Round Hair Brush Deletes Legitimate User Comments


Well-Known Member
Round Brush Hair Deletes Legitimate User Comments

I believe it is an unethical practice for a business to open it's site for comments then delete or edit legitimate comments. I have posted comments regarding salon experiences - both favorable and unfavorable on RBH. Unfavorable comments regarding MY experience were deleted. If one of the purposes of RBH is to help consumers make informed choices, the comments as long as they are not profane and are a true depiction of one's experiences should remain on the site, IMHO. I have also noticed this practice with some of the product reviews. In my opinion, the site loses credibility when it deletes honest feedback. I would love to read other's opinions and experiences.
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No. I figured it would get deleted. :yawn: Seriously, I just don't know how much confidence I can put into an owner who selectively deletes solicited, legitimate feedback.
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I've never been on Round hair brush but HSN (Home Shopping Network) does the same thing. I left a negative but polite review on their website and they edited it so completely that it didn't come close to expressing what I had intended. It actually sounded like I liked the product when I didn't. I think it's a common practice.
I am really surprised to read HSN engages in such an unscrupulous practice. I find this extremely deceptive.
Idk op....and thanks for the info. I always wonder about things like this when I decide to buy online.
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Yeah, especially when they're going on and on about this or that being a customer pick. How can I even trust that the rating is true when they totally changed my post, maybe they changed people's ratings too. You're right it's unethical.
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I know alot of online sites that do this...who's to say if it's right or wrong. I am sure that most of the comments that are left are legit but on the flip side, there are probably people leaving negative comments that are just doing it to be hateful for whatever reason. One of my friends has a business and she got into it with some lady and the lady started leaving nasty comments and lies about her products on her just never know
I know alot of online sites that do this...who's to say if it's right or wrong. I am sure that most of the comments that are left are legit but on the flip side, there are probably people leaving negative comments that are just doing it to be hateful for whatever reason. One of my friends has a business and she got into it with some lady and the lady started leaving nasty comments and lies about her products on her just never know

Understood. I would rather not have the option to leave a comment then to have my comment deleted or edited. If a company does not want the truth, they should not solicit feedback. If I take the time to write my experience, I want others to benefit from it - and vice versa. It could help someone else have a more pleasant experience. Sorry to read about what happened to your friend.
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