Runners vs. Wig (??)


Active Member
Is there anyone on here who is an avid runner (like me) who wears a wig? I wear a wig to work and run on my lunch break and during the winter it's easy for me to remove my wig right before I go running because I can put my scarf on and then put on my hat and no one ever knows the difference. When I get back, I just dry my hair and then put my wig cap and wig back on my head.

However, during the summer it's so much more difficult to disguise. I can't cover my head with a hat when I run nor can I run in my wig (it's too hot), so in the summer I normally wear my buns; however, after about the 8th week or so, my the new growth starts to come in something fierce and my hair starts to look really bad. Normally, at about 12 or 14 weeks, I put my wig on until time to relax (I only relax 3 times a year).

For those of you who run, or even those who don't, can you offer suggestions for keeping my bun looking fresh during the summer when I run since I can't run in my wigs? I've thought about using Eco Styling gel to keep my edges flat but I'm not sure if this would cause breakage havingn to use it everyday; I have never used it and don't know much about it. I've also thought about getting a nice head band that I could put on to accessorize my bun with and to hide my edges but I can only find those cotton-looking ones and I don't want to rub my temples or my edges. I'm trying to find a way to still look professional at work after my run and also something that would prevent me from having any setbacks.

Any suggetions you have are appreciated. It's not summer yet, but I am anticipating running everyday, especially when the weather warms up around here.

Thanks ladies.:yep:
How about tying a folded satin scarf over your edges like a head band when you run in the summer? That way your whole head isn't covered & it will keep your ponytail flat.


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I wanted to ask a similar question but I don't wear a wig. Can we talk about our hair and fitness in general? (I don't want to hijack your thread though)
I would run with a scarf around the edges. That way also the sweat won't be too much. You can put the cotton band on top of a smoother scarf if the scarf alone won't be enough for you
I've worn scarves before too. A couple of black hairnets help keep my hair in place while running and the headband sounds like a good ideal. I typically like wearing my wigs though when running because it seems the hotter I get the more likely I am to exercise and the faster my hair grows
Yeah, let's talk fitness and hair. I don't mind. Whatever I choose to do, I have to be able to look professional after because I'm running on my lunch break and have to return to work.

The folded silk scarf sounds good but I'm wondering if it will stay on my head. I have trouble with them slipping off when I sleep. The suggestion about putting the cotton headband on top of it may work.

I've also run in my wig and then I sweat like crazy. My hair is literally dripping wet. After my shower I'm still dabbing at my neck until it dries some. Because I'm at work, I have to come up with an alternative for not wearing my wig, but you're right the hair does seem to grow fast that way. However, dripping all over the place is not very attractive in a business office.:nono:

Any other suggestions?

I wear a folded cotton bandana on my edges when I work out.

I know cotton is our enemy, but I find that it stays out better than satin and does not cause breakage as long as your don't rub your hair directly against it. Just put it on and tie it securely, and remove it gently.
I tried running at work during lunch time, but we didn't have easy access to showers and it was too much.

My silk scarves stay put when I wear them to hot yoga. Regardless of the amount of sweating I do which is significant.

I would make sure I wear something during the summer as the sun on your natural hair is worse than anything else (very drying).