finger on the word or how to describe it; velvety maybe? I haven't trimmed my hair since February so my hair has some splits in it, but they were there from before the SBM use. I also notice that my hair seems to be easier to detangle on wash day and I have much less breakage.
By the way your hair looks so pretty, shiny in that pic.
Thanks for the free sample link.

I want to use it on my curly hair and try it on flat iron hair. I really wish this product was in stores. I like immediate gratification.
Thanks for the free sample link.

I want to use it on my curly hair and try it on flat iron hair. I really wish this product was in stores. I like immediate gratification.
No problem. I just noticed your thanks, almost a month later! I came back to this thread because I was on you tube looking at styling videos and I found this. It looks new. I don't like how he slings her hair around, but I do think that it has the same effect on my hair in moisture, if anyone is wondering about it. I saw some other threads about it and questions of how it works. I'm glad they finally got a black girl to show how it works on our hair type. I'm still liking it by the way, my ends are still doing really well.

I add lacio lacio for moisture before I put on the moisture block. sometimes I even add a little qhemet amla olive too, and then seal it in with the MB.
No problem. I just noticed your thanks, almost a month later! I came back to this thread because I was on you tube looking at styling videos and I found this. It looks new. I don't like how he slings her hair around, but I do think that it has the same effect on my hair in moisture, if anyone is wondering about it. I saw some other threads about it and questions of how it works. I'm glad they finally got a black girl to show how it works on our hair type. I'm still liking it by the way, my ends are still doing really well.

I add lacio lacio for moisture before I put on the moisture block. sometimes I even add a little qhemet amla olive too, and then seal it in with the MB.
thanks so much for sharing/ A member on here Lala uses sabino on her hair it is also beautiful and long
thanks so much for sharing/ A member on here Lala uses sabino on her hair it is also beautiful and long
Lala is exactly who I got the information from in the first place. I thanked her, but that was like 8 months ago, in a thread. Her hair is gorgeous, and I believe a little below waist length if I remember correctly, and she swears by Sabino. Since I've been using it, I've noticed no breakage (ends), and no heat damage when I flat iron. I just love the stuff!:yep:
I've just started using this...i used it a long time ago and put it away for awhile but i just took it back out. I flatironed my hair and it lasted a couple of weeks in decent shape. I washed it out, no heat damage (yaaay) and my hair was in good shape. So I washed, dc'd and sealed with it tonight and just airdried. I detangled my hair before shampooing and it only took me 5 minutes (yay again). My hair feels great and I think it will keep my ends from tangling and knotting as they normally do. I'm gonna try it for a while and see what happens. This 'no cone' business has definitely gone out the window for me.