S.O.S. Help me please!!


Well-Known Member
Too much protein I believe has wrecked my hair and all th progress I had accomplished. I did two Henna /Indigo treatments in Two weeks and I also did a protein treatment Aphogee two weeks ago and Ion Rebuilder a week ago. My hair is tangling like crazy there is not slip anymore. It has never done this before. I'm trying to transition. So I have about a centimeter of new growth. My hair is shedding like crazy. im so desperate I think Im gonna relax just to get it back to looking a bit decent but im afraid of it making my hair harder. Any suggestions on how to get my hair back to normal? Oh btw in my frustration an distress I said maybe I'll just cut all the relax hair off. After cutting about a two inch by two inch patch I change my mind lol. its not very noticable. Any way i need help!!!!
A few weeks ago I had this same problem. I would suggest using a moisturizing deep conditioner - leave it on over night. Elasta QP DR11 is excellent and did the job for me. Many women like humecto so you may want to want to try that.
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You can try conditioning, hot oil treatments.

In Dec/2004 I had to have 6 inches cut off because I overused protein treaments, so be careful.
Too much protien is right! Try deep conditioning. That should help alot. But get a conditioner without protein in it. Your hair seem to have had enough of that already.
determined_to_grow said:
A few weeks ago I had this same problem. I would suggest using a moisturizing deep conditioner - leave it on over night. Elasta QP DR11 is excellent and did the job for me. Many women like humecto so you may want to want to try that.

I am going to co-sign on the Elasta QP DR11. My hair love this and I mix a little EVOO in it as well. It gives major slip.
ITA on the deep conditioning. It sounds like that you have been using too much protein in your hair without providing moisture afterwards. QP DPR 11 is great for restoring moisture. I use this after I take down my braids.
ITA with everyone suggesting extra moisture - I'd also sugest a MILD clarifier to take off any protien that might just be sitting on the outside of your hair, and THEN do a good deep conditioning treatment.

I overdid the henna too, and despite it not BEING a protien, it acts like a protien, and I'm in the process of recovering my hair. My favorite mild clarifier is citric acid (it's in a LOT of conditioners) - it makes my hair amazingly soft and slippery....and MUCH more receptive to moisture.