! Check out this video people..

Was that one woman really spending 2 hrs every morning to straighten her hair? it's almost a kind of psychosis. really, the whole video was :rolleyes:. But then again, the product is a marketed as a permanent straightener, so I guess it's no surprise that they'd talk about curly hair so badly. it's beneficial for them to talk about curls so badly so that you can appreciate the full worth of their product. whatever.
At first I thought you were referring to the lady that they described as having kinky hair as the African American one . . . but then I got to the end of the video and saw "Leticia" who they claimed they thought "might be a plant"??? What the :censored:?!!? Yes, she was natural. Yes, she has very thick hair but a plant . . . Ok, let me calm down.:meditate: I understand their marketing objective but what a poor choice of words. :nono2:
Her name would be Leticia :grin:

The video wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I don't think the comments were racially motivated, they were just showing the various textures that could benefit from their products. The plant comment was a little iffy I guess.
OMG!!!!! They didn't say "We thought Latitia might be a plant" ???????
"Ethnic relaxers" Have you ever heard a black female ever refer to a perm as an ethnic relaxer???
At first I thought you were referring to the lady that they described as having kinky hair as the African American one . . . but then I got to the end of the video and saw "Leticia" who they claimed they thought "might be a plant"??? What the :censored:?!!? Yes, she was natural. Yes, she has very thick hair but a plant . . . Ok, let me calm down.:meditate: I understand their marketing objective but what a poor choice of words. :nono2:

I know! I couldn't believe it! A plant! Seriously, there are like hundreds of better word choices. Unruly. Difficult. Tightly curled. All of these would have been ok, but likening her to something un-human, very disappointing.

Her name would be Leticia :grin:

The video wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I don't think the comments were racially motivated, they were just showing the various textures that could benefit from their products. The plant comment was a little iffy I guess.

I also don't think there were trying to be offensive, heck they were trying to market to blacks! I don't think they realize what a poor choice of words they used. I think at some point we've all run into people like this, they mean well, but ignorance just seems to get in the way...
I read these comments before I actually watched the video. At first I thought y'all were saying that they were calling her hair an actual plant ... like saying her hair looks like a bush or tree or what not. After looking at the video, I think when they said they thought she was "a plant", they were saying that they thought someone "planted" her in their chair in order to thoroughly challenge the straightening abilities of their product.

Now I could be wrong about that assessment. But either way, it was a little over the top!!
I read these comments before I actually watched the video. At first I thought y'all were saying that they were calling her hair an actual plant ... like saying her hair looks like a bush or tree or what not. After looking at the video, I think when they said they thought she was "a plant", they were saying that they thought someone "planted" her in their chair in order to thoroughly challenge the straightening abilities of their product.

Now I could be wrong about that assessment. But either way, it was a little over the top!!

Hey there! I just showed this video to my mom and she thought the SAME thing! She was like: "you need to calm down, I don't think they meant it that way. I think they thought she was brought in as a challenge". Perhaps you 2 are right, I hope you are actually...:ohwell:
Hey there! I just showed this video to my mom and she thought the SAME thing! She was like: "you need to calm down, I don't think they meant it that way. I think they thought she was brought in as a challenge". Perhaps you 2 are right, I hope you are actually...:ohwell:
lets hope so.....
I never buy any of their products...I don't like the design or their name so never picked any up lol But wow@her hair before and even more WOW@her hair after...that stuff obviously works...I don't really get what they meant with the "plant" thing.​
That is unacceptable...a plant....there is no way that was meant in a positive manner. The problem is most caucasions do not realise how common 4a/b natural hair is coz of relaxers and weaves/wigs. This means that they tend to assume that 4b hair is extreme frizziness.....its just hair, and it is beautiful.
I think "the plant" comment was more of definition #7-10 here.. You know, in the secret spy type way. It wasn't just the problem with that word I meant, it's their whole attitude toward curly hair. But like I said, it's profitable for them to have that attitude and to try to convince the customer that curly hair is difficult and ugly.
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I'm sorry but when the got to Letica a tiny laugh escaped my lips. LOL Letica as her name and then the whole plant comment and them describing something along the lines of super tight curls..LOL to me that was really funny. I'm not shocked some "ppl" are just ignorant. They don't mean to be but dangit they are. I am not all that offended but I thought it was kinda funny.
I haven't watched it. But plants are actually very good for the environment. They provide oxygen, and are relaxing to look at. =D And besides without them humans wouldn't be alive.
I'm sorry it was kinda funny. She did kinda look like an azelea plant from the back! This just shows how far we haven't come as a people.
I didn't really think it was that bad. And if you're not used to seeing natural black hair and all you deal with is type 2 and up, I can see how some people could come up with some rather "interesting" comments. I mean you gotta admit it did'nt seem to be a very good hair day for Leticia. I'm just sayin'. :ohwell::look:
Thanks for the video. I watched it in its entirety. I don't believe that it was meant to be racist. However, I still found it to be a very poor choice of wording. As a result, I selected the, "Contact Us" button in the ad and wrote my feelings about the poor choice of wording. Nothing nasty, just straight to the point. Hopefully, others will comment as well. If enough of us do that, I'm almost certain they will either change the ad or give an apology.....more than likely, they will change the ad. But again, thanks for the video. It gave me a chance to rant:wallbash:
They were not calling her a plant like in the botanical way. They meant a plant as in person used to really test out their product usually done by a competitor. It was not that bad to me. Just said that curly hair can be hard to manage. I dont think straight hair is always easy to manage either so it depends on your perspective. Anyway the non ethnic ladies' hair was also very frizzy and big. All hair shown was exaggerated to show how great their product is. Just like in the Dr. Miracles commercials.
Am I the only one who found this funny. I guess I just didn't see anything wrong with her hair. Clearly they haven't seen my natural hair before, lol

ETA: based on the info on the website, this is clearly Japanese relaxer in another bottle. So I will just stick to the one I got now
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I thought they meant that she was a spy, observer or someone sent to demonstrate the process is not as effective as they advertise for everyone. I think these were all volunteer and random test subjects.
Honestly I thought there was nothing wrong with the vid it is a straightening product, it's just a marketing strategy the same way that miss jessies would compare straight hair to flat and lifeless. I truly believe sometimes that some of us go out of pur way to look for racism, even if they were racist money sees no colour!!!
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I sent them an email. The contact us link is at the bottom of the page. Its the subversive racism in our society that discourages us to love ourselves. Stupid things like that stick in the subconscious of young black girls everywhere.
Thanks for the video. I watched it in its entirety. I don't believe that it was meant to be racist. However, I still found it to be a very poor choice of wording. As a result, I selected the, "Contact Us" button in the ad and wrote my feelings about the poor choice of wording. Nothing nasty, just straight to the point. Hopefully, others will comment as well. If enough of us do that, I'm almost certain they will either change the ad or give an apology.....more than likely, they will change the ad. But again, thanks for the video. It gave me a chance to rant:wallbash:


rusk... From:Rusk Hair Care Products <[email protected]>[email protected]
To:Date:Fri, 3 Apr 2009 8:27 am
Sorry that the video gave the wrong message.It was in no way intended to be offensive or compare Letitia's hair to a plant.Thank you for using Rusk!Regards,