Rysell Coconut vs. Nacidit Olive Oil Hair Conditioner


Has anyone used both of these and could you reply on which one gave you the best overall outcome? I love the smell of coconut but have been seeing more reviews on the Nacidit Olive Oil Conditioner...also do they carry a product that could be used to roller set or wrap your hair? TIA
I have use both products and and like them both I use them with a heating cap for 40-45 minutes.
I would say the Nacidit Olive conditioner gives me the best result because my hair can get really dry at times.
I use the Lacio Lacio to get a boucy rollerset this leave in gives me body even when I airdry.
I've used both and I prefer the Olive Oil conditioner. It moisturizes my hair really well. As for something you can use for your roller sets and wraps, I'd recommend either Salerm 21 or Lacio Lacio.
The smell of the Rysell is heavenly!
But for me the Nacidit Olive Oil conditioner is a bit more moisurizing and I have no flyaways when my hair dries.
This is great news from you gals. I was going to purchase the Olive Oil conditioner today.

This may seem like a silly question, but Olive Oil is a key ingredient in this conditioner, right? Sometimes labels claim to have some sought-after base (like rosemary, or shea butter), when in fact that ingredient doesn't compose much of the final product.